This Could Ignite the Next Financial Meltdown

by | Oct 20, 2023 | Bank Failures | 46 comments

This Could Ignite the Next Financial Meltdown

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Crisis Unleashed: A Potential Catalyst for the Next Financial Meltdown

Over the past year, the world has been grappling with the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Governments, businesses, and individuals have faced significant challenges and unprecedented economic turmoil. As we collectively strive to recover and rebuild, another crisis looms on the horizon that could potentially spark the next financial meltdown – the rapidly escalating climate crisis.

The increasing severity of climate change and its associated risks pose significant threats to global financial stability. From extreme weather events capable of destroying infrastructure and disrupting supply chains to rising sea levels inundating coastal areas, the physical impacts of climate change are multifaceted. These events will undoubtedly have severe economic consequences, potentially leading to widespread bankruptcies, job losses, and financial instability.

One critical aspect of the climate crisis is the energy transition. The global effort to shift away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources is crucial for mitigating the impacts of climate change. However, this transition also carries financial risks. The declining value of fossil fuel assets, known as stranded assets, poses a substantial threat to companies and investors heavily reliant on these industries. This could potentially trigger a financial crisis akin to the subprime mortgage meltdown of 2008, but on a global scale.

Moreover, the transition to a low-carbon economy requires massive investments in renewable energy infrastructure, which, if not carefully managed, could lead to an unsustainable debt burden. Governments and financial institutions must ensure that these investments are sufficiently green and aligned with sustainable development goals. A lack of oversight and proper risk management could result in investors being left with non-performing assets and crippling debt, further exacerbating financial instability.

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Another area of concern is the insurance industry. Climate change has already led to a rise in the frequency and severity of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, wildfires, and floods. As a result, insurance companies are facing mounting costs and potential losses. In some cases, insurers are even withdrawing coverage from vulnerable areas altogether, leaving homeowners and businesses unprotected. If this trend continues, it could destabilize the insurance industry, leaving individuals and businesses without essential risk management tools.

The financial sector has a crucial role to play in preventing a climate-induced financial meltdown. Financial regulators need to implement stringent stress tests to assess the resilience of financial institutions against climate-related risks. They should also consider integrating climate risk into their regular monitoring and risk assessment frameworks. By doing so, regulators can encourage institutions to develop robust climate risk management strategies and disclosure practices, providing investors with the necessary information to make informed decisions.

Moreover, investors need to prioritize sustainable and socially responsible investments. By directing capital towards companies with strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices, investors can promote sustainable growth and reduce climate-related risks. Institutional investors, such as pension funds and asset managers, have a significant role in driving this change by incorporating ESG criteria into their investment strategies, thereby creating incentives for companies to adopt sustainable practices.

In conclusion, as the world recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial not to overlook the potentially catastrophic consequences of the climate crisis. The financial sector must proactively address climate-related risks, ensuring that investments are sustainable and resilient in the face of environmental challenges. By doing so, we can mitigate the likelihood of a financial meltdown and work towards a more sustainable and resilient future. The time to act is now – for if we fail to do so, we may unleash a crisis that will dwarf the previous financial meltdowns we have experienced.

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  1. Mark Mason

    Howdy Steve, Since they manipulate the inflation percentage to a large degree what exactly will 2% inflation look like? As soon as they can manipulate the inflation percentage to reflect a 2% growth? Let's face it, we all know how much more things cost, if their model reflects these rather modest gains of 7 or 8% when we know it is more like 15 – 22% then reaching a 2% inflation target by that measurement is not unattainable, a realistic 4 – 6%. The question is will they acknowledge reaching that target or will they adjust the inflation model back to something less manipulated to extend the period of high interest rates or perhaps hike them even higher?

  2. paul marino

    Crisis…..crisis…..crisis!!!!!!! But nothing happens, give me the black swan or stfu.

  3. Emir of Shmo

    Well, it is grim..
    well, this is shocking…
    I mean, I can't believe…
    I'm thinking the unthinkable…
    This WILL change everything…
    I'm expecting the unexpected…

  4. Benjamin Crain

    We need to stop the WWII style Propaganda by labeling our opponents as less than human people that have or are a problem. The Chinese are not "Cockroaches", and this crisis in China is due to us and our policies on lending and borrowing, plus spending.

    China is a very competent competitor, just like Japan was before WWII. They are not little slant eyed yellow cockroaches coming through the cracks.

  5. Gregory Sagegreene

    Where are all the car-pooler commuters I've been expecting? Oh, wait!: 'Fire from Home'. We're in the early stages of a Depression. It's about to get much worse, which is when everyone will get it.

  6. David W

    What do the actual Chinese people know about their own internal issues, probably limited to the rich and well connected.

  7. Goldinero

    Evergrande's debt crisis has been headline news for at least two years now. If we stop talking about what could happen and focus on what is happening right now in each our own little worlds, there is no crisis.

  8. mark ostendorff

    I've never really understood China's economic system. China's effort$ internationally, where'd they get the money ? Land development, lots of cash required. Recon they robbed the developer's piggy banks? i.e. their citizens

  9. Mikhael Couchman

    when he said 'consumers arnt dumb' i had a moment lol.

  10. Yungnrstles

    I just want him to grow out his beard a little. Not too much..maybe a little more than a 5 o clock shadow.

