UN Chief Discusses Israel-Palestine Crisis and Nepal’s Climate Challenges in Joint Press Encounter

by | Nov 15, 2023 | Inflation Hedge | 22 comments

UN Chief Discusses Israel-Palestine Crisis and Nepal’s Climate Challenges in Joint Press Encounter

UN Secretary-General António Guterres said all parties in the conflict in Gaza must respect their obligations under International Humanitarian Law, adding that the “protection of civilians is paramount.”

Speaking Sunday (29 Oct) in Kathmandu at a joint press encounter with the Prime Minister of Nepal, Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’, Guterres said he will continue to insist on the “immediate and unconditional release of all the hostages in Gaza.” He added, “I repeat my utter condemnation of the appalling attacks perpetrated by Hamas. There is no justification, ever, for the killing, injuring and abduction of civilians.”

The UN chief noted the situation in Gaza is growing “more desperate” by the hours. He added, “I regret that instead of a critically needed humanitarian pause supported by the international community, Israel has intensified its military operations.”
Guterres said the number of civilians who have been killed and injured is “totally unacceptable.”

He noted that the International Law emerged from the tragedy and awful experiences of war, adding “I have always been consistent in my call for strict compliance of the well-established principles and rule of International Humanitarian Law. The protection of civilians is paramount.”

Guterres continued, “The Laws of War establish clear rules to protect human life and respect humanitarian concerns. Those laws cannot be contorted for the sake of expedience.”

He highlighted, “The world is witnessing a humanitarian catastrophe taking place before our eyes.”

More than two million people, with nowhere safe to go, are being denied the essentials for life – food, water, shelter and medical care – while being subjected to relentless bombardment, he said.

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He urged all those with responsibility “to step back from the brink.”

Guterres reiterated his appeal for “an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, the unconditional release of all hostages, and the delivery of a sustained humanitarian relief at a scale that meets the needs of the people of Gaza.”

He also said, “We must join forces to end this nightmare for the people of Gaza, Israel and all those affected around the world, including here in Nepal.”

Regarding his visit to Nepal, Guterres said “Nepal is also caught in a blizzard of global crises not of its making: the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, inflation caused by the international economic situation, and the enormous threat posed by climate chaos.”

He added that much more international action is needed. Developed countries must step up to support sustainable development, and help developing economies including Nepal to tackle the climate crisis.

On this trip, he will visit the Himalayas to see for himself the “terrible impact” of the climate crisis on the glaciers.

He noted the situation is dire and it is accelerating. Nepal has lost close to a third of its ice in just over thirty years. And glaciers are melting at record rates, the UN chief noted.

Guterres said the impact on communities is devastating and he will meet local people in the Himalayas to hear directly from them about how they are affected….(read more)

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UN Chief On Israel-Pjsonscape-of-climate-lent Crisis, & Nepal’s Climate Challenges | Joint Press Encounter with Nepal

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently conducted a joint press encounter with Nepal, where he addressed the ongoing Israel-Palestine crisis and Nepal’s climate challenges. During the press encounter, Guterres expressed deep concern about the escalating violence in the Middle East and emphasized the need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

The UN Chief called for an immediate ceasefire and urged all parties to exercise maximum restraint in order to prevent further loss of life and destruction. He also stressed the need for a two-state solution, with Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security.

Guterres highlighted the impact of the Israel-Palestine conflict on the lives of civilians, including children, and called for an end to the violence and the protection of civilians. He also reiterated the UN’s commitment to supporting the peace process and finding a lasting solution to the conflict.

In addition to addressing the Israel-Palestine crisis, Guterres also discussed Nepal’s climate challenges. He commended Nepal for its commitment to addressing climate change and highlighted the country’s vulnerability to natural disasters, including floods, landslides, and glacial lake outburst floods.

The UN Chief emphasized the need for urgent action to mitigate the impact of climate change in Nepal and to support the country’s efforts to build resilience and adapt to the changing climate. He reaffirmed the UN’s commitment to working with Nepal to address climate-related challenges and called for greater international cooperation to tackle the global climate crisis.

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Guterres also praised Nepal for its leadership in the adoption of the Paris Agreement and its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote renewable energy. He encouraged other countries to follow Nepal’s example and take bold action to combat climate change.

