Turkey now at world's 6th highest inflation rate | DW News

by | Oct 24, 2022 | Inflation Hedge | 36 comments

Turkey now at world's 6th highest inflation rate  | DW News

Prices in the country rose by almost 70 percent in April, according to new official statistics. The new figure gives Turkey the dubious honor of having the sixth highest inflation rate in the world. It comes as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues to insist interest rates be cut to stem inflation, the opposite of what conventional economists recommend. The rising prices are putting further pressure on Turks, who are struggling to make ends meet. We asked some people on the streets of Istanbul how inflation is impacting their lives.


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  1. Paul Kareta

    That woman on the street, doesn't speak Turkish

  2. Mike Jose

    Corrupt Country

  3. king kral

    Erdoğan bizi öldürdü..daeş gelse bu kadar zarar veremezdi

  4. ROK CEO ±¹ ⁵ ³ ⁰ ⁴ ² ⁸ ⁵ ⁸ ⁷ ⁰

    I saw testimony of how economy helped a man make -$50,000 weekly Profit I tried now am also sharing my testimony with over,$10,000 from the company thanks for the good did he has done for me for this short period of time.

  5. Sude Mutlu

    It’s actually 280% min

  6. Sessiz Kedi

    As a turkish i have to say government is need to change immediately.

  7. Goddid

    I realized that the secret to making a million is saving for a better investment. I always tell myself you don't need that new Maserati or that vacation just yet. That mindset helped me make more money investing. For example last year I invested 80k in stocks (with the help of my Financial Advisor of course) and made about 246k, but guess what? I put it all back and traded with her again and now I'm rounding up close to a million.

  8. Azerbaijan Zillow

    Many people have been giving so many great opportunity but they messed it up why because the whole nation now believe that everything about online business is a scam due to different experience but i an telling you all now that it is not so, many good things are happening this generation now just that the bad once has spoiled them.
    The Almighty God that i serve will continue to bless the Trademinner's and this organization because they have done so well for me through this investement, so my fellow members here if you have not invested with them here please try and invest now because they are for real, thanks.

  9. Jaime I Gonzalez

    Turkish people, you have officially become the working class of the transnational countries. Your country sold your people out. Just like all Latin America en the 80s. Welcome to the club.

  10. Azazel

    Let's hope they starve to death so that they can stop killing innovent people

  11. tizmon

    Erdogan’s connection with export industries is the obvious and only reason why he continues to lower interest rates when the world has no doubt that that’s the reason for historical inflation rates. He is doing the opposite of what’s needed to be done for his personal gain yet Turkish seem ok with that. I don’t understand. One person is obviously responsible for ruining majority of peoples lives. Why people do nothing?

  12. Ray Ray

    I’ve been in Turkey for 2 weeks now, I pay 3 or 4 times on every items I purchase on daily basis, last time I was here 8 months ago. It’s very crazy for those people who are regular workers, idk how they make out of it.
    Hope things get better.

  13. Natalie Russ



  14. Manuela Jannusch


  15. Mert Yilmazer

    %400 real inflation in Turkey right now

  16. Billy Bob Mirango

    nut-ball leader yields a nut-ball economy

  17. Hongmei zhang


  18. La Neta Turca

    Erdogan is economist.Please one minute !!!

  19. JZ17

    I stayed in Turkey for 5 months a few years ago, absolutely enjoyed their hospitality and welcomeness, hope the lovely people will overcome this economic crisis.

  20. Hakero

    Im from turkey we feel %300 influlation

  21. Tumpal Priharto

    Inflation is when the money value is decreasing even the consumer goods amounts are increasing

  22. Turgineer

    Erdoğan: The economy is progressing at full speed.

    Turkish people: Yes, in reverse gear.


    Hyper bankrupt Pakistan will help Turkey by sending them grass

  24. Garfield

    Doesnt looks like hyperinflation there. Lol.

  25. MD

    How long can it last till it breaks?

  26. Abhi 739

    Wow 100 percent inflation. Turkish people must be very rich under the leadership of erdogan

  27. Drunk bee

    The situation in turkey is very simple to explain.
    The reward of creating an empire is having a country like America.
    The prize of trying and failing is what happened to Germany in WWII and what is happening in turkey today .
    Next year Erdogan will start a war to avoid losing the election and that is when the real misery will come.

  28. Abdul Azeez

    Guys you need to tax more . Trust me I'm from Sri Lanka

  29. Meow


  30. Ronald Russel

    "But TurkStat’s figures have long been a source of controversy, with critics raising questions over the veracity of the calculations. ENAGroup, an independent group of scholars, uses an alternative method to calculate inflation, placing the number at as high as 160.76% last month".

  31. Vernon Lance

    Inflation or stagflation, nothing beats involving an expert in any trade or investment, selfishness and greed have prevented many and they ended up suffering huge losses, and the crypto market is no exception.

  32. Aziz Araz

    Its worse than 100% i just came from turkey.. where did 70% come from? A small can of coke 250ml was 6 lira when i came when i left 3 weeks later it was 9 lira the same can 50% increase in 3 weeks!

  33. bigtom12101989

    It’s more like 200% according to locals

  34. Siddharth Anand

    Ah yes, the perfect example of why religion and economics don't go together…

  35. Mnezon

    Joke country. Hopefully armenia and kurdistan get back their country once turkey collapses.

  36. LeoVids

    I love the Turkish people for their love and care of street animals. But I don't care for Erdogan because he has ruined the relationship that Turkey had with India.

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