Uganda Record Breaking Gold Discovery Is a Hoax

by | Aug 1, 2022 | Gold IRA | 33 comments

Uganda Record Breaking Gold Discovery Is a Hoax

iTrustCapital (Get $100 of BTC)

Recently Uganda came out with some earth shattering news that they have 31 million tonnes of gold ore discovered!

If that were true, it would more than double the global supply of gold that’s been mined throughout all human history.

Is this possible? Yes. However, is this announcement real? Absolutely not.

0:00 Video Overview
0:39 Intro
0:47 Sponsor: iTrustCapital
2:39 Uganda Ramps Up Mining Investments
3:54 Resources vs Reserves
6:47 The Unlikely Truth of Uganda’s Gold
8:50 Outro

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#Uganda #GoldDiscovery #YoweriMuseveni…(read more)

See also  How to move 401K to Gold without penalty - Satori Traders

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  1. Shanzy David

    All you are saying is that it's too good to be true so you won't believe it. No facts here

  2. Anonymous

    Great video content. However, on the other hand there are many ways of manipulating the market. I am glad as a small investor that I'm putting my hard earned savings into the most. That being said I'm currently bullish, big thanks to Lily Alice for helping me gained over 16 btc lately just by using her method and following her guide.

  3. Jesus4Africa

    I think the article referred to preliminary results from the aerial survey of the Karamoja subregion that was going on since last year. Indeed the gold in this vast land is not little and had not been exploited much yet. Hence, across the whole landscape you could find those amounts of gold, but need to consider water scarcity, surface rights and state of insecurity and aversion against foreign investors that result in killings. My impression from the ground tells me that the news is true.

  4. MrkBO8

    Hasn't anyone ever heard of ground penetrating radar? Its not the 18th century you know, we prospect using satellites these days and here's the news – there is nothing left to discover.

  5. William Kunte

    Who is this wicked European Liar!

  6. Zinjanthropus

    Uganda's largest export is gold. All of it from artisanal mining. The Saudis and the Indians have been secretly buying it dirt cheap for a while now.

  7. James Phillips

    Even if it were true, market price is based on scarcity. The more of something that is in circulation, it drives the price down, the less of something desireable/needed, the price goes up, so if gold was more common place like Iron, it would have the same or lower price than iron. This is also a principle that prevents everyone becoming rich, the purpose of gold would change into a construction material rather than precious metal like it is

  8. Musashi

    Even if Uganda was able to magically unearth this imaginary gold at no cost, the supply would significantly drop the value by over half.

    Have we not learned from history – Spanish looting gold from the Americas and flooding European markets…?

  9. Jon

    Who knows, maybe the globalists will use this scam as a way of suppressing gold price in future, after the financial war on the world.

  10. Clay K

    Makes me think of a doug casey novel

  11. DMs Dad

    Maybe Biden should send the $60B to secure the gold for Democracy!

  12. OutLaw

    “ if there is a hole in the ground, there is a liar on top “ thanks JB

  13. Nick Turner

    Thank you for your great program of great research,knowledge and passion

  14. Margo Henry paul

    Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy☺️. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days.

  15. JP Farmer

    Uganda's current regime has befriended China so telling half-truths is probably second nature to them.

  16. Mehmet Salvacı

    Dude, they have been malling to whole world to share their gold. lol

  17. Barbara Jordan

    Glad your willing the dispute the Uganda story and take the hits.
    How about the PM retailers BS story about mysterious Texan buying $50 million in PM’s including 900k Silver Eagles without even contacting the retailer. The Texan went to a PM writer and you tuber to get the bank routing number of the retailer. And the Sheep believe it and repeatedly share the retailers claim. Laughable

  18. Clement Muhirwa

    Stop lying, Ugandan army recently went into the congo for a peace keeping mission and they discovered that Gold, so if they start selling it they need to say that it was discovered in Uganda otherwise it can be a problem

  19. mohammed hajri

    Love to fast forward after your Sponsers
    I notice once the Tshirt change color

  20. moro wilfred

    Is here at our land also

  21. Michael Arndt

    Govt math. Maybe missed by a factor of 2,000, or 1,000,000. Math is hard.

  22. Alex Leung

    This is bearish for gold. It takes weeks to know whether the supply of gold doubled. Meanwhile with bitcoin I can see supply changes instantaneously with 100% certainty.

  23. Abbi Shylock

    You mean the Nigerian prince will not give me one -milllllion-dolla?

  24. John Grear

    Of course they're full of it but weight of ore is not weight of gold.

  25. Eric Perez

    Gold is trash, buy Bitcoin.

  26. Doris Leonard

    I don't know how to say this without sounding crazy but there's a passage in the bible that mentions gold and silver being worthless during the end times. Jesus also mentions to his followers the time when he will return. Jesus responds to something to the tune of 'people will be dismayed over the ocean tides rising too high.' I really reflect on this and wonder about it… I don't think we're there yet, but close. Did anyone else read this too?

  27. Houston

    As soon as I heard this I laughed..why would you announce something that would destroy the gold market.

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