In conclusion, the joint press encounter with Nepal provided an opportunity for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to address two pressing issues: the Israel-Palestine crisis and Nepal’s climate challenges. His remarks underscored the need for immediate action to resolve the conflict in the Middle East and the importance of supporting Nepal in its efforts to address the impacts of climate change. As the world continues to grapple with these complex and interconnected issues, Guterres’s call for global cooperation and solidarity serves as a reminder of the vital role that the United Nations plays in promoting peace, security, and sustainable development.

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  1. Luís Padrão

    Parabéns pelo trabalho mesmo não conseguindo melhorar a situação global do mundo um feliz natal e ano que papel noel e menino jesus possa tirar toda a tristeza de vossos corações e o meu desejo e de minha cachorrinha

  2. Bashir Ahmad


  3. Vance H

    Sharing Will Save the World


    A Secretary General with no power. Just our normal day postman. No Action Talk Only.

  5. andri Yansyah

    Without America's interference the world would be fine, take note please

  6. gnyan ray

    Jaljala agaya bhai

  7. Benjamin Garrett

    The Israel-Palestine conflict in indicative of the worlds conflict between colonizers-indigenous peoples. It is indicative of the position that many governments around the world hold, that indigenous peoples do not have rights. They do not have rights to their land and that they do not have rights to defend themselves.

  8. Just_An_Idea_For_Consideration

    Nations United

    The world needs a new organization,
    not made impotent
    by a single nation’s vote,
    but bound by majority decisions,
    with a defined purpose,
    to protect Freedom, and Liberty,
    of All Persecuted Populations.

    The Nations United shall

    Unite Against:
    Aggression, Occupation, Persecution, Atrocities, Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide,
    Unite In Defense:
    of Human Rights,
    of Life, of Liberty,
    of Happiness,
    for Any and All People
    Whom are Unable to
    Defend Themselves.

    The United Nations, has become Completely Impotent and is
    Unable to Protect
    Vulnerable Human Beings,
    and therefore
    Serves No Purpose, other than
    to Waste Time and Money, while
    Offering a False Sense of Hope!

    It must be replaced, in order to
    Save Innocent Lives.

    The Cost of Inaction is
    Each of the Lives Lost
    from Genocidal Ethnic Cleansing!!!

    How many DEATHS
    will the world watch
    without ACTION!!!


  9. marsh ferguson

    Hamas is stealing all the aid for its army! And wont let foreign nationals leave!

  10. Mini diy creator

    Please have focus on Bhutanese refugee in Nepal and there solution since long time we are in Nepal as a refugee

  11. Suhail Mukadam

    America Israel not fighting with Hamas Israel America fighting with civilians America Israel saying killing children's womens civilians not world crime in un shameless

  12. Suhail Mukadam

    America Israel not fighting with Hamas Israel America fighting with civilians America Israel saying killing children's womens civilians not world crime in un shameless

  13. Ann An

    It is the time for the world to learn from China. China solved border conflicts with sticks and rocks. It should be world model and the leaders deserve World Peace Reward.

  14. الزهراء المنهل

    لا بد من اقاف الحرب في الشام بين الطرفين لكى لا تحصل حرب عالميه امين يارب العالمين

  15. heba gally

    I find it surprising that the bombing of the Indonesian hospital in Gaza is not evidence of condemnation of the bombing of hospitals in Gaza after the repetition of the first incident.

    How has no decision been taken to stop Netanyahu’s crimes until this moment?

    Is the right of veto used to silence the rights of innocent children and children dying under bombardment?!

    The peoples of the world and their leaders must stop supporting Netanyahu because it is a cover for his crimes

    Stopping the war makes you cry with images of children, innocents, and defenseless people, including blood and body parts


    Peace to Philaestein! May the 3,000 dead children of Gaza rest in peace! Blessings to the 2 million dying children and civilians of Gaza!

  17. yusuf reza210

    Don't make lies on people neval,,,,
    UN is dolly US,uk, that is real fact

  18. Ibrahim Ahmed

    Mr. UN Secretary, l appreciate your diplomatic efforts to end this Israeli genocide on Palestinians. But you still afraid of to condemn Israel excessive use of force on Gaza residents and their infrastructure.

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