Trump’s Actions Pave the Way for Another Market Crash and Bank Rescues

by | Jun 7, 2023 | Bank Failures | 50 comments

Trump’s Actions Pave the Way for Another Market Crash and Bank Rescues

Less bank rules mean more bank crashes. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. To get even more TYT in your life, go to and download our free app!

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“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the first Democrat in years to challenge Crowley’s reign over New York’s 14th Congressional District, which includes parts of Queens and the Bronx. A 28-year-old community organizer, her drive to enter public office was shaped by a series of events that began to unfold at the height of the 2008 recession, she told The Intercept in an interview at a diner in Queens. That fall, she was a 19-year-old undergrad at Boston University. She remembers getting an emergency call from her mother while sitting in an economics class. She hopped in a taxi, took the next flight home, and went straight to the hospital to see her father. He died on September 9, and she felt she could only take a week off of school. “I come from a working-class background, so you don’t really get a ton of time to mourn,” she said.”*

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Cast: Cenk Uygur


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Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations.(American Heritage Dictionary)…(read more)


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Since the beginning of his presidency, Donald Trump has been pushing for the deregulation of the banking industry. He believes that fewer regulations will encourage banks to lend more money, which in turn will stimulate economic growth.

However, many financial experts argue that this strategy is a recipe for disaster. They believe that Trump’s deregulatory policies are setting the stage for another financial crisis, which could result in a repeat of the bank bailouts that occurred during the 2008 recession.

One of Trump’s major deregulatory moves was to sign the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act in May 2018. The law loosened regulations on banks with less than $250 billion in assets, exempting them from some of the strictest rules put in place after the 2008 financial crisis.

Critics argue that these regulations were implemented for a reason, as they were designed to protect consumers from the reckless behavior of banks and prevent a repeat of the 2008 crisis. By rolling back these regulations, Trump is putting the financial system at risk once again.

In addition, Trump has signaled that he is willing to weaken the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the agency created to protect consumers from predatory lending and other financial abuses. The CFPB has been particularly effective in cracking down on payday lenders, who have been accused of preying on vulnerable consumers with high-interest loans.

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By making it easier for these lenders to operate, Trump is exposing consumers to more risks and increasing the likelihood of another financial meltdown. Moreover, if consumers are unable to repay their loans, it could lead to a ripple effect that puts stress on the entire financial system.

Finally, Trump’s trade policies could also contribute to an economic downturn. By imposing tariffs on Chinese goods and other imported products, he is jeopardizing the supply chain for many industries. Companies may have to pay more for raw materials, leading to higher prices for consumers and lower profits for businesses. This, in turn, could lead to layoffs and a slowdown in economic activity.

All these factors combined set the stage for another economic crisis, which could end up costing taxpayers billions of dollars in bank bailouts. As we have seen in the past, when banks fail, it’s the taxpayers who are left to bear the burden. Trump’s deregulatory policies may benefit banks in the short term, but they come at a high cost to the rest of the economy.

In conclusion, Trump’s deregulatory policies are setting the table for another financial crisis. If he continues on this path, it’s not a matter of if a recession will happen, but when. The next economic downturn could require another round of taxpayer-funded bank bailouts, which is unacceptable. It’s time for Trump to rethink his approach to banking regulation before it’s too late.

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  1. ihartevil

    i feel bad that i have been neglecting my cousin but he needs to get used to me not being around as well

    thx for this ha bisky vid i know what my future holds even though i am going to try one more thing

  2. The Gotten

    With all the time Democrats spend hitting themselves in the head, I'm surprised they haven't gotten a concussion yet…

  3. Nefarious Cookie

    People blame blame blane blame blame. All talk

  4. Tashan Timothy

    Ana’s favorite sentence: “And I’ll give you those quotes in a minute.”

  5. Tracy Butler

    Making America Great Again is going well…… , He's pretty much making it very easy for himself when his term is up

  6. Robert

    The economy crashes.
    The dictator takes over.

  7. Adam Palmer

    This is the definition of insanity how many times dose the us and international iconamy have to explode before we lurn

  8. Courtney Hunter

    Bush and chaney with republicans bailed out the banks and wall street by giving money directly to them with no thought for rebuilding infrastructure or creating jobs

    Obama tried to rebuild infrastructure to create even more jobs than what he was able to create but was blocked and opposed by republicans who blamed Obama and democrates for bank bailouts

    Now here comes tRump and republican house and senate set the stage for more bank bail outs ?

    They will blame the democrates once more for what they have done
    And red state republicans will eat it up and believe whatever the republican party tells them

    Every single lie

  9. KendrixTermina

    Yes, the danger must be growing
    For the rowers keep on rowing

  10. KendrixTermina

    NOT AGAIN This planet can't take another 2008 / 1930

  11. White trans girl with dreads

    I'm selling my house in late 2019 or early 2020, right before the crash, then I'll buy a nicer one that's in distress for what I currently owe. This has been my plan since Forrest Trump won the election.

  12. Keeko

    I have noticed these economy crash breaking videos lately…..but brushed it off as Alex Jones.

  13. Lesco Brandon

    124th “We finally got TRUMP!” Yawn…

  14. Cliff Roberson

    If I could have never seen that stupid stare of this ass face trump, I would have been much happier. Of course he rolls back restrictions, his buddies (the people he told after the election they would get their tax cuts) are the very people that robbed the tax payer and profited by it. Meanwhile, better cheaper healthcare, higher wages and so much winning are yet to be seen. He is a snake oil salesman in a cash grab.

  15. Allan Crow

    Empires collapse. I hear it crumbling.

  16. Michael Blankenship

    Can we just start trading bottle caps now, or should we wait until 2020?

