TWO 5-YEAR ROTH IRA RULES– Don't miss these differences in your planning. #ira #retirementplanning

by | Oct 9, 2022 | Roth IRA | 1 comment

TWO 5-YEAR ROTH IRA RULES– Don't miss these differences in your planning. #ira #retirementplanning

Roth IRAs are very popular retirement accounts because of their tax-free growth treatment. They also have several unique rules associated with them to ensure their favorable tax status. In particular, there are two different 5-year rules associated with Roth accounts to prevent them from being taken advantage of; the first 5-year rule applies to Roth contributions and determines whether earnings will be tax-free, while the second 5-year rule applies to Roth conversions and determines whether conversion principal will be penalty-free.

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DISCLAIMER: The information provided in these emails is only to be considered helpful hints and education. Nothing said or shown in any of these emails is to be misconstrued as specific tax, legal or investment advice. Consult with your tax, legal or investment professional before acting on anything you see in these videos.

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1 Comment

  1. John Scott

    While technically correct, this is unnecessarily confusing. There is no 5 year rule on contributions. The five year rule is on the account itself. Start a Roth IRA at a bank when you are 25 and by the time you are 30, the waiting period is done. This whole video could have been done in about 3 minutes

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