Unlocking Wealth in Times of Inflation: A Noteworthy Interview with Bill Ackman

by | Oct 24, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 29 comments

Unlocking Wealth in Times of Inflation: A Noteworthy Interview with Bill Ackman

Billionaire investor Bill Ackman just issued a warning about the future of inflation. But don’t worry, it’s not all bad news, and you will see why during this video. For background, Ackman recently gave a rare, full length, sit down interview. While this interview touched on a wide range of topics, it was Ackman’s comments around inflation that really caught my attention. You are going to want to hear what he had to say. In this video, we are going to cover Ackman’s thoughts on the economy, why inflation is here to stay, and arguably most importantly, how you can protect your money from the devastating impacts of high inflation. Let’s get into it.

In order to prevent the US from slipping into deflation, the US federal reserve established a target annual inflation rate of 2% in the year 2012. For much of the next 8 years, the Fed struggled to get inflation up to that 2% target. As a result, many economists believed that inflation would never again be a problem in the United States. Oh boy how things can change and they definitely changed in a major way in 2020.

To understand why Ackman thinks inflation is here to stay, you have to understand why inflation occurs. In simple terms, inflation happens when the demand for goods or services outstrips supply. While that may sound like a complicated concept, trust me, it’s actually very simple. Here, we have a supply and demand graph. This line here represents the demand for a particular good or service

In this example, let’s say we are talking about used cars. The demand line represents the number of people looking to purchase a used car, and importantly, how much those buyers are willing and able to pay. Here, we have the supply line. This supply line represents the number of used cars available to be purchased at any given time. The point at which our two lines here cross represents the price for that good or service. So in our example, the average price of a used vehicle.

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In 2020 and 2021, the US government and Federal reserve took drastic steps to prevent a widespread economic collapse. This involved sending cash directly to households, boosting unemployment benefits, and pausing required payments on certain types of debt. At the same time that all of this cash was getting pumped into the economy, the Federal reserve slashed interest rates to historically low levels. These lower interest rates made it less expensive for people and businesses to borrow money to make purchases.

Going back to our example with used cars, these actions resulted in an increase in demand for used cars. People had more money in their bank accounts to be able to spend to make the purchase. Additionally, the lower rates made it less expensive to purchase a car using a loan. These factors led to an increase in demand, illustrated by our demand line here getting pushed to the right

At the same time, automotive manufacturers were suffering through supply chain issues that limited their ability to produce new cars. Since there were less new cars available, people held on to their current car longer, resulting in less supply of used vehicles available for sale. Less supply means our supply line gets pushed to the left. Notice how now the two lines cross at a much higher price pointy…(read more)

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Bill Ackman: How to Get RICH During Inflation (RARE New Interview)

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Inflation has become a constant topic of discussion among investors and economists lately. With the global economy facing unprecedented challenges, understanding how to navigate and even benefit from inflation is of utmost importance. One person who seems to have figured it out is billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman.

In a rare new interview, Ackman shared his insights and strategies for making wealth during inflation. Known for his successful investments and financial expertise, Ackman’s advice carries weight and provides valuable guidance for those looking to thrive in uncertain economic times.

One of the key takeaways from Ackman’s interview is the importance of understanding inflation dynamics and recognizing it as an opportunity rather than a threat. Unlike many who fear inflation due to rising prices, Ackman believes that it often translates into increased asset values. He emphasizes that using smart investment strategies, combined with strong fundamental analysis, can pave the way to substantial gains during such times.

Ackman acknowledges that market volatility and uncertainty can be a challenge during inflationary periods. However, he suggests approaching investments with a long-term perspective and focusing on quality companies with solid balance sheets. He advises investors to look out for companies that possess pricing power, meaning they have the ability to raise prices in response to inflation without losing significant customer demand. Companies with strong brands or dominant market positions often possess this advantage.

Another strategy shared by Ackman is to consider investing in businesses that benefit directly from inflation. These could include companies in sectors such as commodities, real estate, or infrastructure. Such investments can act as a hedge against inflation, as rising prices tend to boost the value of these assets over time.

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Ackman also emphasizes the value of diversification. He suggests spreading investments across different asset classes and geographies to mitigate risk. By diversifying, one can balance potential losses with gains in other areas. Additionally, he encourages investors to stay well-informed and educated, as this knowledge can be a valuable tool during inflationary times.

Lastly, Ackman advises against making hasty decisions and succumbing to short-term market fluctuations. True wealth creation, according to him, comes from remaining disciplined and sticking to a well-thought-out investment plan. Patience is key, as inflationary periods can be volatile and require a long-term perspective to fully capitalize on potential gains.

