The Truth About INFLATION That They’re Keeping from You | Morris Invest

by | May 24, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 27 comments

The Truth About INFLATION That They’re Keeping from You | Morris Invest

The powerful elites in Washington think that you’re too stupid to understand inflation. They think you won’t notice the rising cost of rent, groceries, and fuel. They say don’t pay attention to all of these people explaining inflation, that it’s just a word you should ignore. In this video, Clayton Morris explains what’s really going on with inflation.

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As global economies continue to recover amid the COVID-19 pandemic, inflation has become a topic of concern for many. The rising prices of goods and services across the world has led to fears of hyperinflation, which could have disastrous effects on individuals and economies alike. However, despite the importance of understanding inflation and its impact on our lives, many individuals feel as though they aren’t being given the full story on inflation.

This is where Morris Invest comes in – a real estate investing company that aims to provide individuals with the knowledge and resources they need to take control of their financial futures. Morris Invest understands that inflation is a complex, multi-faceted issue, and they want to ensure that individuals are equipped with the information necessary to navigate the current economic landscape.

So what exactly is inflation, and why is it such a hot topic right now? Inflation is the rate at which the price of goods and services in an economy increases over time. In other words, when inflation is high, the value of your money decreases, and it becomes more expensive to purchase goods and services. This is why inflation is such a concern for individuals – if our purchasing power is diminished, our ability to lead financially stable lives is jeopardized.

Inflation has been on the rise in recent months, with the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting a 5.4% increase in consumer prices over the past year. This means that goods and services are becoming more expensive at a rate that is higher than normal – and this trend shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. While some inflation is normal and expected, the current rate of inflation has many economists worried about the potential effects on the broader economy.

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So why don’t we hear more about inflation from the mainstream media? Some argue that politicians and corporations have a vested interest in downplaying the impact of inflation, as acknowledging its effects could lead to panic and uncertainty. Additionally, the complexities of inflation and the various factors that contribute to its rise can make it difficult to address in a sound bite or news article.

This is where Morris Invest comes in – by providing individuals with the information and resources they need to understand inflation, they can make educated decisions about their investments and financial goals. Morris Invest offers individuals a variety of investment options, including real estate, that can help protect their wealth against the effects of inflation.

At the end of the day, it’s up to individuals to take control of their financial futures and stay informed about the economic trends that could impact their lives. Morris Invest is committed to helping individuals gain the knowledge and confidence they need to navigate the current economic climate and achieve financial freedom. So if you want to stay ahead of the game when it comes to inflation and other economic issues, look no further than Morris Invest.

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  1. Michael Ngau

    Like this video America politics does not care about their citizens

  2. Hilda Blanco

    A ar15 protects the American citizens from political corruption and greedy bankers

  3. Hilda Blanco

    Its not inflation its political corruption and greedy bankers

  4. Ronald Tallent

    This is why I don't watch or listen to the MSM, Thank you Youtube.

  5. javasrevenge

    You are very right (again)

  6. Connie Hayes

    They just keep making more funny money, it’s there own damn fault. Why take our money?

  7. Mary Poole

    I am with George Carlin//Why I do not Vote//Presidents and Politicians are Selected Not Elected//Deep State//Shadow Government Link !!

  8. Travis Krellwitz

    Maybe she needs to be taught, I thought it was common knowledge, She proves the education system failed.

  9. Kenneth Mueller

    We don't go in to countries to steal oil. That's propaganda by our Marxist media monopoly. Think about it, then clear your mind of the thousands of times you read or heard the media make those allegations. That one statement said over and over again, holds cover, quite a bit of cover, for the real people deciding to waste our treasure and military lives. It's ridiculous and, I must say, poor journalism on your part to parrot the fake news media in saying , "that the US is stealing oil from Syria." I wounder why the tree-hugging, environmentalist, leftist clowns, that run the fake news media always say, THE REASON WE WENT TO WAR WAS TO STEAL THEIR OIL. That comment is about as idiotic as its sounds but don't take my word for it, ask any oil company and they'll say it's a hell of a lot easier, way more cost effective, to bribe a sheik, a tyrant, a totalitarian or a butcher for black gold than to oust one of those great leaders, through force. How much oil do we buy from Iraq, 1000, maybe 2000 barrels/day? The US has been consuming ~20 million barrels/day.

