Try the Ultimate Retirement Calculator for Free Today.

by | May 17, 2023 | Retirement Pension | 36 comments

Try the Ultimate Retirement Calculator for Free Today.

Right now, the future is so uncertain that it seems like planning for retirement is an impossible task.

Although you’ll never be able to eliminate this uncertainty completely, by exploring the different paths your life could take and the returns you might see, you can identify how you might react in each situation. And once you realise how flexible you can be, you’ll realise that the uncertainty of the future is not as big a problem as you might think.

👉🏻 Retirement Planner 2.0 Download

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I am a Chartered Wealth Manager providing financial planning services in the UK. If you would like to find out more about working with me, please follow this link: (LIMITED AVAILABILITY)

This channel is for education purposes only and does not constitute financial advice – James is not responsible for investment actions taken by viewers. Please seek out a regulated advisor if you require assistance (whilst James is a financial adviser, he does not provide advice through this Youtube Channel, which is not affiliated with his employer).

James Shack™ property of James Shackell
Copyright © James Shackell 2023. All rights reserved.
The author asserts their moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this channel and any video published on it….(read more)

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Retirement is the second innings of life where you finally get to live life on your terms. It is a time where you get to pursue your passions and hobbies and also spend quality time with your loved ones. However, retirement planning has always been a tricky affair, and it is best to start early rather than wait until the last minute. To make this process easier and more efficient, a tool such as The Ultimate Retirement Calculator can come in handy.

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The Ultimate Retirement Calculator is one of the best online retirement calculators available. It helps to calculate retirement expenses, retirement savings, and the retirement income required to maintain your standard of living post-retirement. The tool is designed to provide an accurate estimate of your retirement savings and can help you plan for your future by giving a clear picture of what your finances will look like after retirement.

The calculator is designed to prompt users to input multiple variables such as current age, expected retirement age, pre-retirement income, expected income at retirement, expected inflation rate, and the expected rate of return on investments. Once these variables are inputted, the calculator can compute the annual savings required to reach a target retirement fund. The Ultimate Retirement Calculator also allows you to compare your progress towards your retirement goal and adjust the numbers to suit your personal financial situation.

The tool is also capable of generating a detailed retirement income projection, which can help you determine whether or not to opt for Social Security benefits or any other retirement scheme. The tool gives a clear picture of how much retirement income one can expect by drawing down on their retirement savings. This feature allows you to evaluate the impact of your financial decisions and make more informed choices.

Another significant advantage of the Ultimate Retirement Calculator is its user-friendliness. The tool is easy to use and can generate accurate projections with minimal input from the user. It is an excellent resource for people with little to no experience in financial planning.

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The Ultimate Retirement Calculator is a free tool and can be accessed online from any device. It is a valuable resource for anyone planning their retirement and can be used by people of all ages to ensure that they can achieve their retirement goals. The tool is constantly updated to reflect the changing times and can also suggest ways to improve one’s retirement planning.

In conclusion, The Ultimate Retirement Calculator is a valuable retirement planning tool that can help individuals of all ages plan their retirement efficiently. The tool’s ease of use, accurate projections, and constantly updated features make it a must-have resource for anyone looking to secure their financial future. Use this free resource now and get started on your journey towards financial freedom in retirement.

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  1. Tim Glanton

    Big fan of your content James. Thank you

  2. stefan horn

    very useful, helps give confidence in what i have planned, and that actually its ok to spend/use your pension funds

  3. Peter Campbell

    the link seems to have broken, showing the file has been moved. is there an issue with it?

  4. Glen

    What about if your already retired?


    We’re all relying on the markets to be up at the retirement time lol

  6. Sam Connelly

    As a financial planner in training with a background in tech I've been working on some of my own spreadsheets/tools. Love the monte carlo inspired addition and using historical trends to project retirement based on different phases of history.

  7. Andrew Tulloch

    Just discovered the calculator, it's great. Have searched so long for a good pension calculator, but they always want to assume I am staying fully employed and earning until I am 57, they never have any option to stop earning earlier.
    They also always have your salary as a primary input, when it's absolutely not. It only matters how much you are saving/investing or putting in your pension, and when that will stop.
    I had tried to build one myself and the foundations are incredibly similar, but I had not got it to the point of adding a partner and some of the other details you have.
    A question if you happen to see this – in the 2nd tab, the state pension stays at the same amount forever. Same as spending. I can't quite wrap my head around why it doesn't increase over time in this tab, when other parameters do?

  8. Moustaki

    Got a version in dollars?

  9. Simon Battle

    Thank you James, the previous version has been very useful and relevant to my personal situation.

  10. Salvador Sandoval

    Hi James, does your tool use Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the sensitivity scenarios?

  11. B L

    Its a CON to offer something as Free when you ask people to provide email information and personal details.

