The Truth About the Stock Market: Exposing the Reality

by | Jan 7, 2024 | Self Directed IRA | 19 comments

The Truth About the Stock Market: Exposing the Reality

Marcel Kalinovic is a business owner, investor, and founder of several multi-million dollar businesses, most notably the upcoming stock broker LIT🔥XCHANGE; and freight broker / logistics company HOT SHOT EXPEDITING & LOGISTICS

This channel is all about finance and macro effects of global credit events on financial markets, stocks, bonds etc.
By subscribing you will see livestream videos explaining what is happening in markets right now, you will learn about financial derivatives, corporate financial fraud, and how manipulation is being used by “smart-money” to “legally” steal from retail investors and how to fight back.
You will see interviews with some of the most interesting people in the financial & corporate industries.
In addition, you will see some longer form livestreams & documentaries on financial markets.

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💥 Youtube: Boss Blunts | Marcel Kalinovic

💥 LinkedIn: Marcel Kalinovic

💥 Twitter: @BossBlunts1

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The Stock Market IS A LIE!

The stock market is often seen as a symbol of the economy’s health and stability. Many people look to the stock market as a sign of the overall financial well-being of a country. However, what if the stock market is not as reliable as we think? What if it’s all just a big lie?

There is growing evidence to suggest that the stock market is not an accurate representation of the economy. In fact, some experts argue that the stock market is a complete fraud, designed to benefit a small group of wealthy individuals and corporations at the expense of the general public.

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One of the main reasons why the stock market is considered a lie is because it is heavily manipulated. High-frequency trading, insider trading, and market manipulation by big banks and hedge funds have become common practices, distorting the true value of stocks and creating artificial volatility.

Another reason why the stock market is a lie is because it does not accurately reflect the real economy. While the stock market may be booming, many ordinary people are struggling to make ends meet. The stock market’s exuberance does not always translate to a robust economy that benefits everyone.

Moreover, the stock market is also subject to speculation and irrational behavior. Stock prices can be massively overvalued or undervalued simply based on market sentiment and not on the actual performance of the underlying companies. This creates a false sense of security and leads to harmful investment decisions.

But perhaps the most damning evidence that the stock market is a lie is the fact that it is heavily influenced by government intervention and central bank policies. Quantitative easing programs and artificially low interest rates have distorted the stock market, creating an environment where prices are not reflective of true market conditions.

So, if the stock market is indeed a lie, what does this mean for investors and the broader economy? It means that we should approach the stock market with caution and skepticism. It means that we should not rely solely on the stock market as a barometer of economic health. It means that we should demand greater transparency and accountability in the financial markets.

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It’s time to acknowledge the truth about the stock market and push for real reforms that will ensure fair and honest markets for all. Otherwise, we will continue to be misled by a system that benefits the few at the expense of the many. The stock market is a lie, and it’s time to expose it for what it truly is.

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  1. @Thatboyphil93

    Why not boycott paying taxes? They can’t put the whole country in jail.

  2. @navdeepbath9973

    What if AA, reverse splits another time, because they have until may 1st to avoid collateral. Who is to enforce anything from stopping them do it. What about the transparency by the SEC ?

  3. @GarrettTruesdale

    bought 569 shares this week. sitting at 4269 shares. avg is $15.06

  4. @philipbrown8014

    How best to hedge??
    I am unfortunate one of the dumb one's BUT i don't want to be and oi don't know what the fuck to do!!

  5. @mcgyver8434

    I believe unemployment is a lot higher than 7%. Here's the problem every employer I know says…. Get a lot of people calling about the job but more than 75% of them dont show for interviews even. Getting people hired and then they quit shortly after because they don't really wanna work because they've been getting all paid to sit at home and do nothing. It's a much better option for them. Our government is facilitating this problem and lying about it. Too many people are out of work. Too many employers need workers. And you can't tell me that Unemployment is 3%.

  6. @philipbrown8014

    You my friend are punk rock!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
    What the fuck do we do???

  7. @davidpryor7366

    Now that you have accepted that the stock market is a lie. Time to become a frog and start following Q. You will find out that not only is the stock market and financial system is a lie. You will find out that our healthcare, education, political systems are all lies. If you dig deep enough, you will find out that EVERYTHING is a lie. We have no country, constitution, or even laws. We went into debt to the IMF on July 4th 1776 because Ben Franklin sold us out on July 3rd of 1775. Nothing becomes law for one year and one day, which brings us to the day of the slaves being "independence day", another lie. We went through our 3rd and final bankruptcy to the IMF in December of 1999. The hanging chad election of 2000 is what brought in a fraudulent govt and kept a fraudulent FED to stay in control of our money. the FED and the IRS, their collection arm should have been gone in 2000. I am in this play to destroy a fradulent system. Seems its working. Even if I go to 0 and lose everything, if we gain a fair and honest system out of the deal, its money well spent.

  8. @lessmith986

    At&t contracts due

  9. @johnnyk2494

    Been telling people this for over 5 yrs

    It's all fake

  10. @ttran3564

    Wow, it’s a BIG trade off of $178k to get 20+ millions back. I would make that sacrifice as well and look like a hero. In return AA rewarded dividend (APE shares) to AMC shareholders.

  11. @paradigmreality7940

    WE need to keep our frequency high not low, they will each destroy themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. @ttran3564

    Can anyone explain why AMC is paying 2.8x more rent expenses than other movie theater companies? Thanks

  13. @drummerboy6178

    A thumbs up as always, very frustrating to see the markets being so manipulated, they basically do what they want…hoping your LIT Xchange comes to starts up soon….thanks for all the great coverage u do…cheers

  14. @brockmoniz129

    Short term bull long term bear. Market will hit all time highs before the fall.

  15. @jonathanlabbe4711

    Never forget Boss that we "Apes" said NO to a 20M shares dilution in the $30 back in 2021 if I remember correctly its been a while . I truly believe things would have gone differently if we did go this way but its too late now so its partially on us.

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