  10. Filip Pier

    America wake up!!! War is good for some and bad for most.

  11. Jeanie Fre

    I'm paying more home insurance…more groceries….more HOA. About $300 more on a retirement.

  12. maletdan 16

    I do my best to diversify my investments and touch a little bit of everything in order to get prepared for everything that is coming our way.
    Not easy but just going step by step little by little in order to survive once that crisis hits us. I’m spreading the word within family members and close friends hoping people will listen and at least start preparing but not everybody understands or are open to the fact that government would actually let us drown like that…BIG reality check BIG!!

  13. Andy Hughes

    Even the dumbest American know that things cost more now and that they don't make enough to cover the cost.

    Doesn't matter what you call it!

  14. Bruce Williamson

    America is beautiful. We have gold silver gas oil colt colds metal. It’s in the land America has it all plus the people voted for a great president. It’s the people who voted this great president in office. Now we need to start dicking in the ground to get our RESAURSES. Her in beautiful AMERICA

  15. Cmdr. Sypher

    Dont use the word inflation, use the word tax because this is just another way government taxes you without telling you their increasing taxes.

  16. Terry

    “ Hidden stealth tax “ is the same thing, if they don’t like the word inflation. QE , quantitative easing is the expansion of the money supply, that devalues currencies,so that you need more digital/ paper money to pay for the same goods and services. It transfers wasteful government spending to you to pay for, without you realising it . The alternative would be to raise taxes to pay the bill , but that would not go down well for them in popularity terms. This way , not many people can figure out what is happening, but the results are the same, a depreciation in living standards.and people becoming poorer.

  17. Stan Burt

    We don't import oil from Syria. In fact, they produce very little oil.

  18. frederic hamelin

    I'm in Canada and the inflation is ridiculous… it's stupid expensive I have friends that their mortgage payments double in the past 6 months. $7.00 a gallon on regular $6.50 on a gallon of milk and $5.50 on a pound of butter and carbon taxes that triples at every 2 years on every bills you have like utilities, natural gas and at the pump tells you we're in trouble. Poor management of governments and corruption.

    I wish that apartment buildings would be at 18-25% most cap rates in Alberta and most of Canada at 4-6% but generally at 5-5.5%

  19. Katie B Marshall

    Hi Clayton what the best company is best to buy gold and silver

  20. JJ

    What about BRIC ETF? If you cant invest in the US or Europe why Not invest in them?

  21. Ryan Fuller

    The 99cent store is literally the $1.25 store

  22. Honest American

    Lithium Investing, I need more investing info, where is a good place to start? Thank You Clayton!

  23. Truth will never die

    We spoke to and try to buy a property but the cash flow was 157.00 a month net , do you have any other with better cash flow

  24. Janez Novak

    inflation = hate speeach !!! 😀

  25. James Young

    I'm not making an excuse for her, but don't blame the puppet blame the puppeteer media Corp. This country is a Corp.

  26. Ken Davis

    Well, hell. I graduated some 4 decades back with an economics degree. And having matriculated from high school in 1978, I can actually assure folks that the word "inflation" was in common use in my childhood home, and was a frequent topic of conversation even amongst we "stupid high schoolers." Anyone who has even an inkling about the basics of the monetary system has a pretty good understanding of the term. Reid has a very low opinion of her viewers, but she's apparently justified in the besmirching of her audience by the fact that they seem to believe the nonsense that she spouts.
    Minor correction on your main thesis. Money was debased prior to Nixon. It goes all the way back to the Bretton Woods agreement near the end of WWII, but that requires a bit of nuance to link to perpetual inflation (which the "powers that be" view as a feature, not a bug.) There were historical antecedents that led to Bretton Woods, see WWI and the FDR administration in the 1930's, but it all comes back to central banks wanting absolute control (sorry, that last sentence sounds like conspiracy-theory, but I'm old and have watched the unfolding of history with a critical eye.)

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