URGENT: Brace for Silver & Gold Explosions due to the “Doom Loop”

by | Oct 14, 2023 | Bank Failures | 44 comments

URGENT: Brace for Silver & Gold Explosions due to the “Doom Loop”

Gold and silver will explode if the commercial real estate market triggers a market collapse due to more bank failures, persistent inflation and crime, including business like Target closing down because of increased theft! We are in a greater position for an economic collapse. The dollar though at great strength when measured against other currencies is NOT stable. But gold and silver are and more and more people are realizing this!

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URGENT! The “Doom Loop” WILL Make Silver & Gold Explode!

In the uncertain times we live in, it is essential to keep an eye on the global economic landscape. Recent events have revealed significant vulnerabilities in the financial system, setting the stage for potential turmoil and unprecedented effects on traditional investments. Today, we bring you an urgent message: the “Doom Loop” is lurking, and it has the power to make silver and gold explode!

But what exactly is this so-called “Doom Loop”? Well, it refers to a self-reinforcing cycle of events that can push an economy into a state of crisis. It starts with excessive debt, leading to economies struggling to grow due to interest payments. As a result, central banks resort to keeping interest rates low, which ultimately creates even more debt. This vicious cycle perpetuates and escalates, eventually resulting in an impending financial catastrophe.

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So, how does this “Doom Loop” impact precious metals such as silver and gold? Well, they are often regarded as safe-haven assets during times of economic uncertainty. When investors lose confidence in the traditional financial system, they turn to these precious metals as a store of value. As a result, the demand for silver and gold surges, causing their prices to skyrocket.

Several signs point to the activation of this “Doom Loop” and the subsequent explosion of silver and gold prices. First and foremost, we have witnessed a rapid increase in global debt levels. Countries across the globe, both developed and emerging, have been piling up debt at an alarming rate. This over-indebtedness sets the stage for the “Doom Loop” to take hold.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the global economy, leading to significant disruptions. Governments worldwide have responded with massive stimulus packages and historically low interest rates, exacerbating the threat of the “Doom Loop.” These measures might provide a temporary fix, but the long-term consequences cannot be ignored.

In addition to these factors, geopolitical tensions and the uncertain future of currencies only add fuel to the fire. As governments continue to print money and inflate their balance sheets, the value of fiat currencies is at risk of erosion. This further fuels the demand for silver and gold, as investors seek safe-haven assets to protect their wealth.

So, what can investors do to prepare for this impending explosion in silver and gold prices? Diversifying one’s portfolio and allocating a portion to precious metals is a wise move. Silver and gold offer a hedge against inflation, preserving purchasing power when traditional assets falter.

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However, caution is crucial. As with any investment, thorough research and understanding of the market dynamics are essential. Consult with financial experts or experienced investors who can guide you through this journey.

In conclusion, the “Doom Loop” poses a real and significant threat to the global economy, potentially leading to the explosion of silver and gold prices. As economic uncertainties loom, it becomes imperative to consider diversifying one’s portfolio by allocating a portion to these precious metals. Remain vigilant, conduct thorough research, and seek guidance to navigate these uncertain times successfully.

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  1. Keith E.

    I am concerned with the status of the economy over the next decade. However i am not fearful. I have hygiene supplies, medicine, food, water, and a decent savings on hand for emergencies. My family could go far with very little expensr right now. The way i see it is that i need to be better off than 80-90% of the population. If 80% of the population is in worse shape than i am in then my odds are significantly better. I am also flexible. If my wife and i lose our jobs we could work at Mcdonalds and still pay all our bills so we are not living above our means even though that would be a significant pay cut. We also live in a small community/neighborhood that would be easy to rally together for defense and small scale farming. We are also on the edge of a national park with plenty of mushrooms, edible plants, and meat. The community is on a high ridge too which limits the direction people can enter the community with little effort.

  2. Nan_xx


    What Pandemic!!??!!…………….PLANdemic!!! And YES we should have NEVER have shut down!!! That WAS a PART of the…….PLAN!!!! A VERY >>.#EVIL one!!!!!

  4. Dissy556

    You guys can all thank me for the recent spot price drops. I bought both AG & AU early last week, this always happens afterwards!

  5. PChal 021

    Просто топ сделана

  6. PChal 021


  7. Greg Muensterman

    Who would we turn to if we need to sell our precious metals? In my home town we have one coin store. They seem to operate more like a pawn shop……

  8. William Fender

    And a day later, the pre market is in the green by the billions.

  9. Garner Morgan

    A lot of big projects were planned for year ago they don’t just happen over night they can’t just put the brakes on!

  10. Tomoko's Enterprize

    Loop de loop eh. PM's are sure busy with themselves these days eh bud. I am just going to st here and watch the PM's doing as they like before doing much with themselves. We are sure not ready to do much at all with them these days eh. Buy as you like but small moves are recommended eh. Thanks a bunch fella. Always a well thought post for us again.

  11. Brandon Anderson

    Rates wont raise this year…they will break stuff next year…recession mid late next year, after a rate increase in april 24

  12. SouthSideFrankie

    I agree. The UK is heading for record taxes within a year or so, the backdrop to this is nothing in the UK is functioning as it should be, all our services are in a bad way and our borders are a joke. House prices in the UK are ridiculously high. There are also more layoffs happening in the UK and town centre shops are closing leaving boarded up premises. The only thing that makes me feel good at present is owning the shiny.