  12. Mark Uk

    Hi James, I downloaded the Open Office version which doesn't seem to work due to the 'real return' column of 'your liquid assets' showing as #NAME? This seems to throw all the graphs and calculations out. I then managed to use the goggle sheet version which works really well. Don't know if anyone else has had the same problem? Thanks for the great videos and this really helpful tool.

  13. Count Eldamar

    F*ck it , live fast, die young, leave a broke corpse.

  14. GerrysPlace

    I like this vid. Good insight and what a great tool. I will share with family as we all need to be doing more investing.

  15. Robert Anderson

    And where is the link for this tool

  16. theboltonradiocorp

    Great tool, thank you! Was just wondering – in the retirement "Annual Expenditure" section, should the figure we enter be before tax, or after? ie. if you want to spend 30k per year, should you actually enter 39k as this is the pre-tax amount you'd need to earn to get 30k?

  17. Andy

    James, do you think this is a good time to buy Vanguard Life Strategy 80% as a 35 year old. I know bonds have done really poor so wondering your perspective on this.

  18. services two

    Your background is insane. Are you in the UK?

  19. Wayne L

    James, just downloaded and will start playing around with it. I'm not sure how easy this would be to adapt to the US. Have you are any of your subscribers already done that? If nothing else, it should give me some ideas on how to setup things. Thanks

  20. CapinCrunch

    Would you like to work on an app so it’s easier and more accessible?

  21. mark s

    just downloaded, tried a few inputs and seems a very useful tool

  22. Chris Harris

    Oooooh how exciting! I’ve been using your tool for over a year – Looking forward to take this for a test drive. Thanks James

  23. stuartamorrison

    A great improvemnet from the previous version. It doesn't allow for the difference in Scottish tax rates therefore what would I need to modify to take that into account please?

  24. George M

    I wonder if this calculator and channel is suitable for those in the US?

  25. jimmy HVY

    I Wonder how the Retirement plans of Retired people living in , Lebanon or Sri Lanka are Going ?

  26. Warren Gourlay

    Great tool really useful. Though I notice when I download the tool to an excel .xlsx file some of the charts seem to mess up , mainly the 'total liquid Assets' box, also the figures displayed in the 'alternative performance scenario box are different on the downloaded version. Is the download version an pre beta version?

  27. Bobody

    The model isn't going to work. Market is dynamic and what worked before wont work again. Zirp is over and banks and businesses will drop like flies. Dividend growth stocks is over, its underlying will underperformed so you're taking unnecessary risk for no reward. PMs are overpriced and goldand silver are both distributing 5th waves. Nothing is safe.

  28. David Q

    When I open Online, without changing any input fields, the Property net worth graph shows a steady increasing value from 500K to 1.5M from age 50 to 100. If I download it, without enabling editing, I get broadly the same chart, but different scales. But if I then enable editing, the chart changes completely. It climbs from 500K to 700k and then drops to zero at age 58 (no data entered). Something is up with the maths/formula/visual basic.

  29. Clive Austin

    I think there might be a bug in the net property calc James – it doesn’t seem to like zero mortgages. Works OK if you enter £1 as a balance with no rate or term.

  30. Misha Guevara

    Retirement Plan…..Ha ha ha…Really???
    The World is at War, but the Fools think They will still be able to retire.

  31. Max James

    James, Question on the One Off Contributions/Withdrawals Sheet, the expentiture (your living costs) do not appear to change with inflation, as they do not go up. Maybe this is hidden somewhere else in the sheet?

  32. Victoria

    Thank you James. This is fantastic ❤.. However, just to clarify when I put in a figure in the expenditure say 30k that's what I will actually be able to spend each year, so there's no tax of that amount?

  33. Jamie O'Shaughnessy

    It looks like this draws down a partners pension and ISA before drawing down your own other investments (GIA). This doesn’t seem right as it doesn’t then take advantage of those (your partners) long term tax advantages of those wrappers. Perhaps I’m a strange case as my scenarios are based on retiring at 50 with a long runway of GIA investments to live off before ISA/pensions. Of course I know this isn’t going to be perfect, it’s just a little skewed over time. Very very useful tool!

  34. docjc100

    is there somewhere to add LISA and JISA?

  35. Mark Jones

    This is an excellent modelling tool and I have shared it with others having seen the benefits it clearly provides. I hope others will use it as a means of better understanding the impact that the variables have on retirement planning. The one possible enhancement for me would be if the projected withdrawals from drawdown allowed for the correct tax treatment of the pension income. The pension withdrawals appear to be based on total expenditure less taxed income. If I have read the guidance note correctly, by not allowing for tax deductions on the pension itself, the pension withdrawals used will not cover the calculated deficit. Apologies if I have misunderstood.

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