Vanguard Data Reveals Age-Based Average 401k Balances for 2023 ⚖️

by | Aug 7, 2023 | Fidelity IRA | 21 comments

Vanguard Data Reveals Age-Based Average 401k Balances for 2023 ⚖️

📈 Average 401k Balance 2023 By Age (Vanguard Data) 📊

🔑 Key Takeaways:
The latest data from Fidelity Investments reaffirms the positive trend in retirement savings across different age groups. While the average retirement balances vary by age, it’s crucial to remember that everyone’s financial and retirement journey is unique, and comparing yourself solely to these figures might not reflect your individual circumstances accurately. However, this information can serve as a valuable benchmark and a motivator to take charge of our financial and retirement futures.

💡 The Power of Saving:
No matter where you currently stand in your retirement savings journey, this data underscores the importance of consistent and disciplined retirement saving habits. By making incremental contributions to your 401k or other retirement accounts (IRA, Roth IRA, Taxable Investing Accounts), you’re building a foundation for financial security and freedom in the retirement years to come.

🚀 Keep the Momentum Going:
Let’s celebrate these positive strides in retirement savings, while also encouraging one another to continue the momentum. Together, we can spread financial literacy, promote smart investing strategies, and empower more individuals to take control of their financial well-being.

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Here at Pearl Wealth Group, we run a trademarked retirement investment and retirement income plan for individuals and families who are wanting to retire called “Your Financial EKG™.” What we are trying to visualize is how long a persons retirement savings are going to last throughout retirement. If you are looking for early retirement planning tips or trying to saving for retirement in your 50’s, You Financial EKG™ is a great tool to help you understand where you are retirement planning. retirement planning and retirement income strategies shouldn’t be complicated. They should just be done right.

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Pearl Wealth Group
Drew Blackston, CRC® & RFC®
Office: 813-807-5060

Getting you to Retirement, through Retirement, & protecting YOUR ability to stay in Retirement!

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The average 401k balance has always been a topic of interest when it comes to retirement planning. As we approach 2023, it is essential to take a close look at the projected average 401k balance by age. This data is vital for individuals to gain insights into their retirement readiness and make informed decisions accordingly.

Vanguard, one of the leading investment management companies, provides valuable data on the average 401k balance. It collects information from millions of retirement accounts, giving us a comprehensive understanding of the trends and statistics.

Let’s dive into the projected average 401k balance by age in 2023, according to Vanguard’s data:

1. Age 25-34:
The average 401k balance for individuals in this age group is expected to be around $40,000 – $60,000. As millennials and younger generations increasingly prioritize retirement savings, we see a steady increase in balances compared to previous years.

2. Age 35-44:
By 2023, the average 401k balance for those aged 35-44 is projected to be around $90,000 – $120,000. This group typically experiences a significant increase in their balances due to career progression and higher contributions.

3. Age 45-54:
Individuals in this age bracket are expected to have an average 401k balance ranging between $150,000 – $250,000. As retirement draws closer, it is crucial to accelerate the savings rate and make the most of catch-up contributions.

4. Age 55-64:
By 2023, this age group is projected to have an average 401k balance of $300,000 – $500,000. These individuals are often in their peak earning years and have had more time to accumulate savings in their retirement accounts.

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5. Age 65 and above:
Vanguard’s data predicts an average 401k balance of $500,000 and above for individuals aged 65 and above by 2023. While retirement may be on the horizon for this cohort, it’s important to remember that retirement savings can continue to grow during the golden years.

It is worth noting that these figures are averages and individual circumstances can vary significantly. Factors such as income, contribution rates, investment choices, and market performance all play a crucial role in determining account balances.

While the projected average 401k balances provide valuable insights, it is essential for individuals to assess their own situation and adjust their retirement strategy accordingly. Regularly reviewing and updating financial plans, seeking professional advice, and consistently contributing to retirement accounts are all essential steps towards building a robust financial future.

In conclusion, the projected average 401k balance in 2023 by age, according to Vanguard’s data, provides individuals with a benchmark to gauge their retirement savings progress. It emphasizes the significance of consistent contributions, sound investment choices, and diligent financial planning. By actively managing their retirement accounts, individuals can strive towards a comfortable and secure retirement.

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  1. Jill B

    But it’s just looking at one piece of the puzzle? Is your home paid for? Do you have a large HOA or other fees? Are your taxes locked in (homestead)? Pension? The amount of money one needs is very dependent on things like that. Not just a random number that is saved. Of course the more the better in all aspects but one person with 100,000 could live a very different life than another person with the same amount.

  2. univibe23

    The problem with these stats is that they only account for IRS and 401Ks, etc, and don't include savings in non tax deferred accounts.

  3. R S

    Hello Drew how do i get started with you please let me know thank you my wife is 63 and 4 months and i am 62 and 6 months

  4. Danny Brooks

    These are terrible numbers. Those close to retirement are screwed.

  5. Keith Galloway

    This is misleading. How many people took their upper six or seven figure 401ks and rolled them into IRAs when they left their job and now they have a $20,000 401k?

  6. e5toro

    Factoring in inflation, everyone needs 2 million to retire comfortably.

  7. Christen Ganley

    The average is the average of the list. Great, I feel like I'm in math class again.

  8. Ed Shipe

    Is that for a single retirement accounts 401k / IRA or all the accounts held by the individual? I have 3 accounts and my wife has 1. Individually they aren't impressive but combined ok.

  9. barry marson

    Americans have a spending problem.. that I cannot believe, so I must be going really well because I have $1.4 mill at 56..

  10. kauigirl808

    But a traditional 401k/IRA and ROTH would be very different numbers.

  11. WestCoastBroodWar

    Annnd there will be hell to pay for those that did save after other retire and have no money to retire or contribute to society.

    This is a titanic size ice berg.

  12. z dg

    Its very good to save i use to stress over it until i keep seeing people retiring and dying after 1-5yrs. Just save enough and not go too crazy. And adjust your life style depending on your saved money when you retire

  13. Daniel Sandoval

    Retirement is a thing of the past. We all going to be working for aliens and bots. May the odds be in your favor.

  14. Joe Yanes

    It would be interesting to see what the top decile, quintile and quartile is per age group. E.g. someone is 65 and has 500k where do they rank within the peer group

  15. Mark Kriedeman

    42 and 450k in my IRA and 3 pensions on the docket. Most likely won't be enough due to the inflation. Will need millions to retire comfortable and cover medical…. pathetic what we work our whole lives for….

  16. Lamont Cranston

    I see this 401k data and how low the numbers are. The problem is not all people have a 401k. my wife and I never had a 401k, but yet we retired in the top 5% of US net worth. We saved in tIRAs, Roth IRAs, Sep IRAs, HSAs, a couple hundred k in real estate, (not including our home) and in traditional taxable accounts. The 401k is not enough data to provide real net worth.

  17. Ryan Farmer

    Wife and i are 46 and 42, at the 900k mark in fidelity currently, 9 years left to work

  18. Alex T

    Crazy how sad these stats are. The average for 65+ should realistically be what EVERYONE should have as a baseline at 40. And that's baseline. Just wild.

  19. Dan Forth

    I'm 52 y.o. now and if the bull market continues through December, I will quite easily surpass $300k

  20. Will Kirk

    Median is middle. Order the set from highest to lowest, and find the number in the middle. Practical application: 50% of the people are below that number and 50% or above that number.

  21. Robert L

    I must be in the minority of younger people. I’m 44 and have 300k saved in IRAs, annuities and a 401k.

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