TSP Website Disaster!

by | Aug 7, 2022 | Thrift Savings Plan | 28 comments

TSP Website Disaster!

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  1. Nick Perez

    I don’t even know how to change my contributions on the new TSP site

  2. Um mm

    its as messed up as treasury direct dot gov! they did not bring forward any of my beneficiaries, even my spousal unit. was able to add them tonight, but am waiting for a "witness" to send back a confirmation with electronic signature…..

  3. Lewis Clark

    These tsp corporate scum need prison time. Can’t even get my money, having a horrendous time even getting in touch with someone it’s been over a week. They have some sort of scam going on……

  4. Lewis Clark

    I’ve got stage 4 lung cancer…….I can not access my money , being placed on hold for 3 hours- & disconnected three times! I need to make a withdrawal urgently ( my dog has been in an accident and is currently paralyzed from the hip down and needs an operation). These tsp people are ignorant, non caring, purposely incompetent thieves. Jail time for these people. Inhuman nasty people.

  5. Pura Vida

    Setting up the new login failed, and verifying I was a U.S. citizen for federal tax withholding failed, which was like a scene out of The Twilight Zone! I'm a U.S. expat living in Central America. Because I have a foreign address with the TSP, and because I could not create a new account, and the new web site would not accept my U.S. passport picture………..the TSP automatically increased my federal tax withholding to 30% from 20%, because I could not prove I was a U.S. citizen. I request a mailed pass code to be able to create a new account online. Five weeks later, and still no mailed pass code! So, this months bank deposit of my monthly disbursement……was taxed at 30% instead of 20%. I am furious! I paid more in federal tax, because the new TSP was a failed experiment, telephone assistance took hours, and the excuse was that they knew there were problems! Once I get logged in, I'm withdrawing all my TSP funds, and buying another beachfront home in Central America. I have had enough of the TSP and the new corporate criminal organization Blackrock.

  6. TE S

    It's not just the website, it's the support. 2 -3 hour wait for a 'representative' to answer. And when they do, they are ill-informed. One rep. I was talking to was googling my questions as I asked her questions. Another rep. told me "wow, that's a good question!," and couldn't answer it. I retired two weeks ago and have been fighting with the website to have all my funds transferred to my Fidelity account. What a nightmare!

  7. John Proctor

    Not only does the website SUCK, its IMPOSSIBLE to get a human being on the phone, but they fixed it where you can't make any withdrawals! What a disaster!

  8. David K.

    Another thing to add to the list: Before, I was able to look at share prices and select date ranges so I could see the trends over years in many cases. Now, there is no option to select dates and you only get a few weeks of share prices. UNSAT!

  9. Deb Shannon

    It's a disaster for sure. Dropped my beneficiaries, and now started taking taxes out of my monthly withdrawal after I had filled out a Form TSP 78 telling them not to a few years back. I guess I need to fill out a new one and get it to them . . .SOMEHOW.

  10. Joe T.

    I wish you could just stick to the facts. Please leave your politics out. You sound like a nut sometimes.

  11. John Crock

    Very disappointed! This reminds me of Obama care roll out, just as useless. The new funds are loaded with fees to play and fees for each transaction. I still haven't been able to view basic information like how much I have in Roth vs traditional and how it breaks down per account. Gone are the calculators and graphs. Welcome to new levels of frustration just as I retire and need to use this mess. HELP!

  12. windows10suxalot

    You’ll own nothing and be happy about it. Not fighting fraudulent elections has consequences. Enjoy the sh#t shoe

  13. windows10suxalot

    I’ve sent 14 fraud emails to TSP, zero response, make sure you give 10% of your funds to Biden. The clown show and his handlers Soros and Killary need the $$$

  14. TheBrunswickDrunkard

    I'm still trying to get ONTO the site. I am a bit frustrated and not very impressed so far by the website, which looks and acts like a 20 year old website that has its certificates expired.

  15. Michael Vadney

    Its just different. Give it some time.

  16. L H

    The new website is ridiculously bad. It was simple and provided a broad view of investments. Now it's like making your way through a maze. Who approved this garbage? Also, I can no longer access the site using my Ipad. I have to to my pc or phone.

  17. Gary

    New website is terrible.

  18. Jason Goodwin

    The new website is abysmal.

  19. Ryan S

    Can’t see any old account statements and you have to drill down like crazy to see stuff like number of shares by fund. I can’t find out which mutual funds are available. They just say 5000 funds. Okay. That’s not helpful. Plus it doesn’t seem like an option to auto invest into these funds, certainly not at $28.50 per trade. It’s like the 90s called and what their pricing model back.

  20. minnesotom

    I cannot find on the "new improved" TSP site where to change my monthly installment payment. It was easy on the old website. I called TSP, 2 hours on hold they finally answered – after 15 minutes of looking, she couldn't find where to do it on the website either and told me to wait, put me on hold. After 2 hrs 15 minutes on hold I finally hung up.

    Next day I called TSP again, after 2 hours on hold they finally answered. After 20 minutes looking, he said he too cannot find on the website where to change my installment payment. He said there are going to be some more changes to the site in 10 days and "maybe" I could change my installment on the website then.

    I said "but you're not sure if I will be able to?", he said no. I asked if I would be able to change my installment payment now, over the phone. He told me there is no way he can change my installment payment over the phone.
    Incredulous, I asked "So you are telling me that there is no way to change my installment payment using my account on the TSP website, and that you cannot guarantee there will be anytime soon, and that even by calling TSP directly that I cannot get my installment payment changed?" And he said yes.


  21. Bryan Lanning

    Just like all government, their service is terrible, even on the phone

  22. Thomas Dickson

    the website appears to be functioning a little better. made an interfund transfer, the 2 step verification is back. still have to correct the beneficiary screwup. it appears that you have to enroll in the mutual funds option to see the funds available, but i have no intention to use it. i'll stick with G,C,S & I

  23. Neil Stewart

    The verification pin is the longest I've ever ever received

  24. Dave LaFaille

    Retirement and IRA here I come…..

  25. Dave LaFaille

    After 3weeks lock out… I tried to check out my a account. There was a pay period, did my loan payment go in ? Answering all questions correctly….. No account match!!?? Hello. 38 yrs.in postal service. UGH !!!

  26. Ernest Yount

    It is not up until Monday 6 June. Hold on.

  27. Robert Simpkins

    Now I can’t view my TSP balance on other apps that track your entire network like Mint. I don’t need fancy widgets and graphics of smiling people of laptops. I just need the site to work properly. It took forever just to get my login setup.

  28. Ron Crouch

    I was looking for Tsp info not conspiracy theories.

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