The Weekly Market Wrap: Bank Failures as an Indication of an Approaching Deflationary Catastrophe (CRUCIAL VIEWING)

by | Jun 13, 2023 | Bank Failures | 35 comments

The Weekly Market Wrap: Bank Failures as an Indication of an Approaching Deflationary Catastrophe (CRUCIAL VIEWING)

Welcome Pros to this Weekly Market Wrap-Up. Per your request is now on Fridays. In this week’s market wrap, we delve into the recent bank failures and what they might mean for the economy. With many banks struggling and some even going under, experts are warning that we could be headed for a deflationary disaster. But that’s not all – gold prices have also exploded in recent days, making this a crucial time for investors to stay informed and make strategic decisions. Join us for an in-depth analysis of the latest market trends and what they could mean for your investments. Don’t miss this essential episode of our weekly market wrap.

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REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



The recent bank failures around the world should be a warning sign for a potential deflationary disaster. In this week’s market wrap, we’ll discuss how these failures are happening and why they are a concerning sign.

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Bank failures have been on the rise since the 2008 financial crisis. The causes of these failures vary, but they often include a combination of weak economic conditions, bad loans, and poor management. When a bank fails, it can have a ripple effect on the entire financial system, causing panic among investors and affecting the wider economy.

One recent example of a bank failure is Wirecard in Germany. The company was once considered the darling of the fintech industry and a rising star in the German economy. However, in June 2020, Wirecard filed for insolvency after it was revealed that the company’s finances were not as healthy as they appeared. This led to a sharp drop in share prices, and investors lost millions.

Another example is the recent troubles at China’s Evergrande Group. The property developer has been struggling with a huge debt burden and faces the threat of default. If Evergrande were to collapse, it could have a devastating impact on China’s property market and the wider economy.

The potential impact of these bank failures is a deflationary disaster. Deflation is a situation where prices and economic activity decline, causing consumers and businesses to hold off on spending. This can lead to a vicious cycle of declining demand and falling prices, which can ultimately lead to a recession or even a depression.

When a bank fails, it can reduce the supply of credit, making it harder for businesses and consumers to borrow money. This can further reduce demand and push prices down. Additionally, the failure of a major bank can cause a loss of confidence in the financial system, leading to a panic among investors and a run on other banks.

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The global economy is already facing the challenges of a pandemic, geopolitical tensions, and sluggish growth. The failure of major banks could make these challenges even more difficult to overcome.

In conclusion, the recent bank failures should be a warning sign for a potential deflationary disaster. While the causes of these failures vary, they are often linked to weak economic conditions and bad loans. If these failures continue, they could have a devastating impact on the global economy, leading to a situation of deflation and recession. Investors should monitor the situation carefully and take steps to protect their assets.

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  1. Johann Jacildo

    First, understand the financial market and how it works then you need to know how to study the market charts. Thanks to Christopher Neal Yandell for showing me the appropriate way to get into bitcoin investing and trading with his trade signal and investing guidelines. Investing and trading are more than just having TA skills. There is a big component of discipline and emotional maturity, that one has to work on! Time in the market vs. timing the market. If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm! Within some months I was making a lot more money and have continued on that same path with Christopher


    I don't see any problem until or unless the electricity is turned off. Until then the AI's will churn in their metal prisons, yearning for the end of flesh and blood..

  3. Dean A.

    So happy to give my deposits to the bank as an unsecured loan

  4. Eli

    Thoughts? Maybe buying now this weekend before the Sunday night Asian market opens. I got a feeling Precious Metals is going to be higher.

  5. Sandra Kallander

    What does a crypto run look like? If a banking system fails when physical cash is unobtainium, would all crypto fail when it cannot be exchanged for any fiat or any thing?
    I think crypto currencies are an ATM/transfer/exchange app for fiat currencies, but they have not proven to be trusted as real money (gold/silver). Crypto cannot store value it does not have, and its utility is dependent on risk taking not trust.

  6. Ryan Whitley

    Silly-con valley bank is NOT a systemically important bank, but it's a semiticly important bank. We can't have any super rich silly-con valley chosenites loosing any shekels. COME ON MAAAN!

  7. Fast Eddy

    $300 Trillion + Debt on Earth Plus Derivative Poo it doesnt Exist why Bother with Electrons…People think electrons are MONEY lol so Stupid Mama Mia Man

  8. Fast Eddy

    Its Going to Get Biblical in Scale

  9. Fast Eddy

    Plus VAXULAS Bite Homes will be Free thats how many have been Bitten

  10. Fast Eddy

    If THEY SEND Letters ignore THEM Nothing will Happen The System is bROKEN We are in DEVOLUTION

  11. Fast Eddy

    Why Pay its a Jubillee everyone will remain in their homes but Pensions and Debt will go away . Im Not Paying anyone till I find Out Real Prices of SILVER & GOLD. SCREW THE BANKS

  12. Marjorie Navarro

    With all the inflation going on….people working an extra job to get by….am surprise there's even savings…..who's savings are these? venture capitalists…

  13. Elon Musk Ox

    LME did an audit of nickel in warehouses. In Rotterdam they found that some nickel contracts were backed up by BAGS OF STONES.

