The Two Bucket Retirement Plan

by | Dec 11, 2022 | Qualified Retirement Plan | 45 comments

The Two Bucket Retirement Plan

Keep It Simple, Stupid – KISS. That is the best advice I can give for one’s retirement. The more complex your retirement plan the harder it will be to keep to it. Thus, the beauty of the 2-Bucket Retirement Plan.

It works just like this.

You need $50k a year in income. You get $30k from Social Security. You need to make up the extra $20k from portfolio distributions.

In bucket 1, you then keep 3 years worth of that $20k into a safe account, checking and laddered CDs.

In bucket 2, you invest in a diversified equity portfolio. Every year, when the market gives you gains, you take those gains and put them into the first bucket. If the market is down and your portfolio has lost ground, you leave it be.

Literally that simple.

Notice though in bucket 2 there are NO bonds. The reason is that your income, Social Security, pensions etc. should be viewed as your bond portfolio. So, given you have the bulk of your income coming from bonds there is no reason to add MORE bonds. You already have that covered.

You do need to check each year in this plan. It is NOT a set it and forget it plan. But, of course, NO retirement plan should be a set it and forget it. That’d be crazy.

If you start the year with $100k in bucket 2 and by year end it’s worth $120k. Take that $20k out and move it to the first bucket. Simple as can be.


See also  SEP IRA Plan Basics - Self Employed Retirement Planning

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  1. David Less

    What about inflation?

  2. David Less

    need more cash reserves in bucket #1, too much uncertainty with market rebound timing. a 5 year bucket #1 would be better. more sleep at night knowing you have 5 years for the market to rebound before touching. Plus you have no emergency bucket for auto and home repairs.

  3. Jeff Malott

    I have a gov pension coming my way as well, I assume you treat that as a bond as well?

  4. Joann Rahn

    Great video. I have a clear road map now to retirement, you are the best!

  5. Joseph J

    Good plan. I will have $1840p mo pension can wait for Soc Security. But I don't have anything in Cash Bucket? Was going to draw it from $400k 403b? Guess I waited too long? Am 60, Will prob retire next year? So just withdraw what I need in 1st year waiting for markets to come back to Fill my Bucket? Or bite bullet and take withdrawal in dow. Market to Fill Cash Bucket ?

  6. 1BADGT500

    Inflation must also be factored in

  7. GenX X

    Watching this makes me feel like I’m in Tony Soprano’s basement.

  8. Patricia Frazier

    Only problem I have with this is inflation. July 2021 inflation 5.4 %. If that keeps up, Houston…we have a problem

  9. Elix Tido

    Great video, but get the clear pvc solvent and the purple primer off that fire block! Someone may think a plumber is giving out financial advice.

  10. Anton Monusko

    I love in a retirement area (oceanside ca) 276 homes in my area….I dont know anyone who has 300,000 in any account… I moble home property was for sale a couple years and the suggestion was for the residents to buy the park come to find out that 68 percent were living at or below proverty level . you lecture is like a lot of the money program. dreamer

  11. Min Fong

    very good illustration !

  12. Mike Jennings

    Great video. I had watched videos about the 3 bucket system and had asked myself why I would need the second bucket. You cleared that up, my second bucket I'll consider SS.
    In my situation, I expect to pull from bucket 1 for up to 10 years before needing anything from bucket 3.

  13. The Skull

    What happens if your stock allocation grows more than you need for the three years? Is it safe to leave it there or should you drag it over into cash?

  14. Right Shot Photography

    Great examples… and really helps me in my situation. I’m 60, expecting to retire at 67. My SS will be around $3k per month (similar to your example). I have ~$175 now in 401k, Roth IRA, and brokerage accounts… but I’m saving like a madman now (over $30k per year for next 7 years). Hoping to have around $500k at retirement, which should give me around $20k per year from retirement funds, while continuing to grow. I’ll adopt the two bucket system with maybe $80k (4yrs) in cash and remaining $420k+ in mostly stock portfolio. Sleeping a little easier now! Thanks!

  15. RichardOttum vlog 2022

    How about the good ole boy Christians that say they are relying on the everlasting arm of God then get petrified when they see Jesus walking through a puddle in front of their bank?

