Traditional Portfolios Won't Work in This New Monetary Cycle

by | Jan 28, 2023 | Traditional IRA | 27 comments

Traditional Portfolios Won't Work in This New Monetary Cycle

The 60/40 portfolio has been the standard for decades. But this is only because of the long term debt cycle causing bonds to be in a bull market since 1980. This has come to an end with rates bottoming out, and we are more likely to see bonds fall over the coming decades. This means a new approach to investing is necessary, and a greater understanding of risk taking.


0:00 Video Introduction
0:26 Debt Cycle
2:15 Other Ways to Invest
3:56 Options Trading
4:28 Asymmetric Bets
5:05 Finding Gold and Lithium
8:10 Fresh New Property

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See also  Retirement Plans & Investments : Compare a Roth IRA & a Traditional IRA

#DebtCycle #Portfolio #BondMarket…(read more)




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  1. Super Shochuu

    This guy is pumping penny stocks now, lol, I'm out

  2. Corkfish1

    I disagree. The 60 40 portfolio hasn't worked for the past decade. People don't invest in fixed income for appreciation they do it for income and guaranteed return of principal. The 60 40 split is finally looking like it may start making sense.

  3. R

    Alright Joe, mega fan here… understand the bills need to be paid but please don’t go off your roots. You’ve been the best teacher on YouTube. I’ll still support ya through these videos.

  4. Billy Bob Mirango

    My question is ….what stocks does he have in the middle of the bar-bell? The assets which are holding purchase power?

  5. Ryan

    If his projection for rates is true instead of a flash crash and cling to 0, then you buy 4 week or 12 week bills every cycle and collect 10-20% with zero risk to principle and you thank the government for offering that for free. But the real question is, given our beat to crap supply chain and socioeconomic problems, are you really confident our system can handle sustained periods of 5%-7% rates without collapsing?

  6. Steve Johnson

    Cut Joe some slack, you recognize what this video is, so does everyone else. When I see one of these I just let it run in the background, I don't actually watch it.

  7. Peter S

    its a bit late to notice after a whole year

  8. Rodney Dowd

    The Fed doesn’t cause inflation. They aren’t a central bank and they don’t do money. Don’t drink the Kool-Aid.

  9. Muhammad Shaikh

    Stop posting paid ads in the guise of education. Pathetic.

  10. Giles Williams

    Thanks for the advice and recommendation, Joe.

  11. Classic Numismatics

    So many ads recently that Im considering unsubscribing.

  12. Robert Schmitt

    My rule when it comes to investing in businesses is that it wouldn't be publicly traded if it was still profitable for the founders. IPOs just mean the golden goose is cooked and it's time to privatize those gains and socialize the losses by dumping it on the unsophisticated public.

  13. Leo Nidas

    Hi Joe,
    Great video and commercial. Where is this company on the LaSonde curve? I’ll wait and watch this one. Top of curve is after exploration where we are now.

  14. Kyle Tierney

    Oof…big fan but this was not a good look. I respect that you need to make money for your family but as you can judge by the comments this didn't come off well. Please get back to your roots man!

  15. Oculus Quest App Lab

    This channel is sponsored by a bunch of gold mining stocks .. I mean .. ok #moral issues

  16. naserhamdeh

    i have learned to never ever EVER invest in accompany that approach youtubers to advertise them. You have been warned.

  17. AskWhyFinance

    Pretty bad commercial

  18. Rx

    60% food production, 40% protection..

  19. filip xavier

    To succeed in the financial markets, you must review and put into consideration, the dynamics of your trading asset prior to investing. Analysis Based on Research is Vital which is why; I recommend trading with a Professional if you don't know the basics

  20. Chad Yates

    Not impressed with this one.

  21. Andrew Hoover

    Very familiar with Osisko and their drill results. Always a good idea to focus near discoveries.. Thanks for the introduction. Will give it a look.

  22. LuciusSullaCornelius

    Seems they need money to start the drilling, they are paying for this commercial cause that… They need our capital for the drilling but it is still very interesting, I think that do some due dilligence on them is probably the most intelligent option.

  23. Stuart Veith

    So pretty much speculation/gambling….

  24. arihalli

    Joe, you did not mention if you were paid by this company to advocate for it…….were you?

  25. deepapo

    Strange video, did your account got hacked?

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