The Top Malevolent Companies Worldwide: BlackStone vs BlackRock

by | Sep 27, 2023 | Vanguard IRA | 42 comments

The Top Malevolent Companies Worldwide: BlackStone vs BlackRock

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Blackrock and Blackstone are finance companies that control trillions of dollars worth of assets between them. There is a good chance that some of your money is controlled by one of these companies without you even knowing about it.

Blackrock was one of the largest investors in the ill fated FTX and Blackstone has been blamed for single handily causing the housing affordability crisis.

But how do these companies actually work and are they really the most evil businesses in the world?

Well no… sorry to ruin the fun, but if you remove the ominous sounding background music and carefully selected headlines, these are just regular investment firms like any other, not bad, not terrible.

But I think the best way for you to realise this is to get a clear breakdown of how these companies operate.

So it’s time to learn How Money Works to find out how these companies make their money, and who they answer to, so that you can make up your own mind.


#blackrock #finance #howmoneyworks

Edited By: Andrew Gonzales

Music Courtesy of: Epidemic Sound

Select Footage Courtesy of: Getty Images

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All materials in these videos are for educational purposes only and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. This video does not provide investment or financial advice of any kind….(read more)




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The world of business and commerce is packed with companies of all sizes and industries, many of which contribute positively to society and promote ethical practices. However, there are some notorious names that have gained a reputation for their questionable activities and unethical behavior. Two such companies often mentioned in conversations about the most evil companies in the world are BlackStone and BlackRock. Let’s delve into the sinister side of these corporate giants.

BlackStone and BlackRock are both financial institutions operating in the investment management sector. BlackStone, founded in 1985, specializes in private equity, real estate, and alternative investments, while BlackRock, established a decade later, is primarily focused on asset management, including exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and fixed income investments. Despite their differences, both companies have been associated with controversies and actions that have led to their inclusion on the infamous list of evil companies.

BlackStone, led by co-founder and CEO Stephen Schwarzman, has faced criticism for its involvement in predatory lending practices and the housing market collapse of 2008. The company was accused of profiting from the misery of millions of homeowners who lost their properties due to subprime mortgage foreclosures. BlackStone purchased numerous residential properties at rock-bottom prices during the financial crisis, benefiting from the misfortune of others.

Another point of contention is the company’s questionable labor practices. Critics argue that BlackStone squeezes profits out of its investments by cutting jobs, outsourcing work, and driving down wages and benefits for employees. In essence, it is accused of prioritizing profits over the well-being of workers.

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BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, is no stranger to controversy either. The company’s questionable practices include investing in industries known for their negative impact on the environment, such as coal mining and deforestation. BlackRock has been accused of contributing to climate change and prioritizing short-term profits over long-term sustainability.

Moreover, BlackRock has been called out for its strong and extensive corporate influence. It holds significant ownership stakes in numerous large corporations, giving it considerable power to shape decision-making processes within those companies. Critics argue that this concentration of power in the hands of a few can lead to corporate greed, lack of accountability, and a disregard for social and environmental responsibilities.

Both BlackStone and BlackRock have been accused of prioritizing their own financial gains over the welfare of the communities they operate in. Critics argue that their actions contribute to societal inequality, environmental degradation, and the erosion of workers’ rights.

It is worth noting that these claims against BlackStone and BlackRock are based on evidence and public perception, and there are varying opinions on the matter. However, their inclusion on the list of the most evil companies in the world underscores the importance of ethical conduct and accountability in the corporate sector.

When it comes to investing or engaging with companies, it is crucial for individuals and organizations to carefully consider the practices and values these entities embody. Consumers and shareholders have the power to hold companies accountable through their purchasing decisions and by demanding greater transparency and responsible practices.

The world needs businesses that prioritize social, environmental, and ethical considerations, aiming not just for profitability but also long-term sustainability. By supporting companies that embody these values, we can contribute to a more equitable and responsible business landscape.

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  1. Bridgette Wilson

    It's always a honor to have you here as a mentor, I learn a lot watching your videos and it has encouraged me in making in life,
    I got to the end and still don't know the difference between a stone and a rock. A stone is smaller, right?

  2. ProductBasement

    Nope, they are still douche bags because they are forcing companies to go woke and go broke. That violates their duties as fiduciaries, making them fiduce-bags

  3. TheMightyBunBun

    Defending BlackRock without addressing what they've been doing with ESG? Very curious.

  4. akult isgod

    this is racist! youre criminalizing them cus theyre black!

