Warning from Nomi Prins: Bank Bailouts, Great Depression Red Flags, and Rising Hyperinflation Risks

by | Aug 31, 2023 | Bank Failures | 36 comments

Warning from Nomi Prins: Bank Bailouts, Great Depression Red Flags, and Rising Hyperinflation Risks

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Nomi Prins Warns on Bank Bailouts: Great Depression Red Flags Emerge, Hyperinflation Dangers

The world is currently facing one of the most challenging economic crises in recent memory. As governments scramble to rescue their economies from the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, renowned financial journalist and author, Nomi Prins, has sounded a warning about the dangers of bank bailouts and the emergence of red flags reminiscent of the Great Depression. Prins also cautions against the potential threat of hyperinflation that may loom on the horizon.

Bank bailouts have become a common strategy used by governments to stabilize the financial sector during times of crisis. While they may seem like a necessary measure to prevent widespread economic collapse, Prins argues that they often favor the interests of the elite and powerful financial institutions over those of the average citizen. These bailouts, in many cases, contribute to increasing wealth inequality and fail to address the root causes of the crisis.

Drawing parallels to the Great Depression, Prins highlights the similarities between the economic indicators of that era and the current situation. Bank failures, market volatility, rising unemployment, and falling wages are all signs that bear an eerie resemblance to the conditions preceding the Great Depression. Prins warns that without appropriate measures in place, history may repeat itself, leading to a prolonged and devastating economic downturn.

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Furthermore, Prins raises the alarm about the potential dangers of hyperinflation. Governments around the world have been injecting massive amounts of liquidity into their economies to combat the current crisis. While these efforts are crucial in boosting liquidity and preventing a deflationary spiral, they also pose the risk of triggerinng hyperinflation if not properly managed. Hyperinflation erodes the value of money, leading to skyrocketing prices and severe economic instability.

To mitigate these risks, Prins argues for the implementation of a more holistic and equitable approach to economic recovery. Instead of solely focusing on propping up banks, governments should prioritize strengthening their support for small businesses, workers, and marginalized communities. Implementing policies that address income inequality, improving social safety nets, and investing in infrastructure and sustainable industries are some of the steps that Prins suggests.

Furthermore, Prins emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability in the financial system. Stricter regulations, increased oversight, and addressing the issues of “too big to fail” institutions are critical measures that can help prevent excessive risk-taking and ensure a fairer distribution of resources.

While the road to recovery is undoubtedly challenging, Prins’s warnings serve as a wake-up call to policymakers and citizens alike. The time to address the systemic flaws that have been exposed by this crisis is now. By learning from history, implementing responsible economic policies, and prioritizing the welfare of all citizens, governments can navigate through these troubled waters and pave the way for a more sustainable and equitable future.

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  1. Nicole Nykanen

    in the 1800's people didnt have children based on their pocket book. Thats a sign of selfish cultural rot today

  2. Marty Rodgers8

    I remember chris cox the sec chair saying the market and economy is great just before bear sterns and i

  3. Marty Rodgers8

    Fascinating that the number 1 reason trump is hanging in there is the bogus claim that the economy is so strong. Why is it that the dems are not making hay and exposing this debt fueled expansion? I would be scaring the crap out of voters and using this. Especially if they think they can win in 2020 by letting voters know the gop continued the qe con game by passing the tax bill instead of letting market forces adjust.

  4. Richard Bulles

    I made the most money I ever have in 2019 because I was able to get a full time job in addition to my DJ business. My DJ business is down nearly 40% from 2015, and I am doing everything I can to book events. I made the decision to get a full time job just over a year ago. Glad that I found one. I use to just DJ, or work part time jobs and DJ and was okay. With that said, I dealt with the last recession, and that sucked. I can SMELL the next recession coming, and I feel it will end up being worse than the last one. It is coming. It may take another 18 to 36 months to get here because I feel Trump will do whatever he can to keep the bull market running, and that means a lot of support from the FED. 2020 May still look good on paper, but this will all come ahead. If this does not get under way this year, it has to happen in 2021, and 2022/2023 are going to be rough years. I think it will be a rough ride. We are overdue for a recession as well. Should have started in 2017!

  5. Jack Hydrazine

    "When you run out of liquidity, whether it's money or alcohol, the party is over."
    -Author unknown

  6. post script

    Ms. N. P. had two very senior jobs at two failing institutions.
    I would like her to talk about that.

  7. Dominick Masonry

    The market will
    Hit 36k before it folds/ends

  8. JJ

    Do you think this is still a good time to buy a first home even with the looming situation??

