UK Households Continue to Bear the Brunt of Double Digit Inflation (Still Exceeding 10%!)

by | Oct 9, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 25 comments

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Double Digit Inflation Is CRUSHING UK Households… (Inflation Still Over 10%!)

Inflation has been a cause of concern for many economies around the world, and the United Kingdom is not exempt from this issue. In recent years, the UK has been grappling with double-digit inflation rates that are wreaking havoc on the financial well-being of its households.

Inflation refers to the general increase in prices of goods and services over time, resulting in a decrease in the purchasing power of money. While some level of inflation is considered healthy for the economy, when it shoots up to double digits, it becomes a significant burden on households, particularly on their budgets and savings.

To put things into perspective, inflation in the UK is currently hovering above 10%, far surpassing the target of 2% set by the Bank of England. This alarming figure means that consumer prices are rising at an astonishing rate, significantly outpacing wage growth and leaving households struggling to make ends meet.

The impact of double-digit inflation on households is multi-fold. Firstly, it erodes the value of people’s savings and investments. With prices rising rapidly, the purchasing power of their hard-earned money diminishes, and they are left with less value for their savings. This discourages households from saving and investing in the long term, as they fear that their money will lose its worth.

Secondly, the cost of living rises disproportionately with double-digit inflation. Essential items such as food, housing, and utilities become significantly more expensive, making it increasingly challenging for households to afford basic necessities. As inflation continues to surge, families are forced to cut back on discretionary spending, compromising their quality of life and limiting their ability to save or invest for the future.

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Moreover, high inflation has detrimental effects on debtors. Borrowers, including homeowners with mortgages and individuals with personal loans, find themselves struggling to keep up with their repayments. As inflation rises, interest rates are often raised to combat it, increasing the burden on borrowers who have fixed-rate loans. This puts households at risk of defaulting on their debts, ultimately leading to financial instability and potential foreclosure in extreme cases.

The UK government and the Bank of England must take decisive action to address this inflation crisis. Measures such as tightening monetary policy, curbing excessive government spending, and implementing prudent fiscal policies are essential to stabilize prices and ease the burden on households.

Additionally, the government should consider providing targeted support to vulnerable households who are disproportionately affected by soaring inflation. This can include welfare assistance, subsidies for essential goods, and tax breaks to alleviate the financial strain and prevent wide-scale poverty.

In conclusion, the double-digit inflation rates experienced in the UK have had a devastating impact on households across the country. Stagnant wages, decreasing savings, and rising costs of living are just some of the challenges faced by families trying to navigate this financial storm. Urgent intervention from policymakers is crucial to mitigate the effects of inflation and ensure a more stable and prosperous future for UK households.

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  1. fox


  2. G Yisrael

    This is Bible Prophecy, this dispensation is over.

  3. Derek White

    Yes & I'm certainly in big big trouble (unassailable issues, a kinda miracle that I've survived this far) and definitely not without serious costs (in every way imaginable)

  4. Veteran


  5. Tania Taniaa

    All tax is by consent…. there is NO law that says tax is compulsory.

  6. Tania Taniaa

    You can pay off your mortgages and your outstanding debts using a promissory note under the Bills of Exchange 1882 . Lord Denning had passed in law that a promissory note must be treated as cash and if refused then the debt is closed.

  7. Persimon

    While China has pulled 700-800m people out of abject poverty, Britain can boast that it has been able to drag over 50m of its people into relative poverty. That's some achievement! Bravo. There's some better news coming. UK will get more Chinese restaurants and takeaways as Hong Kong people betraying their Chinese heritage arrive in UK to open them. Most are terrible cooks, but that doesn't matter.

  8. Amir Hafeez

    I pay 60% tax and my living standards are poor

  9. MGTOW Rubicon

    The people in the UK (and the world) are poorer because they were (and are being) robbed by their governments and their central banks.

    The goal of all governments and all banking systems is to privatize profits and socialize losses. Always has been, always will be.

  10. Russell Holmes

    This is what happens at the end of the cycle, those with poorest credit get sucked into the property market a few years before the market tanks and then they end up in negative equity and unable to move lender when they have to remortgage. People will be more likely to take out the 100% mortgage on 2 year mortgages (thinking the price will go up and they can remortgage on better terms in a few years time) – meaning they will get into troubling times sooner rather than later.

  11. Athewake

    I do not remember any government official asking the British public what their take on all of the current destruction on the economic situation we are now facing. Carpet has been ripped out from under this countries feet…..

  12. Sharon Greasby

    The only thing the UK are experiencing is higher electric and gas bills but i don't see any hardship ! Also the government have handed people lots of money to help them get through higher bills. I think it is down to the person how they manages their money, i don't drink at all or smoke, instead of going out for meals we cook at home. Yes food prices have gone up but you can actually shop around. This channel is not useful at all !

  13. Claudine

    This is catastrophic but I don’t really know how the western world can escape what our evil dictatorial leaders have in store.Wish there was a way to counter all this on an individual level apart from moving to a hut in the woods with a goat and a few chickens.I would even go for that but my husband isn’t ready for that solution,,,yet.

  14. Ma Chud

    And certain conspiracy nutters were ridiculed for telling us about this whole charade playing out years ago now whose laughing not us! CDBC, 15 min jails, ULEZ, CAZ LTN etc etc and you ain't seen sh1t yet from these s1ck fkucers not by a country mile. So either wake up or its put up and shut up cause think its bad now still relatively free to what they got planned…..

  15. Peter Williams

    We must stop this climate change maddness nonsense, these solar panels, heat pumps, wind farms, will not supply our needs, and are costing us a fortune in extra taxes. Electric cars which are 15 times more polluting to make than conventional cars. And will overload the electricity grid. Until technology improves. We must get our main energy from fossil fuels, fracking, oil and coal, urgently to kick start our economy. Otherwise we are just shooting ourselves in both feet. Tories, Labour, Liberals and the greens will be an utter disaster for this country as they are all following this climate change religion leftist wokeism. Reform party is our only hope, for common sense, reality, prosperity and you're freedoms.

  16. Diane Ayres

    The UK Is sinking, why does nobody address these issues??

  17. Susan Green

    And it'll get only get worse if Starmer and Co get in power more illegal immigrants more strikes as he's on their side and we should stop sending money to other countries and look after our own first these room and groomers need to stop it's not goid for people's mental health .

  18. John Black

    You cant go to the shop to buy food with a chunk of gold.

  19. John Black

    Food is a joke at the moment,ive seen things in the shops doubled there prices,and thats for everyday things.

  20. John Black

    Thats the Tory way, they give us the crumbs while they give there mates billion pound contracts that dont deliver.

  21. A W M

    Homemade soup then frozen is the way to go, as there's too many preservatives in tin foods, but yes admittedly it does have a long life in a tin.

  22. JackieRabbit

    Butter used to be £1 its now £2. Its all doubled

  23. Peter Reed

    we are fuc*ed because rishi and now king charles are fully fledged members of the WEF you will own nothing and be happy klaus schawb

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