Tips for Understanding Mod and Bonds in Tamashi! – A Detailed Guide to Tamashi: Rise of Yokai Gameplay

by | Apr 27, 2024 | TIPS Bonds | 3 comments

Tips Detail Guide Tamashu!!Pahami Mod Bonds Tamashi – Tamashi : Rise Of Yokai Gameplay

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Tamashi: Rise of Yokai is an exciting mobile game that combines elements of strategy, role-playing, and card collecting. In the game, players take on the role of a powerful Tamashi, or spirit, who must battle against Yokai, evil spirits that threaten the world.

One of the key aspects of Tamashi: Rise of Yokai is the use of Mods and Bonds. Mods are special abilities that players can equip to their Tamashi to enhance their skills and abilities. Bonds, on the other hand, are connections between Tamashi that provide additional bonuses and benefits.

To help you get the most out of your Tamashi in the game, here is a detailed guide to understanding and utilizing Mods and Bonds:

1. Mods:
– Mods come in different types, such as Attack, Defense, Support, and Utility. Each type of Mod provides different benefits to your Tamashi.
– To equip a Mod, simply go to the Mod screen in the game and drag the Mod onto the corresponding slot on your Tamashi’s profile.
– Mods can be leveled up by using Mod upgrade materials. This will improve the effectiveness of the Mod and unlock additional abilities.

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2. Bonds:
– Bonds are connections between Tamashi that provide passive bonuses and benefits. There are three types of Bonds: Friendship, Love, and Destiny.
– To activate a Bond, you must have both Tamashi in your party and meet the requirements for that Bond. Once activated, you will receive the bonuses associated with that Bond.
– Bonds can be leveled up by increasing the Bond level between the two Tamashi. This can be done by using Bond items obtained through gameplay.

Overall, understanding and utilizing Mods and Bonds in Tamashi: Rise of Yokai is essential for maximizing your Tamashi’s potential in battles against Yokai. Experiment with different combinations of Mods and Bonds to find the best strategies for your team.

Remember to regularly check your Mods and Bonds to ensure that you are taking full advantage of all the benefits they provide. With practice and experimentation, you will become a master of Mods and Bonds in Tamashi: Rise of Yokai. Good luck and happy gaming!

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  1. @dylanc.8320

    Cara dapat gear gimana bang?

  2. @mystar4043

    Ya bang nanti jenguk di server s89 – Sy Orang Biasa Ajar Bang = Shonka 😉

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