The Wonders of Mummies and Gigantic Skulls

by | Feb 21, 2024 | Gold IRA | 4 comments


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Mummies and HUGE SKULLS!!

Mummies have long been a source of fascination and mystery for people around the world. The practice of mummification, or preserving a body after death, has been carried out by various ancient civilizations, most notably the Egyptians. The process of mummification involved removing the internal organs, embalming the body with preservatives, and wrapping it in layers of cloth. This meticulous process was carried out to ensure that the deceased could live on in the afterlife.

One of the most intriguing aspects of mummies is their well-preserved bodies, which allow researchers to study the lifestyles, diseases, and even the physical appearance of people who lived thousands of years ago. In recent years, scientists have made some incredible discoveries about mummies, particularly in regards to their skull sizes.

In a recent study, researchers found that some ancient Peruvian mummies had incredibly large skulls, much larger than those of modern humans. These mummies, which date back over 3,000 years, have skulls that are up to 25 percent larger than the average skull size today. This has raised many questions and theories about why these ancient people had such large skulls.

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One explanation for the unusually large skulls is that these people practiced head-binding, a common practice in many ancient cultures. Head-binding involved tightly wrapping an infant’s head with cloth or other materials to deform the skull and give it a larger, elongated appearance. This practice was often carried out as a symbol of status or beauty in ancient societies.

Another theory suggests that these ancient people may have had a genetic predisposition for larger skulls. This could have been a natural adaptation to their environment, allowing for larger brains and better cognitive abilities.

Regardless of the reason for their large skulls, these ancient mummies have provided researchers with a wealth of information about ancient human populations. By studying their remains, scientists have been able to uncover details about their diets, health, and even potential causes of death.

The study of mummies, and their large skulls, continues to be a source of fascination and intrigue for scientists and the general public alike. As technology advances, we can expect to learn even more about these ancient peoples and the mysteries surrounding their mummified remains. And who knows what other incredible discoveries may lie hidden in the dusty tombs of the past.

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  1. @51cotton

    The childrens story about a giant Fee Fi Fo Fum I smell the blood of an englishman, might be just a real story from the old days .Who knows ?

  2. @ohanailo7743

    Yes, L.A. agree with your talking points on this subject, many of them are afraid, because they can not deal with the conflict of their belief systems of their government education programs. That have been programmed like the communist have programmed their generations in, Communist China to everything a, “Government Approved Agent” claims is truth and if they, the messengers are not an, “approved government source” they dismiss the evidences in front of them, even though they themselves can hold the physical evidences in their hands, and review all of the photographic and film evidence piled in front of them. They can’t accept it. Seen this denial of evidences typically in court trials. The evidences are there but no, “Alex Baldwin” did not pull the trigger. Regardless of the evidences in front of everybody.

  3. @art1muz13

    10:30 At least and best, you didn't say that they were in the Gaza Strip!!!!

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