Unveiling the Truth: Unmasking the Ultimate Authority? | Zero Hour | Ep 15

by | Oct 3, 2023 | Inherited IRA | 43 comments

Unveiling the Truth: Unmasking the Ultimate Authority? | Zero Hour | Ep 15

With the state of the world as it is today, it’s clear that Biden is not in charge. But if Biden isn’t, then who is? Bureaucrats? Tech overlords? Corporate CEOS? Exactly what power do those in charge they have over us, and when will they finally show their faces? Michael Anton, former national security official in the Trump administration, joins James Poulos to discuss this and more on “Zero Hour.”

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DEEP DIVE: Who’s REALLY in Charge? | Zero Hour | Ep 15

The latest episode of the gripping drama series, Zero Hour, titled “Who’s REALLY in Charge?,” takes viewers on an intense rollercoaster ride of suspense and conspiracies. With each passing episode, the show delves deeper into the tangled web of power struggle, manipulation, and deception, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats.

In this episode, the plot thickens as the central characters find themselves drawn further into a clandestine world they never imagined existed. The episode opens with the revelation that the protagonist, Emma, is being closely monitored by an unknown group of individuals determined to prevent her from investigating the truth behind a global conspiracy.

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Throughout the episode, the show presents multiple layers of intrigue, leaving viewers questioning who is truly pulling the strings. As Emma begins to connect the dots and gather more evidence, she realizes that the conspiracy involves powerful organizations that seem to be controlling every aspect of society, from major corporations to government institutions.

One of the standout moments in this episode is the introduction of an enigmatic character, known as “The Banker,” who holds seemingly unlimited power and resources. His involvement in the conspiracy deepens the mystery and raises more questions. Is he the puppet master behind the scenes, or is someone else pulling his strings? Viewers are left to ponder the implications of his presence and whether he is a force to be reckoned with or a mere pawn in a much larger game.

As the tension escalates, the show explores the various motives and alliances of the key players. Each character is tested, their loyalties questioned, and their pasts revealed. The episode brilliantly portrays the complexities and moral ambiguity of these characters, making it difficult for viewers to decipher who they can truly trust.

In addition to the captivating narrative, the visual aesthetics of Zero Hour continue to impress. From the expertly crafted set designs to the thrilling action sequences, the show delivers a cinematic experience that rivals major motion pictures. The attention to detail in costume design and cinematography immerses viewers in the world of the characters, heightening their emotional connection to the story.

Further enhancing the episode’s impact is the exceptional performances by the cast. Each actor breathes life into their character, adding depth and nuance to their roles. The chemistry between the cast members is palpable, and their commitment to their characters shines through every scene.

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In conclusion, “Who’s REALLY in Charge?” is an electrifying episode of Zero Hour that propels the plot forward while leaving viewers with more questions than answers. The intricate storyline, captivating visuals, and outstanding performances make it an absolute must-watch for fans of suspenseful dramas. As the mystery unfolds, it becomes clear that no one is truly in charge, and the battle for control will have far-reaching consequences. Zero Hour continues to astound and captivate, making it a series not to be missed.

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  1. Kenneth Rhodes

    I Will defend myself, my loved ones and my property, I Will NOT Comply will Illegal laws and "Mandates"

  2. Theo Guşat

    Obama is behind Biden. "Obama is the Antichrist" — heckler.

  3. TUCK - BrainWks - EutEnt - HidVal

    Maybe Ike always wore a hat because he'd spent his whole military career wearing a cover with dress uniforms & (sometimes a helmet!) with fatigues…?

  4. TUCK - BrainWks - EutEnt - HidVal

    This guest is the combination of smartest and most interesting dude (outside the Church) I have heard for the first time on YouTube in at least a year.

    A few weeks ago, when he said this was recorded, he says that the highest reaches of government will be the last bastion of suit-wearing.

    Last week, the Senate voted to end the dress code, in favor of the John Fetterman approach.

    Stick a fork in us.

  5. Lisa Kralosky

    We are being ruled by a SYSTEMICALLY CORRUPTED GLOBAL SYSTEM, which is exponentially narrowing our "extremely limited free choices" down to zero choice. This system has been implemented over decades and basically runs itself.
    Let's take insurance as an example.
    If we were allowed to keep the majority of the money we make instead of funding the exponentially growing government debt. We could pay cash for our cars, homes and healthcare and put money in savings to pay for losses.