  5. Issa Osa

    Give them private armies and turn this place into borderlands.

  6. Sashank Singh

    Ukraine will soon belong to Blackrock

  7. Vijayadhari

    Yes dude they are evil

  8. Shawne Forristal

    Dont iisten to this guy. They control 88% of S&P, the 5 defense contractors, big pharma and the government. As major shareholders they pick the boards, they set the rules (ESG,DEI and CEI)


  10. Sue Bruce

    I can’t get two minutes into this evil video. I’m thinking that the plagues of Egypt will be visited upon these greedy bastards and everyone connected to these people.

  11. チャーリー・ブラウン

    The real question is why are they coming out to the light now? Clearly something is about to be shaken up

  12. P. Abidin

    This channel might just be owned by them. Hmmm. Lol. Becareful people.

  13. Glenn Hertel

    Does this connect to Tencent in China?????

  14. montagecrazy4u

    This guy is a blackrock employee

  15. S B

    These companies are not 'evil' they are doing exactly what capitalism is supposed to do – make as much money as possible

  16. Gail Carey

    Guess who is positioning to buy Disney.

  17. Dylan Dodds

    Vanguard is equally as evil as Black Rock. The problem with these companies is the everyday people invest money trying to make more money, and that the way investment works, is not investing money into things that better the state of living for the everyday person, we invest simply to make more money. It's why trickle down economics is nonsense, the rich do not invest in what is in the best interest of the poor. They invest in whatever the poor will consume in, which is anything to fill the void presented by the mundane.

  18. Big F


  19. Egg_Runner

    "these companies aren't evil, they're just making buying a home to live in harder while making as much money as possible for rich people"
    idk about you but i'd say fucking over the poor to give more money to the rich is a pretty good time to start calling a company evil. I understand that having worked in the financial sector you dont want to be lumped in with people that break the economy and then make bank off of it but realistically these companies are just horrible. Evil is a strong word but companies like these that profiteer off the misery of regular people are about as close as you can get to genuine evil

  20. Glenn Hertel

    Did they actually put this on the Stilt, One thing I am sure of this is not the Native Plan.

  21. Glenn Hertel

    3 Men in Black Said, DON'T REPORT THIS.

  22. Glenn Hertel

    Sometimes an Investment LOSES Money, Shit Happens.

  23. Glenn Hertel

    Taco, we should do some Building Invasions.

  24. Glenn Hertel

    345 Park ave. NY, NY Hope Your Ready For War.

  25. Glenn Hertel

    You wanted ti the Fight ( we can tell by the rent raises Ect. ) Now your in the fight,,, Lose Everything.

  26. Glenn Hertel

    Manipulate Bankruptcies and Values, Penalty LOSE EVERYTHING.

  27. Glenn Hertel

    Donald it appears they have taken part in arranging Bankruptcies and Values.

  28. Glenn Hertel

    Looks like we need to put some Hits out.

  29. Luc

    how much money did you get from blackrock for making this video?

  30. FuzzyPanda16

    I like your unbiased coverage, but Blackrock created and pushed ESG, which has caused the avalanche of wokeness from celebrities, politicians and companies that we've been hit by for the past half decade and will continue to be hit by for the foreseeable future. That right there is enough reason to hate them with a burning passion, as wokeness has made the world utterly miserable to live in.

    I don't care how much money they make or what they own, we've had massively wealthy overlords forever. But pushing woke nonsense is unforgivable.

  31. Mecha Jay

    They're not "evil"but they are pretty bad.

  32. David

    Revelation 13:16-18
    16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

    Revelation 12:12
    "Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! For the devil has come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”

  33. LD123

    Blackrock watching their microcity puppy manipulate in the truth. All they have to do is claim some environmental bullcrap once they take all the capital and the US governemtn, who they own at this point, will do the rest..

  34. Mister Chispa

    -These companies are not evil, they are just doing the same everyone else is doing, but more efficiently.
    -Ok, but you understand that that is worse, right?

  35. Surge

    what I hate about blackrock is their "activism" and woke bs that they do with companies

  36. Duelist-21

    I try brilliant when you get to lvl 15 on RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS

  37. Fake JaAt

    Are you hiringvany editor?

  38. Dub Techno Sessions

    Major takeaway: "Its not personal its just business.. "

  39. Michael Xie

    Very biased video

  40. Gamespot Live

    If they didn’t want to sound evil they shouldn’t have picked such an evil name.

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