  9. Łukasz Furmaniak

    Regarding bailouts, recently one of FED guys said that they thinking to skip middleman in repo market and inject money directly to hedge funds – that is whom they are bailing out now. I guess also some real estate investment funds (mutual funds? – whatever is proper name in english), as all this institutions are using repo market to get leverage.

  10. Łukasz Furmaniak

    I just want to notice that chart you have showed us is not inflation but minimum wage. Venezuela inflation chart look really differently. Inflation was something between 20% to 40% on a year basis from 2000 (also very high before with some spikes etc.) till 2015 and change into hyperinflation afterwards. On your charts its look like there is no inflation for 10 years, it is because you got minimum wage chart, they did not had minimum wage back then, that why.

  11. Bull Bear

    Great analysis JJ, Nomi is dead on! Because she worked for the Vampire Squid (GS) she knows. Economy is already cooked but we are entering hyper inflation stage,

  12. Bull Sh

    I trust the whole financial system here in America is one of the biggest, "worst… would be revealed, if not for the impeachment and Iran/Venezuela, sanctions, "regime", change attempts", distractions.
    IOW, all this fed money printing pays for the sand foothold that supports the failing foundation of this crippled economic system. Meanwhile Trump's endless, "hope in numbers charts", speeches are used to calm or enrage and otherwise distract & lull to sleep, the masses that would know better if not for the use of petrodollar-financed political turmoil.

  13. michel

    i'll be so happy when the world collapses!

  14. orbitt

    B.B.B.B. lets replace the bed with a Fed rep and add a line of people, a seemingly endless line of people, ok. Now the fed rep is carrying a sign which reads, "We Are About To Blow-Up The Worlds Financial System – JUMP NOW!"

  15. Leslie Stenta

    I was scared when my son had a daughter and love her so much. But climate change is my real fear, what kind of world will she grow up in

  16. Leslie Stenta

    My father lived though the Great Depression and his family were dirt poor. He would not touch the stock market with a ten foot pole. He was smart and invested in Real Estate

  17. jvaldez5

    According to Gabriel Herrera’s channel it takes 3 months of salary to pay for a movie going experience. Tell me how this is affordable? The movie theater was practically empty except for the rich still in Venezuela

  18. Batman


  19. Hack Prine

    Nomi Prins is a liberal anti-Trump mouthpiece………….

  20. john winchester

    The big print will continue to drive asset prices up!
    Fanning inflation !!!
    Everything bubble to continue to inflating!

  21. lou brok

    You should have Wayne Jett on to discuss the Fed with Nomi Prins.

  22. CKS

    When it all crashes people will find out what was really in the Dodd Frank bill ,And it ain’t gonna be pretty

  23. Jose Robinson

    Now they got me running from feds, Now they got me running from the feds

  24. Inner Integration

    The population downturn could be related to economics. It could also be related to 2.5 decades of GMOs in the food. The third generation of rats fed Monsanto's GM corn ended up sterile. I'm also wondering how much wifi can influence fertility as well as wearing a cell phone on or near the body.

  25. panyako

    Could #MGTOW be another factor in the declining population growth rate? I think that it's quite likely

  26. Carol Horn

    It's all going down like you guys said.

  27. Thomas Kauser

    Imagine a money tree that cost more to maintain than its producing?

  28. Sand Man

    Gonna be a bumpy ride, better buckle up.

  29. mrcr45

    she is right

  30. MrRobot

    What I am thinking is that doing Cash Advance can be one of the ways to buy a business that is being struck by recession ! Prepare to see many businesses that defaults on paying cash advance creditors being purchased at discount price by these creditors !

  31. Dennis Kogl

    Humans don't seem to realize that they are "animals". When animals overgraze or eat all the prey species, nature has many ways to bring a new balance to the system. This may involve starvation, pestilence, or migration. Humans across the globe are doing a lot of "migrating" recently due to war, lack of economic betterment, and climate change.
    The population of the globe is 7+ Billion whereas estimates by some geostratigists is that our Earth can support about one Billion head of humans.
    So good, the population of the US is hardly growing. Our economic systems should not be based on ever greater growth, but I submit that they should be in equilibrium with the size of the population. In short, we have the wrong capitalist economic model. Climate change will cause a reorganization of human geographic populations. it's inevitable.

  32. tim mellow

    Aren't many state & local pension bankrupt also?

  33. Joel Furber

    Excellent vid! A real eye opener Eyes Wide OPEN!

  34. Judy Vaughn

    My opinion we're good until after the election and then I think all hell's going to break loose hope I'm wrong

  35. Robert Saxer


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