Bill Ackman’s rare interview provides invaluable insights into how to thrive during inflationary times. By carefully analyzing market dynamics, identifying businesses with pricing power, and investing in inflation beneficiaries, individuals can position themselves for financial success. Ultimately, the key lies in staying informed, remaining patient, and executing investment decisions with discipline and a long-term vision.

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  1. Jay mason

    Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth, investing remains a priority.

  2. Javid Amir

    Invest in Israel thats it

  3. BG Апостол

    biggest reason of inflation is printing money

  4. John

    Experts say stocks that will skyrocket in 2024 are MRNA, PARA, UPST. TGT. BBY, DIS.. SQQQ. sure wish i got some extra cash to buy those.

  5. Brazil Streets

    “Inflation happens when demand for goods and services outstrips supply”. This was the dumbest thing i’ve heard this year, and that is saying something.

  6. Paul E. Anderson

    Inflation and recession in our world today has brought so many tears to many poor homes, but government never helps matter, until then I realize that (foreign exchange market) (dividends ), (real estate), (stocks), (bonds )(Cryptocurrency) is the key to our financial freedom, despite the fluctuations, we will become victorious

  7. Marco Romeo

    <Great thoughts! The year is almost over and very glad about the decisions I have made so far. Investing in the market earlier this year regardless of the market conditions has saved my life. I made over 70k USD with a start of 25k in the last 7 months. I know it's nothing compared to what others make but I'm glad I'm changing my finances. If things keep going well I might retire soon>.

  8. marcGP

    please what s/why data shutdown ?

  9. Pj Pj

    This guy has never been right….

  10. Beverly Hills

    The AI voice with the annoying millenial intonations drive me nuts.

  11. allatusdan

    why are we not also talking about the money supply being part of this?

  12. Hunan Train

    THIS used to be one of my most watched YT channels… sadly, it's been a while since i visited it has been a very rough year… i am experiencing one of the toughest phases of my life… Lost a fortune lnvesting in emerging companies. Hopeful, for a turnaround.

  13. Dave Copp

    To the person reading this, do you go to the Jesse Lee Peterson Church service? All the best.

  14. Jason Fjordlund

    I notice that Ackman incorporates ideals from the Buffet/Munger school of thought.

    He mentions discounting back stock values at 9 or 10 percent.

    That's an element of the Margin of Safety Mental model from your episode on 2023-08-03 "Charlie Munger: 'I got rich when I understood this' (Mental Models)"

    He also runs $PSHZF on a concentrated portfolio which tells me he has similar mindset that guides Berkshire. That could be an effect of actually running the Opportunity Cost mental model or simply being confident and smart enough to increase existing stakes rather than mindlessly hedging with his "30th or 40th ranked business".

    You've taught me a lot.

  15. Chris Choir

    this guy is shady

  16. Benoit Moreau

    With inflation at its highest level in four decades, recession is now “the most likely outcome for the economy”. People wonder how to build their portfolios to fight inflation and maintain an effective long-term strategy. He was looking for investors who could make around $250,000 in this struggling market. This is one more reason why you should save and invest to secure your income and ensure your success.

  17. Jleyne66

    Misspelling “Interest” doesn’t make you look that smart…sorry to say

  18. Jessica Mamikina

    Inflation has a greater impact on people's cost of living than a crashing stock or housing market,

    resulting in an immediate and tangible effect. This explains the current high level of negative market

    sentiment, and our need for assistance in surviving this challenging economy. The financial markets have

    underperformed due to fears of inflation, causing stock and bond prices to plummet. Despite sounding basic,

    consulting a financial advisor has enabled me to outperform the market and achieve a profit of $850,000

    since June 2022, making it the ideal approach to enter the financial markets today.

  19. Geo2324

    Certain rich people get richer if your a zionist racist like bill

  20. Lamont

    Why would anyone waist their time listening to this guy?

  21. sneakereffect

    So main takeaways are pricing power and light asset companies being two of the main things too look for when investing


    Are you telling me : you can buy AAL at 20cents to the dollar, and still it is not a good investment?

  23. G. I.

    I hate this man

  24. Hannah Donald

    I just sold a property in Portland and I'm thinking to put the cash in stocks, I know everyone is saying its ripe enough, but Is this a good time to buy stocks? How long until a full recovery? How are other people in the same market raking in over $450k gains with months, I'm really just confused at this point.

  25. Jimbo Jimbo

    I remember in 2012-2019 we all complained the inflation rate wasn’t accurately represented because everyones milk was still going up massively

  26. Journext

    CPKC should be also assed heavy company based on what you said about airlines. They need to have all these trains to operate

  27. Brett.C

    Is this really graceful

  28. Matt Collins

    Author of this video doesn't understand basic economics.

    The biggest reason for the inflation was the massive printing of money by the Federal Reserve.

    And yeah, deflation is a GOOD THING because it means goods and services are less expensive.

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