US Bank Bailouts Surge, Resulting in Minor Boost for Silver and Cryptos (Bix Weir)

by | Oct 7, 2023 | Bank Failures | 39 comments

US Bank Bailouts Surge, Resulting in Minor Boost for Silver and Cryptos (Bix Weir)

With the whole world on lock down and no real Road to restart or remake the past, Daily Market Manipulation has become REQUIRED! How long can we live in the computer controlled simulation before everything breaks down. My bet is…not that much longer!…(read more)


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Silver & Cryptos Get Tiny Bump as US Bank Bailouts Skyrocket! (Bix Weir)

In these troubled times, where the global economy is reeling under the impact of the ongoing pandemic, it is no surprise that the major banks in the United States are resorting to massive bailouts. The repercussions of such actions are being felt across various financial sectors and assets, including silver and cryptocurrencies.

Silver, often seen as a safe-haven asset and a hedge against economic uncertainty, witnessed a slight increase in demand amidst the growing concerns over the stability of the banking system. Historically, during times of economic turmoil, investors have flocked towards precious metals like silver and gold as a means to protect their wealth.

The recent surge in demand for silver can be attributed to the belief that large-scale bank bailouts may lead to a devaluation of fiat currencies, thereby increasing the appeal of tangible assets like silver. Furthermore, as stimulus packages inject trillions of dollars into the economy, the fear of inflation and currency debasement looms large, further supporting the silver price. While the increase may be considered only a “tiny bump” for now, it is indicative of the underlying concerns held by investors.

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Cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, also experienced a similar uptick in interest. As the traditional financial system faces unprecedented challenges, cryptocurrencies, with their decentralized nature, are seen by many as an alternative and resilient form of financial transactions. Bitcoin, the most popular cryptocurrency, has always been referred to as “digital gold” due to its limited supply and its ability to act as a store of value.

Moreover, the recent fiscal measures adopted by central banks worldwide have raised concerns about the long-term stability of fiat currencies. This has driven several investors towards cryptocurrencies as a hedge against potential currency devaluation and inflation. While their recent surge was also relatively minor, it showcases the growing appeal of digital currencies in times of economic uncertainty.

However, it is worth noting that despite the increased interest in silver and cryptocurrencies, their overall impact on the banking system remains limited. The scale of the US bank bailouts far exceeds the relatively small demand increase witnessed in these assets. Additionally, the traditional financial system still dominates global markets, with silver and cryptocurrencies serving as alternative investment options for those seeking diversification or hedging strategies.

In conclusion, the recent escalation of US bank bailouts has led to a slight increase in demand for silver and cryptocurrencies. This can be seen as a manifestation of investors’ concerns about currency devaluation, inflation, and the stability of the banking system. While their impact on the overall financial system may be relatively small, these alternative assets serve as a reminder of the growing interest in tangible and decentralized forms of wealth preservation during uncertain times.

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  1. sircruz68

    This virus is a hoax!! Is this truly about a Virus or is it about and Election in November?

  2. Billy T

    Don’t know anybody!


    I do not not know anyone personally who have it. Only lives on the internet through social media, fake msm tv news and articles on the internet. People just post vague articles. Using Fear, Covid 19 is a Controlavirus!!!

  4. Ingimundur Kárason

    I don’t know anyone who has covid19 or is ill!

  5. Visionary Fiction

    Two good friends in Spain died from Covid; they were in their 80s. My niece and her husband in Seattle both got it–it was like staying home with the flu.

  6. Dudeboy

    I don't know of anyone who has covid.

  7. Jeff Levy

    I know someone who had two friends die from COVID-19.

  8. Dave Lewis

    Don't know a single person.

  9. Phil C

    I know zero peeps

  10. Nick's World

    i know two people who tested positive, one had to go to the hospital and nearly died, but he's 80 so take that for what its worth. the other person i know who got it has a compromised immune system and she is ok, she never went to the hospital or anything. she did, however, lose her sense of smell for almost a month.

  11. Michael Wagner

    In Germany we call her Greta Thunfish ;o)

  12. Greg Burns

    Theta you talk about looks a really good project. The co head of YouTube is the leader, linked with a top team, Samsung, Sony etc. The clock is ticking down. Can see it at least $1 very quick. The Game section is exciting with Free Theta Gas. Good tip mate.

  13. Tim V

    I know 2 personally who had it seriously

  14. Sentinel 17

    I don't have the DS flu either….nor does anyone I know….