  13. TheMoffdog

    Very Hard times ahead. Prepare and protect your assets. Thank you Sal for keeping up and informing us working folks

  14. Steve Davis

    This administration 1st day canceling the Keystone pipeline should have woken everyone up to what was coming. Destroy the middle class, make the population dependent on the government, and they win. Thanks to commentaries such as Sals, I will not run into the darkness. Keep stacking.
    God bless, stay strong ❤

  15. weni, widi wici

    I've been buying gold, and silver since 2006, and since 2006 I've been hearing the same song, and dance on how gold, and silver is about to explode…. Anything for another potential subscription….

  16. Alex King

    As somebody who works and invests in real estate I think the commercial sector is overpriced. That being said, most of it is owned by large corporations who should have more than enough money to change it to mix use. They’ve already started to do it in a lot of cities.

  17. Dark Phoenix

    When normal people cant afford, they wont buy. Plain and simple.

  18. Freedom WillRing

    I always believe everyone should CYA, and that's why I stack.

  19. Silver Struck

    Like number 490! I think the real-estate part of this is regional. Property values in my neck of the woods is still increasing. That said- I'm an hour outside of Boston, so we have a big jump in value from people leaving the city. If we start getting smash and grab crimes here- well, no comment.

  20. SteveC

    Real Estate here in Texas is Strong. Property Values Continue to rise as well as taxes. Will It continue Maybe Maybe not. very cautious and prepping for the worst And hoping for the better.

  21. Gold Maple

    Ģold has been down last 6 months. It's doing very badly against the US dollar.

  22. Bosnian Stacker

    This country is going to be in some serious trouble, and we can thank many ignorant people among the way. Nice video and thumb up.

  23. Scott Cole

    Sal's Awake Now. All Hell is Coming. Maybe Bank on it is a poor choice of words …..

  24. Soulpatch Jackson

    Been on the sidelines all week waiting to scoop my 10oz for 250 or less strategy. Don't know why I been procrastinating this week. Plenty of good deals.

  25. Homestead Aquarius

    The storms are here already and will get worse as we go.
    You are 100% though I have no way of knowing the forms in which they will all take. Safe havens of all kinds will be sought after. The music has stopped already, do you have a chair?

  26. Cemetery Shop

    I lost approximately $100k when I sold my house in 2010. I was so put out by the volatility of real estate I decided to reorder my lifestyle downward. I’m no longer into expensive things, they’re too risky. Now I save for retirement, buy gold and silver, bide my time. I was happy to see a nice dip in both gold and silver this week. I bought a few small gold coins and 10 oz silver. That’s what makes me feel ok about things. The simple life is the life for me. Happy Thursday Sal!

  27. Brian Heimbuecher

    My take is this: While Europe fought back against the lockdowns & 'the jab', the US population stayed silent. I think a crashing euro has a better chance of waking up the citizenry than a failing fiat dollar. Give us Bud Lite & weekend sports & we're golden so to speak…

  28. John Knox

    Country Garden will bring everything crashing down. It is vastly bigger than Evergrande Group. What is happening in China though is just a mirror of what is happening in the West and a reflection of how bad our own economy also is under these big government, big spending, money-printing, Keynesians. Dollar strength will keep precious metals subdued for a while. However, the s-word will eventually hit the fan and we will see the markets crash followed by a precious metals rally.

  29. LeanMixture

    Spot on, totally agree with you. The dollar will be sacrificed for the oligarchy.

  30. The Krutchinator

    Gold and Silver just got smashed!

  31. Helen Daub

    Hi, I do not have any bills to pay it took me 30 years to get here . I f you think you are rich and have cc ,bank, auto ,morgages you are kidding your self you are liveing a lye tray to pay every thing off and then you will be happer.

  32. Mrs Hart

    I've lost 20 to 30 dollars on every 5 grams of gold purchased this summer – Canada

  33. Rondo Ottosen

    I don't trust our government at all or their governance!

  34. Rondo Ottosen

    We are seeing a run to gold and silver, from all around the world!

  35. Cole Dedhand

    Gold and silver aren't going to explode. Faith in fiat dollars is going to implode. When people finally realize a dollar is worth zero, anything of value will be worth infinity dollars.

  36. rvmagnum

    Hi Sal, I will enjoy my coins even if silver and gold hit 0. I enjoy all your videos, they do energize the gray mater. as you can see by my spelling my gray mater needs all the help it can get.

  37. shiny shinyman

    EVERY SINGLE TIME IN HISTORY when we had an INVERTED-YIELD CURSE, it is inevitably followed by a RECESSION! This time we have the longest and most inverted-yield of all time! Honestly, I do see DEEP RECESSION coming! Not liking it, but we just have to be prepared for it.

  38. Chris P Bacon

    I am a happy renter but I built a house of precious metals. The price of it changes, but not the value.

  39. robert blakeley

    If you are aware of the tidal wave of trouble coming everyone’s way, you can be ready for it. Putting your head in the sand will only make it worse.

  40. Silita

    thumbs up

  41. Pete O

    Sal your spot on! Maybe a golden opportunity to increase the stack

  42. boilermatt


  43. Rufferto

    Hey Sal, great video. But with thousands of people dying each day before the vaccines were developed, I don't see how you can say we shouldn't have shut things down. Also, I may have missed it, but what were your thoughts about the previous administration adding over $7 trillion to the deficit, or almost 25% of the current debt, while lowering taxes for the super wealthy. I agree the deficit should be decreased, but how about returning to the tax rates during the Clinton administration, the last time we had a budget surplus? Also, my understanding is that there are not nearly the bad real estate loans there were in 2008.

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