  17. B. A. Movin

    When the market crashes, Trump's entities can buy real estate dirt cheap. He is looking forward to it.

  18. Bud Rollin

    Market Crashes and Wars are wealth transfers from the Middle Class to the upper 1%. Both happen on purpose!

  19. davedalessandro8189 Dalessandro

    Save your money people with the Iran deal shot to hell gas prices here or $3.30 a gallon and that massive tax cut the Republicans did, saved me a whopping $0.12 on my paycheck we're headed for another recession Banks had the biggest year ever 56 billion dollars in profits this roll back was done to make them even more money! people think Trump's doing a great job wtf!

  20. Gomez_ TooRaw

    Has fox done a report on this?

  21. Christopher Oxendine

    Coming soon: another 21st century economic crash stay tuned

  22. soccerguy325

    Description is for the wrong video.

  23. bundles1978

    so they allow corporations to merge forming huge conglomerates, knowing full well they will have to bail them out when they fail, seems like a winning plan to me.

  24. Fleck Smugbrother

    The house of cards gets more fragile……

  25. Gerbeck S.

    A crash or very major correction is imminent no matter who is in office.

  26. Julia Set

    If the account is FDIC insured the account holders will be protected but the bank will go under.

  27. Joseph Prouse

    If the police won’t arrest the bad guys then you gotta do it

  28. BBlack6868 LiveTrading

    “Our money “ how delusional.
    It’s their money and they permit us to use it.
    It’s their system and allow us to live in it……..for their benefit.
    So what is this system then:
    A system created by the rulers, or overlords, or bankers , pick your terms to fool the masses of indentured servants thinking they have freedom and choice. No matter your profession, or lack thereof, or ownership you still are a laborer for their system.
    This system is global.

  29. Ace HAMMER

    its amazing how it only took 10 years after the financial meltdown that caused such terrible depression like economic destruction for lawmakers to simply revert right back to the same practices that caused such a terrible economic crash in the first place, greed is such a powerful thing in America and its infected our politics and made it apart of the system now greed is basically the root of government now and both sides are guilty of it

  30. Pablo Cruise

    As Wells Fargo says they have reinvented themselves—- oh, and want your biz… believe in us again… NO WAY!!

  31. Nias

    Yeah, if the politicians gave a shit about the people the would have, at the very least, broken up Wells Fargo for recent behavior. Furthermore, if a bank is considered too critical to the system because of size…the best time to fix that (break them up)- is WHEN THE ECONOMY IS STABLE!!!

  32. Abel1120 conlget

    Trump is fighting for the poor… if he likes he can do what ever he wants….. he is honest and loyal, it makes sense…. if you give the rich all the money, they will spend it helping the poor.

  33. rbrucerye

    I'm not as concerned about the rollbacks because well it's a Republican Admin, House, and Senate. This sort of thing is to be expected. I'm much more concerned about the CULTURE that these sort of moves will encourage and grow. These banks and their employee are increasingly heading towards the very same bank culture/employee culture that encourages the sort of unethical, illegal and highly risky actions by the banks that got US banks in a whole lot of trouble not that long ago.

    The laws aren't as important as the culture that the laws and those in charge of enforcing the law are trying to create. In Canada one of the biggest reasons why our bank avoided doing some of what the US banks did was because of our regulators and federal government understood that they needed to make our banks FEAR the regulators and have a healthy amount of FEAR in terms of knowing that the regulators were paying attention to what our banks were doing. The Canadian regulators had the tools, willpower and the ability to punish the Canadian banks that were engaging in the sort of risky/stupid behaviors that the US banks got up to at a much earlier time. In other words, we scared our banks so much via having an active and powerful regulator that we scared them into being much more conservative in how they do business.

  34. Clark Gable

    Ana you are one sexy lady

  35. JW Golf

    Pretty sure trump said he made a fortune from the financial crash as he bought up people’s properties for nothing. Wouldn’t surprise me if he wanted to do the same thing but on his terms this time round.

  36. Adryan D

    Of cooooourse!!!!

  37. Madme Smith

    Hmm i wonder how many people will lose there homes this time so the rich can add an extra zero to there bank account 🙁

  38. Michael Tobin

    Trump just avoided another bankruptcy- bribes work

  39. MegaBillyk

    like democrats weren't for the banks and all that money…just a few lol… this foolish show acts like the rest of the dems aren't with the banks..

  40. Julian Crooks

    Everyone that voted for this needs voted out of office. They're setting up another wall street crash to take everyone's money then they will bail out wall street again at tax payers expense.

  41. Gregory Denis

    I am not for Trump. But I think he is being controlled by the puppet master. The banks are the most dangerous cartels.

  42. Leslie Monroe

    The Democrats will get credit come November and many of them to come.

  43. Jose Saenz

    By doing so he and the bankers benefit and all of us get screwed another depression economic crisis like the 1930 coming our way courtesy of trump

  44. Edward Maxwell

    People get ready for the Second Great Depression.

  45. Alison Jansink

    Working Americans, please do NOT fall for the trap of free or low cost loans, this is how the Rich rob us blind. Avoid credit at all costs, you will lose any savings you have. We know the Rich and Banks cannot be trusted. Most of them are insolvent themselves and borrow fake money, you will end up paying for nothing, just like last time. Crashes and Wars make them money, but they never pay, we do.

  46. undisputabletruth100

    Ana if there is a crash George Soros (the guy who pays you) will. be the happiest man on earth.

  47. tunedskillsz

    this is why you must stock up on some bitcoin!

  48. James Parker

    This is to help your friendly neighborhood 60 billion dolor local bank.

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