The Victory of Good: BeartariaFest Vs Burning Man Showcases a Reason to Hope

by | Sep 21, 2023 | Thrift Savings Plan | 11 comments

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Don’t Despair! BeartariaFest Vs Burning Man PROVES the Good Guys Are Winning

In a world filled with uncertainty and turmoil, it’s easy to feel despair and lose hope. But amidst the chaos, there are glimmers of hope that remind us that the good guys are indeed winning. One such example is the stark contrast between BeartariaFest and Burning Man, two events that encapsulate the ideological battle unfolding before our eyes.

BeartariaFest and Burning Man represent two very different cultures and worldviews. BeartariaFest, organized by Owen Benjamin, is an event that stands for family, community, and traditional values. It embraces self-reliance, individual liberty, and the preservation of nature and heritage. On the other hand, Burning Man, an annual event held in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, symbolizes a countercultural movement focused on radical self-expression, communal living, and a rejection of mainstream norms.

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What sets BeartariaFest apart from Burning Man is its emphasis on building a strong community based on shared values. Beartarians believe in the importance of family, faith, and freedom, and their festival aims to foster an environment that promotes these values. It celebrates self-reliance and homesteading, encouraging attendees to learn skills like gardening, survivalism, and animal husbandry. In a world where traditional values often face criticism and pushback, BeartariaFest offers a haven for those seeking a space of like-minded individuals who share a common purpose.

In contrast, Burning Man, although known for its colorful art installations and freedom of expression, lacks a clear guiding set of principles. It is often associated with excessive partying and drug use, drawing in a crowd focused more on hedonism and escapism than on meaningful connections. While Burning Man may provide an outlet for creative expression, its vision may leave attendees feeling empty and disconnected once the festival concludes.

The essence of the divide between these two contrasting events lies in the battle for the soul of our society. BeartariaFest represents the desire to preserve traditional values, community, and the connection to nature, while Burning Man advocates for a rejection of societal norms and embraces a more transient, individualistic lifestyle. The fact that BeartariaFest has gained traction and popularity in recent years gives hope that there is still a significant portion of the population that values these traditional virtues and is willing to stand up for them.

Furthermore, BeartariaFest’s focus on personal responsibility and self-reliance is a stark contrast to the prevailing victimhood culture that has permeated our society. It encourages individuals to take charge of their lives, embrace their own vulnerabilities and strengths, and work towards building a better future for themselves and their communities. This commitment to personal growth and empowerment resonates with many who have grown weary of a culture that often promotes blame and dependency.

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The success of BeartariaFest in the face of Burning Man’s popularity is a testament to the resilience and thirst for meaningful connections that people yearn for in an increasingly disconnected world. It demonstrates that there is a growing awareness that true fulfillment comes not from fleeting pleasures but from building strong communities and holding onto timeless values.

While the battle between BeartariaFest and Burning Man may seem like a microcosm of the broader battle between traditional values and countercultural movements, it serves as a reminder that the good guys are indeed winning. In a time where it can be easy to despair, events like BeartariaFest give us the hope we need to keep fighting for what we believe in—values that have stood the test of time and have the power to shape a better future. So, don’t lose hope! The triumph of BeartariaFest over Burning Man stands as a beacon of light in a world that often veers astray.

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  1. GusMahn

    I've read BM may be done. Part of their contract is no driving on wet Playa. Never was something I'd be interested in attending, but I will admit some of the imagery was cool looking.

  2. Eric. DaMAJ

    It’s easy to laugh at the casual Twitter/Reddit leftist doomerism. But we got too many black pilled doomers period. It’s bad but I think things will turn around in the next few years.

  3. Frank

    I hope they control the size of the festival. Burning Man’s downfall was growing too large. Got away from its origins. Too much success is as bad as too little. Like a church that grows too large, better to split off new churches….

  4. Brandon Nogueira

    The bear fest got me hyped I have looked at the picture on the app it's awesome. Can't wait for the documentary 2 come out.

  5. David Mannion

    I don’t think burning man is political. Of course the young like to get high. Booze would be impractical because it’s physically heavy and you have to take everything.

    Group think is annoying regardless of which half of our corporate party one subscribes to.

  6. JD Thompson

    Sorry but … you totally misjudged Oliver Anthony. You never took the time to hear his story!!! I’ll say it again.. he DID get SOBER and God quickly answered him! His music got popular AFTER he surrendered to God and asked God for His direction! He got into scripture to guide his life. He humbled himself and his own ego that was wasting his life away…. I agree with you on most things but this is a blind spot….you should be cheering this guy on because he’s impacting others who are struggling to making their lives better through living for God and things that matter! That’s good & positive whether you like his music or not!
    This 17min may help you get it (I don’t care if you don’t like Glenn Beck or Joe Rogan.. irrelevant to the point)

  7. Ofty

    Married my high school sweetheart 44 years ago. Both got decent jobs with just ok salaries and stuck with it. Built an earth berm home had two kids they went to Vocational school for 2 years and are making very low 6 figures. We are retired now and enjoying the grand kids. Invested in 15 acres in the bush to have fun. Out of debt for 7 years now with newer vehicles. Funny thing is we both keep getting calls to come back to are jobs.

  8. James H

    People have mistaken their purpose here on Earth as somehow related to their political leanings, and it has wrecked their lives. Mass media, Big media and Social media will feed your brain as it destroys itself and your life.

  9. celtic spirit

    Jesus never lets evil win. Thanks for the advice Josh. God bless and peace be with you.

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