the United States is now in a recession

by | Mar 21, 2024 | Recession News | 42 comments

the United States is now in a recession

The United States has officially entered a recession. This announcement comes as no surprise to many as the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the economy. With businesses forced to close their doors, millions of Americans losing their jobs, and consumer spending at an all-time low, it was only a matter of time before the country’s economy began to contract.

A recession is defined as a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months. The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) made the official declaration that the US is now in a recession after seeing a sharp contraction in economic growth.

The impact of the recession is already being felt by millions of Americans. Unemployment rates have skyrocketed, with millions of workers filing for unemployment benefits in the past few months. Businesses, especially those in the travel, hospitality, and retail industries, have been hit particularly hard by the economic downturn. Many small businesses have been forced to close permanently, unable to weather the storm.

Consumer spending, which makes up a significant portion of the US economy, has plummeted as people have cut back on spending and are saving their money for essentials only. This lack of spending has further exacerbated the economic downturn, leading to a vicious cycle of decreasing demand and business closures.

The government has implemented various measures to try and mitigate the effects of the recession. The Federal Reserve has cut interest rates to near-zero levels, and Congress has passed several stimulus packages to provide financial relief to individuals and businesses. However, it remains to be seen whether these measures will be enough to jumpstart the economy and lead to a quick recovery.

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As the US officially enters a recession, it is important for individuals and businesses to be prepared for the long road ahead. Now more than ever, it is crucial to prioritize financial planning, budgeting, and saving for the future. By taking these steps, Americans can weather the storm and come out stronger on the other side of this recession.

BREAKING: Recession News


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  1. @BateserJoanne

    It's hard to predict the future until we see this month’s inflation results. However, historical data consistently show that stocks tend to outperform bonds in the long term. Therefore, I'm staying in the market and focusing on selecting high-quality stocks. The challenge lies in identifying these stocks.

  2. @lIlIllIIII

    These "experts" couldn't have been more wrong.

  3. @carter3294

    In the "Recession Joe Biden" economy local businesses are feeling the pressure from higher food prices – seeing them double, sometimes triple what they used to be. Just another let's go Brandon moment

  4. @metdog5485


  5. @metdog5485

    Скоро сдохните все!!!!!!!!

  6. @wiebeplatt4749

    It is what it is! During this austere times, protecting one's capital is much more important than making money. Basically because if one loses one's capital, making money is much harder. ''Missing the train'' vs. ''losing your money''. There are a lot of trains, but if your money is gone, it's over.

  7. @edwardperl-scott7498

    INFLATION is really like 15-18!%!!! They changed the calculation to SUIT! and continue doing that with EVERY other formula!

  8. @edwardperl-scott7498

    yes and every station BUT THIS one says " nah the labor market is strong,the 2 quarters in a row doesnt matter,blah blah blah…..
    Uh No!….multi trillions SPENT by current Admin!

  9. @HateTheIRS

    We are not in a recession until the national bureau of economic research declares it

  10. @tahh49

    Trump put money into are pockets Biden took it out before u reply think abt all the times this has happened the ppl start becoming rich the ppl or person in power do something either create something like inflation so the ppl will lose their value becomes their at the top and money is power money was created to have power over people

  11. @tavelewisirizarry5727

    America needs to seek first the Kingdom of God and His rightousness and all things will be added.

  12. @rmaldonado4031

    This is all Putins' fault , Right Joe ? I have never seen so many people with calculators in hand, at the grocery store. Must be a math class.

  13. @vithuman3805

    All of a sudden, Now some serious acting has started in market to pull down the economy down. various electronic media private / government / You Tuber has a great role to play, thereby by spreading serous FUD pressuring common people to empty there pocket.
    1) Global warming
    2) Global draught.

    3) Global economic collapse/ high inflation. And many such other…

    It's only done, so hefty people with hefty amount can enter in down market. And can make tremendous welth.

    Common people/ investors hold your breath, your testicles will be squeezed in next 3-6 year's of time, till you scream or until you die.

    Not this time…

  14. @sheckyfeinstein

    Let’s hear this news from a real network.

  15. @finestbearhug2951

    Like a forest fire that wipes out the old trees to make room for new growth, bearish periods ultimately establish a new crop of stocks to buy and watch while setting the stage for a robust new uptrend.I have been reading articles of people that grossed profits up to $250k during this crash, what are the best stocks to buy now or put on a watchlist?

  16. @KelvinShiFTZ

    We need a 4th stimulus

  17. @jeffreydavis4138

    This is what happens when you have an installed presidency in a minute old presidency and administration especially a democratic one at that not casting stones at any of the 2 party of tyranny in Washington DC as I am an independent however this is what happens when you elect democrats on promises to fix anything all danything they all they know how to do is spend and spend other people's money like a bunch of drunken sailors and a bar on leave

  18. @m.r.5379

    With inflation running at a four-decade high, a recession is now the ‘most likely outcome for the economy. How can I grow my portfolio to outpace inflation and maintain a successful long-term strategy? I have been reading of investors making mouth watering profit in this current crashing market, any recommendations to scale up my returns during this crash will be highly appreciated.

  19. @cashstro2158

    so how is GOLD price so low , doesnt make sense?!?!?

  20. @Tesla_ofthe_Skies

    Let’s see what they redefine in Q3 lol

  21. @eligreg99

    Here we go with the avalanche of Biden blame. Just like when Trump was president nobody gets anything done and would much rather point the finger at the president instead of the hundreds of politicians who have just as much pull of not more than the president when it comes to approve anything. Let’s ignore the real source of our problems and use the president as a scape goat for a quick laugh

  22. @zucko2509

    Greetings from Europe we wish you pleasant stay here in s**t hole of our own creation

  23. @rave400v6

    It's BIDEN Recession. Don't let them forget that.

  24. @jeremyduncan2013

    So get joe Biden and all his staff out of office because we weren’t there until this man and his staff came to office

  25. @ryemoboy7234

    The woman reporter has annoying voice! stop exaggerating! Yes recession is happening and your voice scares the hell out of us.

  26. @Nina-vv3ev

    It’s been official for years now

  27. @mustard600

    Karma is a b*tch hope it worsens

  28. @PeterPanBos

    Biden Worst President Of All Time!

  29. @PeterPanBos

    Biden says the opposite! Biden is a conman!

  30. @beautyinkbodybliss8500

    In only two years, Biden has habitually sank our economy and country

  31. @jamesberry4514

    Kudos to Fox for acknowledging that two negative numbers added up equals a negative number. Others are still struggling with the concept.

  32. @VestingKnight10

    Biden Voters: I voted for him because I didn't like Trump's beliefs

    Me: I had a headache so I cut it off

    They voted for Biden because they wanted feelings over facts on how to run this country.

  33. @migov3623

    Trump 2024

  34. @Toyotamw

    Boe Jiden

  35. @primodernious

    its called inflation not recession.

  36. @Aquarius212

    That's why it's important to shop in American stores because it's these foreigners that are for Joe Biden are help raising it so beware of the franchise chains..

  37. @andyandyandy1212

    crazy how we will have to deal with this for a few more years possibly even more. We can't wait that long…

  38. @dionnemicah

    Like a forest fire that wipes out the old trees to make room for new growth, bearish periods ultimately establish a new crop of stocks to buy and watch while setting the stage for a robust new uptrend.I have been reading articles of people that grossed profits up to $250k during this crash, what are the best stocks to buy now or put on a watchlist?

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