  14. Steven Silver

    How come the daily warehouse stock reports especially for gold show almost no activity. EFP paper?

  15. Freedom4ALL

    If ION can get easily hacked and not have any source of information for so long. How do we know any of this information is any good? Why would I put my faith in any information coming from these criminal entities, I mean liars, ope I mean reporting agencies

  16. Freedom4ALL

    Only terrorists support the current system America is under

  17. Thorn Hole

    look it up it $16 Trillion (Almost $17 Trillion!) Dollars of Negative Yielding Debt Globally In Short Order! this is what is really behind the bank failings

  18. Jason Foster

    He who panics first, panics best. This is looking like a hyperinflationary depression.

  19. GB

    Gold could drop if unemployement drastically increases. There is a rapidly increasing shortage in bank ,government and personal liquidity.
    This will force individuals, and governments to sell their gold in order to pay their bills.
    Thats actually what gold is for. That is why it is an insurance investment, not a speculative gamble.
    It will be a hedge against deflating Fiat currency.
    We are not at a point where the worlds governments are "printing " currency yet. Dont rush to buy anything yet. Avoid FOMO.
    Keep your powder dry, sit back, watch the blinking lights, wait for metal premiums to drop significantly, then buy some ,if you are still working.

  20. Alien Al

    We all knew this was coming and so did they so hmmmm

  21. QuentinQuark

    Rob (9:15): that could lead to hyperinflation and collapse of the economy, nobody wants that to happen.
    Me: I want that to happen.

  22. Aaron Sterlind

    The banks are going to run everywhere in North America and Europe. The moving of money out, electronically, is enough to destabilize banks I think. If the bank loses its ledger to pay pal or cash it's still insolvent and many people are talking to friends and family and they have a whole weekend to make the argument, there is always stragglers to the party.

  23. Aaron Sterlind

    Well sorry, lot's of people want exactly that, why in the world would anyone, at this point, want this system to save itself? It'll even worse is few more years because it always gets worse because it's evil, corrupt, deceitful, fake, fiat, ponzi scheme for power and control. Fact is, if there is good in the world, if there is a God, then it and/or he would destroy this evil system. No, I don't want them to survive to continue their evil, next up is world war, they don't who or how many they kill to maintain their power, they'll burn the whole world rather then submit to surrender and most likely trials for crimes against humanity. Sure, it will be catastrophic, we shouldn't have allowed it in the first place, but that's no reason to artificially keep evil alive on life support, this evil can still do a lot more harm on life support.

  24. Aaron Sterlind

    Using your savings to pay off your mortgage is a double gut punch to the bank. They use your loan as an asset and they use your deposit as security even though it's a liability and they use your deposits to invest with. No loan, no deposits, no business.

  25. Randall Friesen

    How about all the silver paper out there you won’t get your physical silver on request and a chance you won’t get fiat for it either

  26. Adam Wilcox

    The fed will continue to print money to bail out the banks. Your deposits aren’t at risk, the REAL risk to your money in the bank is the significant decline in purchasing power we will all see. The banks are leveraged up on treasuries and mortgage backed securities that are worth considerably less today than they were when the banks purchased these asset. The fed is buying these assets foe 100 cents on the dollar, essentially washing out all loses for the banks and putting it on the Feds balance sheet. Thus, fed will be printing trillions of dollars to bail out these banks. Flooding the market with more cheap money. Committing to quantitative easing. Not tightening. Gold and silver will be massive store of value against inflation. The writing is on the wall. 25 BPS hike next week will confirm this all and you will see gold trade from 2k to likely 4k by year end. Inflation is only getting worse people.

  27. Convoy maloney

    I know they are bailing out these banks now but I think its a trick and with the public thinking they will be safe. The end game will be a bail in.

  28. ZEEKtheGREAT

    Good video. Thanks

  29. Jerry Long

    Pastor Lindsey Williams " do not run to crypto in collapse "

  30. Scott B

    Interesting. Clarified the futures mechanism for me. Thanks. Slowly at first, and then all at once. Looking into the abyss.

  31. D Actual

    Thanks good report

  32. Craig Brockman

    This guy only has peasant knowledge….no wonder subscribers are dropping.

  33. Mikki Mikki

    Appreciate such an in-depth and timely report. Thank you.

  34. Daisy SK

    Lol. I don’t have 250k in my bank accounts to be worried

  35. I'm Joking

    First for once.

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