Unveiling a Largely Unrecognized Crisis: The Alarming Significance of Bank Failures

by | Aug 20, 2023 | Bank Failures | 34 comments

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🗣 e have coming up in June of this year, 2023, which is that transition from LIBOR or that interest rate benchmark that was created in the eighties and is in every single contract out there to in the US it’s SOFR, but in different countries there are few other transitions.

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Bank Failures: A HUGE Problem You Might Not Know About

In recent years, the term “bank failure” has become more commonly heard than ever before. With dozens of banks collapsing worldwide, it is essential to understand the importance of this issue and the potential consequences it can have on economies and people’s lives. Bank failures are a massive problem that frequently goes unnoticed until it is too late.

So, what exactly is a bank failure? Simply put, it occurs when a bank becomes insolvent and is unable to meet its financial obligations. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, including mismanagement, risky investments, economic downturns, fraud, or a combination of these factors. When a bank fails, it is unable to return depositors’ funds, resulting in tremendous losses for individuals and potentially triggering a chain reaction that can cripple an entire economy.

The impact of bank failures is far-reaching. Firstly, there is the immediate loss for depositors. People who trusted their hard-earned money to a bank suddenly find themselves unable to access their funds. This can have devastating consequences for individuals and businesses who rely on these funds for daily operations, paying bills, or even major life events such as buying a house or sending a child to college. Moreover, for those with limited resources or living paycheck to paycheck, the impact of losing their savings can be catastrophic.

Furthermore, bank failures can lead to a loss of confidence in the entire banking system. When people witness banks crumbling and unable to fulfill their obligations, a sense of panic and insecurity spreads throughout society. As a result, individuals start withdrawing their money from other banks, causing a liquidity crisis. This can push other banks to the brink of collapse, triggering a domino effect that can have dire consequences for the stability of an economy.

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The consequences of bank failures extend beyond individuals and banks themselves. Governments often have to step in during these crises to stabilize the situation and restore confidence. This typically involves using taxpayer money to bail out the failed banks or implementing strict regulations to prevent further failures. These interventions can have long-term economic implications, such as increased public debt, higher taxes, or reduced spending on public services.

To prevent bank failures, regulatory bodies play a crucial role in supervising banks and ensuring their financial stability. They set capital requirements, conduct regular inspections, and establish contingency plans to deal with potential failures. However, despite these preventive measures, bank failures continue to occur, emphasizing the complexity and challenges of managing the global financial system.

In conclusion, bank failures are a massive problem that can have devastating effects on individuals, economies, and societies as a whole. From the immediate loss for depositors to the loss of confidence in the banking system, the consequences are far-reaching and can take years to recover from. Governments and regulatory bodies must continuously strive to improve oversight and implement measures that reduce the likelihood of bank failures. Only through proactive efforts and public awareness can we mitigate the risks associated with this ongoing issue and work towards a more stable and secure financial future for all.

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  1. 10 D's ++


  2. Sandy Dunes

    Oh, Lordy!!!!

  3. Mr.FiftyFifty

    Well it's now July 3rd and nothing has blown up or crashed, please advise.

  4. MalContent

    I'm sure it will all be fine. It always is!

  5. Adapt 2030

    saw SOFR pop up on a regular news feed today, reminded me of your talks on this so far. I love how the wording is "transparency of all assets between systems" meaning CBDC

  6. Sam Williams

    Yes or no – Are Banks and/or financial markets going to collapse because of this?, if so, how soon, after this goes into effect?

  7. gallagherscott11

    they are milking us for everything they can get, so they can attack russia

  8. Faith Over Fear Media

    The sheep are already brainwashed into losing their wealth, losing privacy and being slaves. The Govt rules over us, steals money, creates debt, kills in wars for greed, then burns you if you don’t comply. Simple but after reading this you will still go about your day complying to the Govt.

  9. Randy Whelchel

    Look at the blinks of the poor reporter near the end

  10. MrFreeze

    I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it
    I saw a black branch with blood that kept dripping
    I saw a room full of men with their hammers a-bleeding
    I saw a white ladder all covered with water
    I saw ten-thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken
    I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children
    And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard, and it’s a hard
    It’s a hard rain’s a-going to fall

  11. Tim Fatout

    What is with all the re-runs?

  12. Comment 22

    Let's see if either they postpone the date of the transition (which would be quite telling), or some manufactured crisis occurs before the date.

  13. Rodger Lewis

    The whole world is changing the Antichrist is rising and Jesus Christ is returning repent before it’s too late people

  14. Tim Turner

    Over the weekend Janet Yellen announced that the US Treasury as of June 1, will be unable to fulfill its its current financial obligations ie SS EBT Cards Veterans payments etc.

  15. Mark Biel

    I could not find “Are You Prepared” episode

  16. LoanthruAg

    It's been a Giant house of smoke and mirrors ever since Nixon took the US off of the gold standard. Enter all liars, cheats and thieves.

  17. Markus Frey

    …anybody out there who understands this?

  18. Arnold Layne

    What is it with the shorts & pieced together videos lately, did we get a new graphics person on payroll? I’m turning off notifications because of this, who wants to constantly be informed about pieces of videos I already watched or didn’t care to watch? Desperate for sales Lynette?

  19. Paul

    everyone stop paying banks and take all their cash out before they collapse

  20. Robert King

    If cash is removed for digital currency will be able to sell or spend gold and silver?

  21. Eddie Longest

    What will be the function of the smaller regional banks in the future? If you own bank stock in a regional bank is now a good time to consider selling your stock, or will they have a viable function in the future? Maybe a video on this subject would be good.

  22. esten picup

    so you suggest buying gold and silver for the coming digital currency and bank failures then how am i supposed to spend that for purchasing goods not one if you experts will answer it

  23. Johnathon Huson

    “I hope that’s not true cause there’s more of us than there are of them”

    Yes, when talking with friends and family, remind them of the silent majority.

  24. Norman Campion

    Gold and Silver real money.

  25. Elias Villela

    So Basically there could be a big crash with the huge change up ahead. For some it'll be a + & 4 others a –

  26. Rude Awakening

    Michelle is totally HOT !
    What happened to David Lin ?

  27. Robert Vogt

    REPEAL the 16th amendment & nationalize US money removing the power from corrupt, gready private bankers.

  28. Robert Vogt

    LIBOR failed because banks wouldn't accept toxic CDO's in 2007 . The banks know the derivatives are a ponzy scheme and would not trust stated value of collateral & caused the failure of the launch of SOBR.

  29. David Fullard

    She always sounds like shes explaining to a 5 year old kid.

  30. Gerard Wadman

    I stopped listening one she said 180 Trillion………….no way

  31. Marcia Bosteder

    Seen this before and worth watching again.. please share! Great interview.

  32. Ralph Bieker


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