Transfer Funds from an In-Service Account to a Rollover IRA

by | Feb 3, 2024 | Rollover IRA

Transfer Funds from an In-Service Account to a Rollover IRA

In today’s episode, I talk about a little known strategy I’ve used for clients accounts over the last number of years. This strategy, if done correctly, could save you investment related expenses and expand the number of investment choices. Actually, It’s a strategy I’ve never seen a university employee implement on their own. Not because they couldn’t do it alone, it’s the fact that they aren’t aware the strategy exists. Have you ever heard the old adage “you don’t know what you don’t know?” Well, that fits perfectly for this retirement plan strategy. Fact is, most employees have never been told that they could do this.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

• How to find out if your university allows this strategy
• Why this strategy may be in your best interest
• More about expenses….!
• What if you have a Roth 403(b)?
• What to do if your University doesn’t allow this strategy

📆 Jump on my calendar ( to see how we can improve your higher ed retirement plan.

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advisor. Content presented is for informational purposes only and should not be

considered as investment advice or as an offer or solicitation for the sale or

purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies.

Always consult with your tax advisor or attorney regarding your specific

situation….(read more)




REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA

An in-service transfer to a Rollover IRA is a strategic move that can provide individuals with more flexibility and control over their retirement savings. This type of transfer allows individuals to move their retirement funds from their employer-sponsored retirement plan, such as a 401(k), to a Rollover IRA while still employed with the company.

See also  Account - Rollover Your IRA to Invest in Gold and Hold it in a Roth IRA.

There are a few key reasons why someone might choose to initiate an in-service transfer. First and foremost, it can provide individuals with a wider range of investment options than what is typically available within an employer-sponsored retirement plan. This can be particularly important for individuals looking to diversify their investment portfolio or take advantage of specific investment opportunities that may not be available in their employer’s plan.

Additionally, an in-service transfer to a Rollover IRA can provide individuals with more control over their retirement savings. While employer-sponsored retirement plans often have restrictions and limitations on investment choices and withdrawal options, a Rollover IRA typically offers more flexibility and autonomy over how funds are invested and distributed.

Furthermore, a Rollover IRA can consolidate retirement savings from multiple employer-sponsored plans into one account, making it easier to manage and track retirement savings over time.

The process of initiating an in-service transfer to a Rollover IRA typically involves working closely with a financial advisor or IRA custodian to coordinate the movement of funds from the employer-sponsored plan to the Rollover IRA. It’s important to follow the specific guidelines and regulations set forth by the IRS to ensure a smooth and compliant transfer.

Before making the decision to initiate an in-service transfer, individuals should carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of such a move. For instance, there may be fees or tax implications associated with the transfer, and individuals should fully understand how this move will impact their retirement savings before taking action.

Overall, an in-service transfer to a Rollover IRA can be a valuable tool for individuals looking to take more control over their retirement savings and make more strategic investment decisions. By working closely with a financial professional, individuals can navigate the process and make informed decisions about the best way to manage their retirement funds.

See also  4 Steps to Opening an IRA Account
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