  15. Jess Trade

    The defaulting is definately here. You could see all the stock sales this am being replaced by citadel and the like go green this a noon w the fed buying all the etf's that blackcock had to sell so they can keep the 5 short down on gold. Which barely worked, and silver etf popped a bit, and even w all this. It doesn't seem enough to hold the price down as banking friend says in crisis add a 0, so 300m in bond buying was 3b and that not being enough for one days market is scary. Personally, I think they tapped a lot of the 3t congress pulled out for relief and w they get caught doing that at some point it w be all over for the markets. As soon as next week I think.

  16. James Reilly

    Sounds like Bix is singing a different tune on Covid from just a few weeks ago. You have no credibility Bix on science or metals. Anyone paying money to you is throwing it down the crap hole.

  17. Are You Awake?

    When you wake up from the MSM programming, you're going to need counseling. If you have not seen the truth, you will.
    Q sent me.
    The choice to know will be yours. Q

  18. Hans Solo

    But I’m in NYC

  19. Hans Solo

    I know 4 who died and at least a dozen who had it.

  20. HKSammler

    We know zero people with Covid

  21. ColoradoHiker7002

    I know of 4, 1 of those being me. 3 in Colorado. My cousin was the worst and was in the hospital. I would have missed probably a month of work if not recently retired. Didn't go to the hospital, down pretty hard for 2 weeks. Coughed like mad for the last week. Blood oxygen was low for a month after I got better no idea why. Recent autopsy on 21 people in Basel showed all had some degree of blood clots. Possible I could have had the tiny clots they found which inhibited my oxygen….maybe they reabsorbed and went away which is why my oxygen is now normal ????? First sign to normal oxygen and 100% was around 2 months for me.

  22. El T.

    I have one close friend who had it in April and I have a first cousin who had it in April, too. Her son and daughter had it, too, at the same time but her daughter-in-law did not get it (…her daughter-in-law is a Lupus patient and takes Hydroxychloroquine regularly for her Lupus). All of them were treated at home and recovered just fine.

  23. Salty-Sith-Lord

    None of my fam or friends had the Kung flu. I’m in uk

  24. DougMarr BusinessVideos

    I don't know anyone that has the WaWa flu. However, I see a lot of people cowering in their homes with their masks on. Good job media!

  25. Nodulon Max

    Talked to a real estate agent in a business dealing who was diagnosed with CV. She said she felt fine. No Family or friends affected.

  26. Paolo Susanni

    Ok Bitcoin going up. Silver going nowhere. Please use rockets for crypto, metals sink to the bottom of the pond.

  27. supplanter

    On 05 April 2020, a friend of mine from Buffalo NY texted me to say, "I have coronavirus." I texted him back to ask for clarification: • "Do you have SARS-CoV-2?" • "Because if you've simply picked up just any old coronavirus, then big whoop." He texted me back to say that he didn't know, and that he was being moved to a different hospital. I sent him back a couple more text messages right after that, but I haven't heard from him since. I personally think his phone was stolen and that someone was playing games, but I haven't reached out to him since. If the message was from him initially, then shame on him for just trying to drum up drama, a message without context. If it wasn't, then my suspicions were correct.


    I of know 1 struggling, 1 death….. 4 others recovered. upstate NY here.

  29. The Viking

    due to the usage of silver as a commodity …. there could actually be more Gold above ground than Silver ….!!!

  30. Alexander Petrov

    Was really sick in February, which is strange because I rarely get sick. It was bad for about 2 days, mild symptoms for weeks. I dunno what it was. Many people I know had similar experiences.
    I did the Clif thing, Vic C, D, Chagga, and other mushrooms, healthy eating and also elderberry syrup. I did self quarantine just in case. Please quarantine yourself if you feel anything!
    Feeling great now.
    Washington, DC

  31. standwithterry

    My wife works in county government and she told me about one gentleman that got covid badly and almost passed away from it, but did survive. Other than that one guy in Colorado, we don't know of any others

  32. David Kendrick

    Bix I know 4 relatives with SARS Cov 2, Aunt and Uncle who both worked at the same School, my Sister in law who worked at the NFU and my Brother who caught it from her. Age is 50+ for all. The school one is important since everyone forgets – Children shrug off colds but are the source of community spread of all viruses therefore with SARS, will kill off the adults. So you can open up the schools if you have no staff over 20 and dont mind losing the parents. Should have kept the bug out of the country. I am from the UK. The UK imported 40,000 Spanish football supporters on March 11th and Schoolchildren returning from Spain & Italy trips, as well as 18 million untested passengers this year. Thats a lot of travel industry lobby power, shame it killed off the economy.

  33. Ray Bands

    ZERO !
    ( ● )"|/"( ● )

  34. Johan Karlsson

    I don’t know anybody that’s having it

  35. Betsy Wood

    3 people personally who had covid 19. Two still sick.

  36. Byron Boyd

    Here in Houston 4th largest city in US…I know of Z E R O !

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