  16. Cameron Rickard

    The best financial insurance you can give yourself before retirement is a stable and growing stock portfolio. Working 9-5 for 14 years only to be close to retirement and discover passive income. I worked my butt for me family and I regret nothing but receiving $20k-$26k a month from good stocks and fx trust me they is no better retirement plan than this.

  17. Music Luber

    Wish I saw this 2 years ago. Whatever’s. This is how to do it. Thanks Josh

  18. fakewebid

    Congress printed 10 Trillion dollars to spend on themselves, and we wont get SS thanks to Trump. Come on man!

  19. Ed González

    I like this guy… Seems that he's the kind of person that will slap a whining-crying person in the face someone in the face just for they come to their senses.

  20. F Cortez

    This is brilliant.

  21. Kevin Tramonte

    So, if I have Traditional TSP balance of 800K, split 650K into C fund and 150K in the G fund, then use G fund money to fill the gap remaining in the lowest tax bracket. At end of year, take profit (if any ) from C fund, and replenish G fund. Do this for 3-4 years – and eventually spend all Traditional TSP money before drawing SS

  22. eigo bike

    Your tax liability approach is fast talk.

  23. eigo bike

    You had not addressed capital gains taxes accrued in the portfolio. You are assuming a definite 7% return. Bad presentation.

  24. eigo bike

    Simple. I get my S.S. check and I rent out my house (free and clear). Each pays me est. $1800 x 2 = $3600. Cost of Living overseas is half of what it is here. Can enjoy a nicer life cheaper in Greece, Morocco, Mexico, Taiwan, Malaysia, even parts of France and Portugal. And I never sell the house or touch my portfolio

  25. Ann Mitt

    Haha… watching this video in 2021 and Trump/Ryan did nothing nefarious to SS. All that worry for nothing. Now Biden is raising taxes and increasing spending. There's the real worry.

  26. jean lewis

    Do you have a video on Roth conversions?

  27. jean lewis

    Great plan!

  28. krenin22

    This is a GREAT video and super easy to understand!!!

  29. Sofia Reis

    Wow! Great explanation, and very engaging 🙂

  30. Him Bike

    $2400 take home per month pension
    $1200 take home per month SS
    No debt
    No mortgage
    No rent
    No credit cards
    No car
    No bills at all.
    Living expenses about $700

  31. Steve Mlejnek

    No bonds? Build the original 360k with a 60/40 split, but then after moving 60k to a liquid position, then change the investment for the remaining 300k to stock only?

  32. owleyes 11

    KISS. I use a one bucket system. I would just make sure that I put more money in the bucket than I take out.

  33. rgille2

    Bonds won't be a viable investment for awhile. You may have 2-3% coming in from dividends, but as interest rates rise you be losing 2-3% in value leaving you with 0% return and taxes due on the dividends. Retirees are screwed. Maybe a better conservative alternative to bonds would be consumer staples, utilities, healthcare stocks that pay dividends and have some hope of price appreciation.

  34. rgille2

    No interest anymore. Plus free college, daycare, healthcare, forgive student loans, green new deal is going to create a lot of inflation. No longer will old people spend less as they age. Even if they tighten their belt, their spending will stay the same at best. Retirees are going to get screwed. Find a job you love and work until the day you die.

  35. Not Enough Cats

    Great plan for those of typical retirement age! Could you do a similar video for people who plan to retire earlier, a few years before being eligible to withdraw from 401k, IRAs and too young for social security?

  36. David E. Vogel

    Most American families retire with 1/2 of one bucket.

  37. Geir Balderson

    This is so old. Worry more about the Democrats that want to tax everything.

  38. Charlie O

    Excellent Job!

  39. LW

    thanks a lot for great info!

  40. Maryland Mike

    This guy is a great, explains it in layman’s terms so the average Joe can understand! Thanks for great videos!

  41. M Jones

    I like the concept, but I would like to grow my wealth during retirement. Would I have a third bucket just for growth?

  42. javier corona

    Thank you you took a big worry out of my back now I know now lucky I am

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