Unstoppable Forces Are in Motion

by | Nov 14, 2023 | Gold IRA | 19 comments

Unstoppable Forces Are in Motion

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OPEC warning that there will be minimum 3 million barrel per day shortfall beginning November and at the same time the USA too Venezuelan oil off the sanctions list so they can sell directly to the American refineries again. Silver mining industry struggles to maintain supply for the world as beef and veal prices push higher along with all foods. This perfect storm cannot be stopped with the present trajectory.

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●▬▬▬ Story Links ▬▬▬●
Global central banks are hoarding gold like never before as they seek to reduce ‘overconcentration’ of dollar reserves
Subprime Auto Loan Delinquency Erupts, Reaching Highest Rate On Record
Update on Controlled Spilling at the Akosombo and Kpong Dams
Akosombo Dam Spillage: Golden Exotic Limited loses half a million dollars
Akosombo, Dam spillage
Akosombo Dam still receiving over 200% of water

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Unstoppable Events Are in Motion

The world is constantly evolving and changing, with events and developments occurring at a rapid pace. From technological advancements to geopolitical shifts, it seems that there are unstoppable events in motion that are shaping the future of our planet.

One of the most significant unstoppable events in motion is the rapid advancement of technology. With each passing day, new innovations and breakthroughs are revolutionizing the way we live and work. From the rise of artificial intelligence to the development of renewable energy sources, technology is reshaping our world in ways we could never have imagined.

In addition to technological advancements, there are also unstoppable events in motion on the geopolitical stage. The global political landscape is constantly in flux, with power struggles, conflicts, and alliances shaping the course of history. From the rise of new global powers to the ongoing challenges of climate change, there are countless forces at play that are driving the world forward.

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Furthermore, social and cultural shifts are also unstoppable events in motion that are shaping the future. From movements for equality and justice to the changing dynamics of human interaction in the digital age, the way we live and relate to one another is evolving at an unprecedented rate.

These unstoppable events in motion are not without their challenges. From the potential risks of unchecked technological advancement to the complex geopolitical issues facing the world, there are numerous obstacles that must be overcome. However, the unstoppable nature of these events also presents opportunities for growth, progress, and positive change.

As individuals and as a society, it is important to recognize the unstoppable events in motion and to adapt to the changing world around us. By staying informed, engaged, and proactive, we can work towards shaping the future in a way that is beneficial for all.

In conclusion, unstoppable events are in motion all around us, shaping the future and driving progress in countless ways. By acknowledging and understanding these events, we can work towards creating a future that is bright, inclusive, and sustainable for generations to come. It is up to each of us to play a role in shaping the world’s future, and by doing so, we can ensure that the unstoppable events in motion lead to positive outcomes for all.

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  1. Stephen H

    Politicians are pathetic world wide. Who agrees

  2. The Agenda

    So did acapulco just have a same event as Maui?

  3. Cheryl M.

    Saskatchewan oil company told to decrease production by 25% this has not happened since the 80’s

  4. john kizirian

    the 4 horsemen on white, red, green and black mounts. what a coincidence – Islamic national flags are green, white, red and black.

  5. James Williamson

    I been following you for many years Dave I like to say this time next year I'll have enough cannabis seed to supply the state

  6. Mark R

    Once every year I listen to you , your always the same BS, the sky is always falling .

  7. Mr, Boo Boo 1972

    That will put silver through the roof, It could go up by 30 – 40 × its current ( $ ) per Oz. Price.

  8. Tracie Smith

    Lifting oil bans on Venezuela. Why in hell would Venezuela want to do business with America? I can't think of one reason. Not when they have other options.

  9. J

    Careful!! Butt load of scammers on this thread.

  10. Pat Hanada

    The flooding in Libya was a result of a complete lack of maintenance of all infrastructure after the US intervenion there.

  11. Pat Hanada

    Located on St Croix United States Territory of the Virgin Islands is a shuttered refinery that was processing Venezuelan sulfur heavy crude. Economy here is just as bad as anywhere else, but we might get a little bump if the refinery (cancer promoter) starts back. The USVI is fairly close to Venezuela and Pedavesa, the national oil company of Venezuela was a partner in the refinery in the past.

  12. Wade Ray

    I hope sheeple finally rise or the globalist push there agenda but I always say its not globalists its all of us that are debt slaves to them

  13. James Williamson

    cain and able
    processed foods cause insulin resistance
    control insulin control evil
    hidden in plain sight

  14. Dawnlynn

    33 not fer me!! X

  15. Kathleen Sisco

    Interesting history of silver mining in the U.S. WIKI Comstock Lode. The silver was blue clay In bubble blows in the rock. Entire ridges of mountains were cleared for the box supports for inside the bubbles. German immigrants developed new mining hoist methods. And water ejection so the steam could be diverted.
    Consider the sun does have micro novas, consider that magnetism creates a strong calm lock on the brain, consider that Neanders were a REGRESSION from former, and our future is one of holding on.

  16. Kathleen Sisco

    What are they seeing that we aren't? The FACT that the WATER being used to extract the oil is rarer than the OIL!!!

  17. Buster 928

    HOUSE CAT ? … I think not

  18. Mikki Refur

    so let me guess, despite travelling trillions and trillions of miles supposedly through the universe, the star maps is still accurate, right ?

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