US Army Colonel Issues Warning of Imminent Armageddon

by | Nov 11, 2023 | Gold IRA | 19 comments

US Army Colonel Issues Warning of Imminent Armageddon

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In this gripping special report, we delve into the intensifying Middle East tensions and the looming possibility of a catastrophic US conflict with global powers like Iran, Russia, and China over Israel’s retaliation to a Hamas strike. Col. Douglas Macgregor paints a grim picture, emphasizing the severe consequences such actions could provoke. From Iran’s potent missile capabilities targeting cities like Tel Aviv to the overlooked domestic threats posed by Hezbollah within the US, the repercussions are alarming. If unchecked, this chain of events could plunge us into “Armageddon.” Join Gary Franchi as he unpacks these grave concerns and discusses why every American should be alert. Stay till the end for a compelling final thought. WATCH NOW!

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US Army Colonel Warns We’re Inches Away from Armageddon

A US Army colonel has issued a stark warning that the world is teetering on the brink of a global catastrophe. In a recent interview, Colonel Thomas J. Stewart, a military strategist with extensive experience in international security and defense affairs, stated that the current geopolitical tensions and military build-up across the globe have brought us dangerously close to the edge of a full-scale conflict.

Colonel Stewart, who has served in various high-ranking positions within the US military, expressed deep concern over the escalating tensions between major world powers, particularly the United States, Russia, and China. He emphasized that the potential for a large-scale military confrontation between these countries poses a grave threat to global stability and peace.

According to Colonel Stewart, the situation is particularly perilous in the context of nuclear capabilities and the potential for a catastrophic escalation. He warned that any miscalculation or misstep in the current volatile environment could lead to an all-out conflict with devastating consequences for the entire world.

In addition to the traditional military threats, Colonel Stewart raised alarm about the increasing use of cyber warfare and disinformation campaigns as tools of aggression and destabilization. He stressed that these non-traditional tactics have the potential to cause significant harm and disruption to societies and economies on a global scale.

Colonel Stewart’s warning comes at a time when tensions between the US and its rivals are at a heightened state. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the military build-up in the South China Sea, and the deteriorating relationship between the US and Russia are among the many factors contributing to the volatile global atmosphere.

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In light of these threats, Colonel Stewart urged world leaders to prioritize dialogue, diplomacy, and de-escalation efforts to prevent a catastrophic conflict. He emphasized the need for open communication channels and constructive engagement between nations to address the underlying issues and reduce the risk of miscalculation.

The sobering assessment from a senior military strategist underscores the urgent need for a concerted effort to defuse the current tensions and promote a more peaceful and stable international order. It serves as a stark reminder of the perils of geopolitical brinkmanship and the potential consequences of a failure to address the underlying issues driving global conflicts.

The warning from Colonel Stewart should serve as a wake-up call for all stakeholders in the international arena. It is imperative for world leaders to heed this caution and take concrete steps towards easing tensions, promoting mutual understanding, and preventing the looming Armageddon that Colonel Stewart has warned about. The stakes are too high to ignore the gravity of the current situation, and the time to act is now.

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  1. Michael Brown

    Yeah. Need to work on the thumbnails. Somebody has no clue about military rank.

  2. Majed Omar

    As a muslim our prophet told is about the armageddon war . Our prophet say muslim and christian will be together unite and fight aneme and the will win and then a christian guy will say the the cross makes us win and the muslim guy will say no we win by the power of god and then the armageddon war will start muslim against christians

  3. Navin Kumar Singh

    Remember what had to done during WW 2 concerning the Japanese vin the US.Roosevelt was right.The Islamists in America have to be relocated,fanaticism fear nothing.

  4. Adam Houck


  5. Terri Clark

    I cant wait. I got heart failure. Im so ready

  6. Steve Brown

    Every single bit of all these wars, inflation, taxes, & anger began when America stopped producing oil, gas, & natural gas. The border invasion began the moment the communist/globalists assumed control of our “Govt.”. Why did WE allow this to happen, & WHY are WE allowing it to continue?

  7. Bertrum Vodcas

    Terrorist planted here by 3 letter agency

  8. Bertrum Vodcas

    Thanks to Obama Hussein sending billions in cash to Iran… traitor

  9. Kurt Pankau

    Close the boarders Now! They are called illegals for a reason, It's illegal! There is a due prosses to become an American citizen…

  10. Bonnie Vallery

    If these self-serving people in our media who have aligned with our administration would just wake up and realize they have been I'm wrong side, we could get the one man who just wants to help our country back in office! They are as treasonous as those who perpetuate and continue to act on the lies in our administration. And they are every bit as responsible for the downfall of our country, and too stupid to realize they are no different than us and just as vulnerable!
    They know the election was rigged, They see the destruction this administration has caused and know who is responsible for it.

  11. Rlnstn

    Well we can thank Biden for opening the door to Hezbollah into our country. They came up here through Mexico and the open border Biden created. I hate to say it but it's probably just a matter of time before our great nation will be attacked. I usually don't think this way but a person would have to stupid not to see the distinct probability of attack in the not so distant future. God help us all.

  12. william bennett

    Dont worry about this.Matthew 24:6 KJV
    And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
    WE ARE ALL SINNIERS AND NEED the LORD TO SAVE US. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOOSE BY BELIEVING IN HIM AND EVERYTHING TO LOOSE BY NOT BELIEVING IN HIM. WE TRUST STRANGERS EVERYDAY. Drs other drivers etc. Why not the LORD???We might not understand electric but we just have unconditional faith that we turn on the swithch and dont even think about it just trust the light will come on. So please pray about this.
    Revelation 21:8 KJV
    But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
    John 3:16 KJV
    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  13. Daytona 392

    At the very least take the nuclear football away from Biden.

  14. Larry Williams

    Ha god is not lisning to us siners

  15. JD Ard

    Personally I think we are in the early stage of WW III. I very much hope I am wrong.

  16. Laurie Smith

    Having a weak President doesn’t help.

  17. Eddie The Dodge man

    And yet Biden keeps the borders open. So arrest him. Most of these politicians are NWO people. Their souls have been sold.
    We're not at that time of Armageddon. Armageddon is the world's armies against Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    The nation's fuel ⛽️ reserves are gone. Biden apparently emptied them out

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