  11. Joe Constance

    everyday is the same —- steven talking depression and everything else doing just fine

  12. Barry Lee

    It's gameover

  13. Ziplokk

    Like they say, when you jump off a cliff, it ain't the fall that kills you. It's that sudden stop…..

  14. BÍ UlaÍmh

    China can`t add stimulus to it`s economy because that would weaken the yuan and China cannot let that happen because if it does, the US dollar will continue to be the world reserve currency.

  15. JL B


  16. JL B

    Two way the rules the boat
    floating or sinking

  17. Elon Musk Ox

    Why don't you call yourself The Bond King anymore?

  18. Edward Ruiz

    Home equity the piggy bank scam

  19. kane

    Idk why anyone is amazed that the economy is slowing and people aren't paying their loans. Jerome Powell clearly said that he wants unemployment up to 6 to 8 percent before he's happy. The entire situation with the fed is to cause more pain but people don't realize that.

  20. Paul Anderson

    Steve your call on rates heading south has been a poor call so far for 2023… Bonds are heading to pluto as stagflation moves on.. Long End rate 4.6% now and heading North.. It wont be until 2025 until any chance of a cut …Bad for equities but SE Asia is the only bright spot area ..Japan Equities have been the best place to be from 2021 , 2022 , but now time to take profits

  21. Greg Mijjares

    The world depression is coming ! Admit the truth !

  22. Pete H

    Steven, YOU SHOULD BE FED-CHAIR : ) You seem to have some kind of common financial sense as opposed to the MORONIC POWELL, more like POW-BAD!

  23. Dj Shawn Mellon

    Do you ever get good news?

  24. backrack01

    People aren't buying homes has less to do with mortage rates and more to do with prices of the home went up 40-60% in two years. Wages haven't caught up. But.. all is the new normal, they say. I guess only brain surgeons and airline pilots can buy starter homes in middle America.

  25. Zulu Stu

    This is the next mammoth financial crisis!!! China has four banks in the top 10 largest banks in the world… Their whole economy if based on a scam and it’s going to drag whole lot of economies down

  26. BH

    You’d have to tell me who would panic if corrupt business owners were arrested. A wave of security would come over me. That’s what you call accountability. In America there’s no arrests. If anything they’d be bailed out and given a bonus.

  27. dec400

    we need a date stamp on all video's

  28. Tony Sharp

    Steve love your show BUT can you highlight the paragraphs you are reading so we can keep up with you. You sometimes start from the top then have and opinion then go to the bottom, sometimes you start in the middle of the page you are reading from. Its hard enough to read the whole page if you jump all over the page, I’m trying to either listen or read the page which is hard to do as your all over the page. Also, can you make the curser triple the size as its hard to see if its white and the screen is white as well.
    Take a leaf from your buddy Jeff Snider who highlights what he is reading. Being male I can’t walk and chew gum at the same time so to speak.

  29. Peter Denham

    Great Channel : IMO the content is too bullish , perhaps research content that includes fear and doubt to help motivate sellers to complete their good work?

  30. Jacob Miller

    I really miss the old wood paneling.

  31. Ernest Rayburn

    Why no discussion about semiconductor breakthroughs. This is a major long term development that will spell the end of a time for US, Europe, Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

  32. Erich Honecker

    Should people in China stack gold and silver now?

  33. Chill Bill

    The End is Here!!!! Again? And Again? And Again? And Again? Again? And Again? And Again? And Again? Again? And Again? And Again? And Again? Again? And Again? And Again? And Again? Thanks Steven for 10 yrs of "THE END"

  34. William

    If you aren't prepping for a collapse, then listen again, until reality sets in.

  35. J316

    I feel as though from reading your video titles, this should be at least the 132’nd meltdown crises in the last 131 days. Are you trying to imply, “The End ………. Is …………. Near”!!! I feel melted out……..

  36. Pat Griffith

    Add the cost of daycare. Pandemic help is being phased out also.

  37. Mary Ngeoh

    Don't worry, they will increase the money supply. It will not colaspe

  38. Brian R

    Steve no one listens to the wolf crier that keeps saying doom for 6 months on. This is why you and everyone but the very few elites will be shocked by "what causes" the next crash. It won't be anything the masses expect. I think the elites want "massive" deflation this time why I have no idea.

  39. Sherri Karlstedt

    It's called spending more money than you have! Something the unintelligent in governments and banking just can't understand = Accountability.

  40. wufbro

    YouTuber: the world has ended!!! But watch this ad first

  41. Gordon Chestley

    The cockroach thing kills me cuz i rented a room for 500 a month in canada & it was crawling with cockroaches but i only seen 1 on the first day

  42. John Mcdonald

    Steve, I tnink you are spot on about China!!! Direct bailouts are going to be an absolute necessity for China or it will threaten the financial stability of China. The thing is here in the United States we are facing a similar problem with our own backing system and economy especially as bonds are imploding our national debt explodes to near unsustainable heights. The interest payments alone will be equal to the defense budget. Megadonors who are driving the nation's policies are making a big mistake by pushing for too many anti-growth policies that will kill growth in our economy for decades to come. #1 being hostile policies towards energy production which is putting enormous pressure on inflation for years to come while the Federal Reserve risks killing the financial stability of our banking system by continuing to raise interest rates!!!

  43. Thom Hall

    The other issue with the Chinese Real Estate Market is much of the projects are shoddily built and falling apart dampening buyer confidence and willingness to purchase.

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