Unveiling the Mechanics of Warlock’s Fatal Bonds

by | Jul 2, 2023 | TIPS Bonds | 22 comments

Unveiling the Mechanics of Warlock’s Fatal Bonds

In this video I take a deeper look at Warlock’s Fatal Bonds to better understand some of its mechanics.

Check out my previous video where I did a similar type of dive into Crystal Maiden’s Freezing Field –

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How Warlock’s Fatal Bonds Actually Works

Warlock is a powerful hero in the popular multiplayer online game Dota 2, known for his ability to control multiple targets simultaneously. One of his most unique and impactful abilities is Fatal Bonds, which allows him to bind his enemies together, inflicting damage on each of them whenever one of them takes damage. Understanding how Fatal Bonds works is crucial for both playing as Warlock efficiently and countering his devastating abilities when facing him as an opponent.

Fatal Bonds is Warlock’s third ability and is often considered his signature spell. It is a target ability, meaning that Warlock selects one enemy hero or non-hero to initiate the bond upon. The bonds then spread to any other unit within a certain radius of the initial target, linking them together. These bonded units share a portion of the damage they take, evenly distributing it among them.

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The number of bonds that Fatal Bonds creates depends on its level, starting with three links at level one and increasing to six links at level four. Each link deals a percentage of the original damage taken, based on the ability’s level and a talent Warlock can choose. These shared damage percentages range from 20% to 35% and apply to both magical and physical damage, while every bond lasts for a duration of 25 seconds.

When an enemy target takes damage while under the effect of Fatal Bonds, a portion of that damage is also dealt to all other bonded units. The shared damage is not reduced by armor or magic resistance, making it a potent and often unexpected source of burst damage. It is important to note that the shared damage cannot kill a unit; it can only reduce their health to a minimum of one hit point. This mechanic prevents players from utilizing Fatal Bonds as a direct lethal ability but still makes it profoundly impactful in team fights.

The power of Fatal Bonds lies in its ability to spread damage across multiple enemy units, weakening them collectively. This makes it an excellent tool for initiating clashes against groups of opponents or punishing clustered enemies who stand too close to each other. Additionally, Warlock’s Fatal Bonds synergizes exceptionally well with area of effect abilities, as the linked targets amplify the damage they receive from multi-target spells, transforming them into devastating team-fight combo options.

To effectively counter Warlock’s Fatal Bonds, it is important to spread out and avoid clustering together. When facing a Warlock, good positioning becomes crucial, preventing the bonding effect from dealing excessive shared damage to multiple allies. Moreover, abilities that break or dispel bonds, such as Diffusal Blade, can be valuable tools to weaken the effects of Fatal Bonds or completely remove it, thus diminishing its threat.

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In conclusion, Warlock’s Fatal Bonds is a unique ability that allows him to bind enemies together, distributing damage among them. Its potential for amplified team fight damage makes Warlock an intimidating hero to face. Understanding how to efficiently utilize this ability as Warlock and counter it as an opponent is essential for achieving success on both sides. So, whether you find yourself playing as Warlock or against him, now you have a better understanding of how Fatal Bonds actually works.

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  1. Felex

    Thank you for being patient on the indie devs

  2. VAir R

    Can you do dark portrait

  3. salim benhouhou

    I like these videos keep up the good work

  4. kookou13

    I thought the ability of fatal bond read "teammate proceeds to run to enemy fountain to kill you as well"

  5. Loot Freak

    I Subbed – Great content with an original twist!

  6. EebstertheGreat

    FWIW, once upon a time, both of these spells (Paralyzing Casks and Fatal Bonds) were based on the WC3 spell Chain Lightning. I can't remember what they were, but this spell had properties unsuitable to DotA, so it was eventually triggered, like most spells.

    If you still play DotA 1 today, Fatal Bonds won't work as described. Instead, the spell is "triggered," so each instance of its cast is treated separately. If you cast Fatal Bonds twice in a row, the second cast will not remember the first one. It will affect nearby units as if they had never been affected by Fatal Bonds. However, the bouncing logic is still correct (like with Rubick's Fade Bolt, which is literally just a Chain Lightning tied to a debuff).

    EDIT: WHAT DracoLich is still releasing new DotA 1 maps. Endless respect. I'll have to download those maps and find out what is in store for me.

  7. Zain ul-abideen

    The inconsistency might be because of an internal flag that marks the enemy affected by fatal bonds not being cleared

  8. Didii Campino

    "I know the game is still in beta and it's an indie developer" win the internet today aksdjaksjd

  9. joachim bikas

    That was lot i didnt knw about fatal bonds. Thanks man.

  10. Furong Yan

    One thing that is not mentioned in the tooltip is the damage dealt by the fatal bonds doesn't proc fatal bonds. Otherwise, it would end up in an endless loop. Although it's obvious the total damage is converging since 0.24 is less than 1, it would take a lot computation to do the damage calculation of just one single damage instance.

  11. Gunes Oral

    Woa this channel is a gem. What’s your MMR mate?

  12. Memelord Ozai

    To put it simply, fatal bonds target logic works exactly like Mystic Snake, but instant

  13. JohnRegularYum

    This is something you get to kinda know through experience but nice to confirm the actual behavior.

  14. Dharmaraj Barse

    This is because when you cast bonds for the second time, that command will be run through the cache (game's programming) and results are different than previous scenario….

  15. Mini Mini

    If target A takes 100 physical dmg after armor reduction, does target B reduce the remaining 24 dmg yet again with their respective armor or take flat 24 physical dmg?

  16. ManeST

    remember Italy

  17. Shooby

    Seeing a video like this which is a 4 minute explanation of how one skill of a single hero works makes me feel stupid for ever feeling like a day would come where I would know everything there was to know about this game.

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