We Require a Larger Bailout: The Big Conversation at Refinitiv

by | Apr 22, 2024 | Bank Failures

We Require a Larger Bailout: The Big Conversation at Refinitiv

This week Real Vision use Refinitiv’s best-in-class data to look at the combined attempts by governments and central banks to lift equity markets off their lows whilst keeping a lid on the US dollar. Are their efforts on target or is this equity upside merely month end re-balancing after the extreme moves through March? The bailouts are probably going to get bigger……much bigger.

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The economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating, and governments around the world have been scrambling to provide financial support to struggling businesses and individuals. However, as the crisis continues to drag on, many experts believe that the current bailout packages may not be enough to stem the tide of economic destruction.

In a recent article published by Refinitiv, titled “We’re Going to Need a Bigger Bailout,” the authors argue that the unprecedented scale of the pandemic requires an equally unprecedented response from policymakers. They point out that while governments have already deployed trillions of dollars in stimulus measures, the economic damage caused by the pandemic is still mounting.

One of the main reasons why a bigger bailout may be necessary is the sheer size of the economic shock caused by the pandemic. The closure of businesses, disruptions to supply chains, and widespread job losses have all combined to create an economic crisis of historic proportions. In order to prevent a full-blown economic collapse, governments may need to provide even more financial support to keep businesses afloat and prevent mass layoffs.

Another reason why a bigger bailout may be necessary is the unforeseen length of the crisis. When the pandemic first hit, many experts believed that the economic impact would be short-lived. However, as the virus continues to spread and government restrictions remain in place, the timeline for recovery has been pushed further back. This means that the initial bailout packages may not be enough to sustain businesses and individuals for the long haul.

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The authors of the article also highlight the unequal impact of the pandemic on different sectors of the economy. While some industries, such as technology and e-commerce, have thrived during the crisis, others, such as hospitality and retail, have been hit hard. In order to prevent widespread bankruptcies and job losses in these vulnerable sectors, governments may need to provide targeted support in addition to broader stimulus measures.

Overall, the message from Refinitiv’s article is clear: we are facing an unprecedented crisis that may require an unprecedented response. While the current bailout packages have provided some relief, more may be needed to prevent a full-scale economic collapse. As policymakers grapple with the ongoing challenges posed by the pandemic, it is clear that bold action will be required to ensure the survival of businesses and the livelihoods of millions of people.

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