  6. Ark Mangato

    Universities are the modern day monasteries.. What a genius point actually and uncannily accurate

  7. Obet Troche

    The Bible says clearly that the prince of this world is the ruler, darkness is a true entity. The Antichrist is creating his platform for his soon manifestation. Jesus is the only answer for our lost generation!

  8. JackBN

    Soros is in charge.

  9. Mike Dooly

    All COVID is, is a blank check for "Big Pharma"! Wake up people!

  10. DuncanClan

    A rogue, treasonous and traitorous regime comprised of wealthy elite controlling corruptible politicians, medias and big businesses in strategic positions of power usurping all authority, politically targeting any who oppose "their" presiding and circumventing our Constitution and rules of law was NOT on the ballot in 2020?!

    Zero of this administration and those that control them like puppets is Constitutional. "They" weren't elected as POTUS, therefore "they" are all in violation of The Constitution and our laws that govern electoral processes, including down to state levels.

  11. Robert Mcintosh

    Obamasoros is in charge in Washington and the drug Cartels are in charge at the borders. Gold Bar Gate

  12. Marco Alessandro

    8:30 I'm okay with the great deep knowledge youze talkin', but still you should give up the Christian focus…………….try………go further back in time….maybe before Yoshke..okay??

  13. Chris Bragdon

    Don’t be an idiot, it is Obama. Obama’s third term. Now they’re rumbling about getting big Mike in, so that’s Obama’s fourth term.

  14. John

    Trump is the CIC. He along with the military are in charge. Not Pedo Joe. Btw, Obama is pulling the strings of his Jonochio puppet.

  15. Nina Booker

    I enjoyed this interview very much. I’m going binge watch the other 14 episodes of Zero Hour. TY

  16. Meredith isme

    The head of the snake is Obama

  17. ksola4

    Clinton and Obama, power struggle. With an ear to Mitch McConnell.

  18. timwell59

    The commander in chief of the US military is the human being that is in charge. But he's surrounded by the 17 most "intelligent" people in the world as advisers. And a world-wide military network, waiting for the EAS to sound off like the rest of us awake patriots that seek and find the truth.


    The Creator of the UNIVERSE is in charge whether you like it or not. Although He delegated to man each responsibility . Unfortunately, men want to do it for their own interests not for the People ❤. But in AMERICA, Citizens must VOTE their LEADERS wisely not to loose AMERICA. VOTE CONSERVATIVES and resist MARXIST SOCIALIST/Tyranny dominance and globalism. VOTE for FREEDOM since we were created with the RIGHT to choose ❤.

  20. PhillyGirl2010

    Who’s really in charge ? Well it certainly isn’t buffoon Biden.

  21. 555Trout

    Mimetically driven hive mind is the most likely explanation.

  22. Elizabeth Wright

    Obama ,hillary and the guy who prints the money and saul salinski ideolog is incharge.

  23. William Reese

    That's because they are following Satan, Satan's minions.

  24. NoBaloney Mahoney

    Even me a stupid civilian knows someone is definitely in charge

  25. KC

    Geez…We are living in the Sodom and Gomorrah era…evils at the helm…period…

  26. stmartin17773

    Just happened upon Fritz Springmeier interviews/talks (h/t Alex Thomson UK Column) and then next see this come up in my notifications. 🙂

  27. susan

    Great Show

  28. Stacy Harris

    Is anything too hard for GOD? Oh what a tangled web they weave when first they practice to deceive…The effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much.

  29. Hopper Mantis

    They can deep dive all they want. Unless the family name starts with an O. They aint close.

    Also. The concept of the people "Therns" do exist.

  30. Talking Story

    We need s constitution includes money and data

  31. Donna Moss

    satan and obama and his international cohorts

  32. Angie Garcia

    Everyone knows that Obozo is running things.

  33. Cave Diver

    BHO is IN CHARGE of the failed BIDEN-REGIME.

  34. Talking Story

    Davos crowd all cell with each other all year

  35. Tim Stingel

    Obama is the one in charge behind the scenes maybe even Hilary also remember Obama even said if he could secretly be in charge he would do it

  36. ON DEC

    George Soros, WEF, Clause Schwab and the rest of the goons.

  37. William Rule

    Social Justice is a sin stilling from on man to give to other is a sin stealing is one of 10 cp

  38. My 3 Sons

    Good conversation

  39. Midwest Yoes

    It's called bio-leninism. Look into it.

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