Warning To Anyone With A 401k

by | Aug 6, 2022 | 401k | 22 comments

Warning To Anyone With A 401k

Check out my live investment conference, Rebel Capitalist Live, June 24-26 at …(read more)


REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



See also  401k: A Growing Number of Americans are Withdrawing their Retirement Funds
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  1. Israel88

    This is a war of the 1% against the 99%.

  2. Michael Williams

    3:55 you are assuming they are not planning on cheating – again.

  3. Flinch

    Price controls are a brutal dislocation. That happens, and it takes years to recover from – like two congessional cycles, because a certain number of senate seats need to change hands to bring fresh perspective into the room. Lets say Biden panics in 2023… you do the math.

  4. Our Kentucky Home

    Also, so many women left the work force because of homeschooling and childcare is very expensive and/or very difficult to get in most states!

  5. Jack v

    Come on man why even bring up political puppets, the majority are waking up to the puppetry of Politics the only purpose politics serves is to give people the illusion of representation and freedom and ultimately to maintain the Monopoly of everything and if you hands at the expense of the majority. Politicians do not make any goddamn decisions at all

  6. Jack v

    Believe it or not the same people that own all the central banks are controlling all the pensions. Ultimately they will use all these means available to them to bankrupt everybody and send them back to the actual Plantation as they have been doing with economic and monetary policies since at least 200 BC as a result of these ongoing monopolies that utilize these stealthy policies that actually transition the people back to the plantation with massive super economic cycles that are so devastating that the people actually have to end up going back to the plantation. After all they don't have true genuine ancient free markets they have Monopoly and have had Monopoly for Thousand Years. It is Monopoly over economy and monetary unit that we use to determine the misery index. LOL do we need to know anything else this is the true source of all human generated misery is the source of all human generator social problems and everything else is the symptom. So far we've been living in a cult of symptomatology. But you no longer have to remain in that cult

  7. Marco Polo

    The recession has really showed me the essence of an alternative sources of income as backup plan, and after listening to a podcast where someone found a loophole to maneuver the market and make up to 170K in 8weeks, my mental lens has been magnified and I'd like to know what steps and strategies I could take in order to make such similar gains.

  8. Genologic

    Dude, close your tabs

  9. nonconformist

    401Ks were invented to give the pyramid scam they call the stock market a larger base of greater fools.

  10. cn0ck5

    Ugh. I'm 35 and not great with this stuff. I'm at least watching videos and trying to educate myself which is better than I can say for a lot of people under 40. I just wish someone could tell me what I should do haha

  11. Dominic massaconi

    The democratic party is destroying America..FJB

  12. Julie Schaubhut

    "Politicians are sociopaths"…. ABSOLUTE:Y!!!!

  13. Y M

    The problem George is that you know very well most people watching this video do not have sufficient knowledge to sift through the info and make their own decisions. Your videos create fear without any insights into what you’re doing with your own portfolio in light of this info. So you’re actually hurting viewers by encouraging them to make half educated decisions

  14. Hattori Hanzo

    I am skeptical of all politicians but distrust Democrats more. They have an active interest in tanking the economy to sell their welfare state expansion programs.

  15. Adelina V.

    Are gold ETCs with physical holding expensive now ?

  16. Loretta Correll

    More helicopter money, Fedcoin 2023 Powell said on Friday using ripple as smart contract. Everything will be tokenized in future.

  17. Chris Jones

    Hey George, do you have this stance for oil and fertilizer stocks as well? Or do you see those as an exception due to the supply shortage we’re seeing in energy and food?

  18. MH

    Pile of $$ sitting in the baby boomers' 401k. They want it.

  19. Will W


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