The Stock Market is Not Performing Well This Year – Perfect Timing for a Backdoor IRA

by | Aug 19, 2023 | Backdoor Roth IRA | 38 comments

The Stock Market is Not Performing Well This Year – Perfect Timing for a Backdoor IRA

今年股市不好,正适合做backdoor IRA
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This Year’s Stock Market Woes Make It a Perfect Time for Backdoor IRA

As the year progresses, it becomes increasingly evident that the stock market hasn’t been a friend to investors. The global economic uncertainty and the ongoing pandemic have caused significant volatility, leading many to seek alternative investment strategies. It is precisely during these challenging times that the concept of a backdoor IRA gains importance.

First, let’s understand what a backdoor IRA entails. A backdoor IRA is a method employed by high-income earners to contribute to a Roth IRA, even if their income exceeds the threshold set by the IRS for direct contributions. Typically, the Roth IRA is only available to individuals with a modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) below a specific limit. However, the backdoor IRA provides a legitimate workaround.

This strategy involves making a non-deductible contribution to a traditional IRA and then converting it into a Roth IRA. Since there are no income limits on converting traditional IRA funds into Roth, high earners can take advantage of this method. By doing so, they can enjoy the tax-free growth and tax-free withdrawals that a Roth IRA offers.

See also  Should You Consider a Backdoor Roth IRA?

So, why is this year a particularly opportune time for a backdoor IRA? The answer lies in the stock market’s performance. With market volatility and uncertainty prevailing, it might not be the best time to invest directly into stocks. By channeling funds into a backdoor IRA, investors can ensure their money is not directly exposed to the short-term fluctuations of the stock market.

The backdoor IRA strategy offers investors the ability to diversify their retirement savings beyond traditional stock market investments. By allocating funds towards other assets such as real estate, private equity, or even alternative investments like cryptocurrencies, investors can reduce reliance on the stock market’s performance alone.

Additionally, with interest rates at historical lows, the opportunity cost of tying up funds in a traditional IRA is comparatively high. By utilizing a backdoor IRA, investors can potentially harness the benefits of alternative investments, which may yield higher returns in the long run.

It is important to note that while the backdoor IRA strategy offers significant advantages, it is not without its caveats. Complex tax regulations and potential pitfalls must be navigated carefully. Seeking advice from a knowledgeable financial advisor or tax professional is crucial to ensure compliance and maximize the benefits of a backdoor IRA.

In conclusion, the current state of the stock market, plagued by instability and uncertainty, has left many investors searching for alternative strategies. The backdoor IRA presents a viable option for high-income earners who wish to contribute to a Roth IRA. By utilizing this method, investors can diversify their retirement savings beyond traditional stock market investments and potentially capitalize on alternative investment opportunities. However, it is essential to approach this strategy with careful consideration and proper guidance from professionals to navigate the taxation rules effectively.

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  1. Yiqin Chen

    谢谢钱姐向我们介绍IRA。我想补充说一个IRA的优点(如果说错了也请纠正我):它的contribution deadline是来年4月的报税日,而不是年底12月31日。在年底做财务规划的时候,有时候会故意想把自己的收入压低在某个数值之下,确保不会进入更高的tax bracket, 但年底估计收入很容易有误差,可能第二年收到w2或者1099了才想起有这么一笔收入,这时候就可以在投放tranditional ira (如果能tax deduct) 或者roth ira之间做出调整,相当于有了$6000 的弹性,确保自己在更低的tax bracket.

  2. Carmen Lauren

    是不是只有普通IRA可以现在转Roth…. 就是有收入限制

  3. Stella Lai

    钱姐好,谢谢您的讲解。我想问在IRA里面的股票转到Roth IRA,难道不是要先把股票卖了换成现金再转吗?现在股票大跌被套牢的情况下,如果换成现金不就出现了亏损吗?谢谢指教!

  4. Mike Pan


  5. Ping Pong


  6. Antonio D

    有没有关于夫妻budgeting 工具的推荐,可否分享一下家庭共享财务的经验?

  7. Oliver张


  8. SUN SUN

    可以讲讲做空啊 钱姐 谢谢

  9. Xiaoting Tang

    钱姐,请问如果转5万做backdoor Roth IRA,但股市亏了5万, 这两个可以相抵消,不用报收入吗?

  10. Xiao Wang

    I was wondering if you could explain how a first house can be used to buy a second house when the housing market is on the rise. Thank you.

  11. Xiao Wang

    A timely topic. A note that the earnings on the backdoor rollover will be tax free in five years.

  12. K L

    你的建议很有意思,但是在这困难的时候应不应该保留一点现金而不是交给Uncle Sam?

  13. Ming Qin


  14. Jason Hsu

    我是新移民在餐館打工 最近確診新冠休息了二天 等拿到薪水時有些疑問也不敢問老闆…怕自己不懂反而出洋相.
    我們是雙週薪制 每週工作48小時..
    一週中我休了兩天 把我兩週的加乘加班都扣掉了…這樣是正常嗎?
    請問 帶薪休假是什麼時候才用的上?

  15. Donghong Qiu

    “Backdoor Roth IRA “指的是为因收入过高而不能再投放Roth Ira者的一种“走后门”方式,你这里所说的概念好像有点混淆了。

  16. R Li

    感谢分享。可以讲一下backdoor ira可以做什么投资么?可以投资房产么 像self directed ira?

  17. Max Zhan

    Backdoor Roth 是给高收入的人才能做的。不明白和失业或股市跌有何关联?

  18. Bella S

    钱姐 你好,请问可以分享一期,如何选择夫妻应该单独报税还是联合报税的视频呀? 谢谢!

  19. jason hu


  20. 我的丁丁很大


  21. CS Yang

    back door ira 有额度限制吧?我咋看有的视频讲只能最多六千?

  22. Hongyi YU

    钱姐,IRA是有收入限制的吧。那交37%税的人能eligible for IRA吗?有没有办法在收入比较高的情况下开设IRA账户?

  23. Wen Yu

    听说backdoor IRA有可能要取消,有这个风声吗?

  24. Jk Xiao

    我现在只有traditional IRA and simple IRA ,请问Roth IRA 是他们其中的一种吗?还是他们有什么不一样吗?

  25. death 4444


  26. Ming Yang

    我有一个疑问,按照这个思路那是不是一开始都投Roth 401k不投pre-tax 401k就好了。每年也就$20k左右的额度,分散了交税可能比积累多了以后一次性操作交的税更划算?

  27. Sarah Qin

    钱姐,我想问一下做这个backdoor Roth IRA 会不会付10%罚金?

  28. Fang Chen

    那同理是不是今年应该把401K的钱转到Roth 401K呢?

  29. Tony Yun

    问一下 那如果失业了 按single来报 岂不是税率很低?那这样IRA转出来的钱需要扣的稅应该比之前的低很多 – 还是说到转roth的时候扣的是过去的税率而不是当下的税率?

  30. Alex H Lee

    小姐姐 請問若將Rollover IRA 轉到Roth IRA帳戶 可否用來抵免今年我自己另外帳戶買的股票虧損 (不是 Rollover IRA裡的股票) 如果可以是否建議將自己帳戶的股票賣出來抵稅? 此外 請問Traditional IRA和 Rollover IRA差在哪? 謝謝

  31. Charlie Liu


  32. Lei Wang

    如果Roth IRA赔了就没辙了

  33. Derek


  34. latesummer2009

    股票不好可以继续读书讲书 🙂

  35. Ying Wu

    房市应该也已经cool down了。可以再做一期分析底部的视频呀。上次那样的就很不错。

  36. dv lee


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