🚨 “we're in a bull market” (know asap)

by | Feb 5, 2023 | Inflation Hedge | 20 comments

🚨 “we're in a bull market” (know asap)

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We’re in a Bull Market: What You Need to Know

The stock market has been on a wild ride lately, and now we’re in a bull market. But what does that mean, exactly? A bull market is a period of time when stock prices are rising, and investors are feeling optimistic about the future.

A bull market is usually characterized by rising stock prices, increased investor confidence, and a general feeling of optimism. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as an improving economy, increased corporate profits, or positive expectations for the future.

When a bull market is in effect, investors tend to be more willing to take risks, as they expect to be rewarded for doing so. This can lead to a surge in stock prices, as more investors are willing to buy into the market.

However, it’s important to remember that bull markets don’t last forever. Eventually, the market will reach a peak and begin to decline. This is known as a bear market, and it’s characterized by falling stock prices and investor pessimism.

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It’s important to remember that markets are unpredictable, and no one can predict the future. While it’s possible to make money in a bull market, it’s also important to be aware of the risks involved.

Investors should always do their research and make sure they understand the risks before investing in any stock. It’s also a good idea to diversify your investments, so that you’re not too heavily invested in any one stock or sector.

Overall, it’s important to remember that we’re in a bull market right now, and that can be a great time to make money in the stock market. But it’s also important to be aware of the risks, and to make sure that you’re investing in a way that’s right for you.

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  1. Suji L

    but how about VIX? That looks scary, isn't it?

  2. x2dab184

    I'm not buying until VIX 40+
    It's coming.

  3. Enzo

    More like bull trap

  4. Clint Mathewson

    The fed overshoots… be it down or up.. overdo it.. so we will see more rates hikes and market sell offs


    thanks for erasing bro.

    look, this will be a nice little rally for another week, possibly two more weeks at most and then all this positivity will go out the window as the market comes back to the reality that the Fed is not going to do anything it wants it to do and the market will dump hard and fast. back to retest last year's lows at the best and breaking new lows at the worst. hopium and wishful thinking that the Fed is going to do what the market wants is silly at best and sad at worst. if i'm wrong and the market guessed right in calling the Fed's bluff, then good on those in the bull camp.

  6. somebody.

    Okay here we go, that means it's going to be 3 weeks on Green and then back down

  7. benny b

    retest 390 then back up

  8. sunaxes

    Smart money aint joining this rally.
    Yield curve inversion and no recession yet.
    We are nowhere near a bottom.

  9. What's his name

    If I participate in any rally I'm setting a stop loss. Not buying a thing until SPY breaks trend. Good luck everyone.

  10. Alexander Beck

    a lot of bearish comments below…well , i see a new bullmarket too, already doing so for 2 , 3 month and so i am one of the earliest predictors of a new bull market, as can be seen in my past comments.if i am right? well , obviously i dont know, but my guts and more than 10 years of experience (not 60 years of course lol ) tell me i might be, the datas also solidly supporting this view, and i am acting accordingly.listen to what i.e. peter lynch has to say about theese issues , never get out of the market amd believe in the future of theese great companies !

  11. Matt Ahmed

    Another great video, after 2022 i would say don't fight the FED, they are a crazy Mob

  12. Gabriel Hull

    Katty did not even mention earnings compression. Basically he got on the bull train.

  13. zzzimba zzzimba

    Dont forget the inverge trendline promoting its a bulltrap accuring on the 175SMA, the eq of divergence of 2.5 is way to low from 2.75 hence the straight curve that accuring in the downhill from the incline is signaling the bullrun is falsle and it wont happen

  14. M 1969

    What about Michael Burry’s prediction, ?

  15. Krasimir Ivanov

    If we were in a bull market tech would not be this oversold. Reality is money money moved from Nasdaq to Dow! That is recessionary! Yield inversion looks worse than 2008. Pain is coming

  16. Big Dipper

    Inflation higher for longer, interest rates higher for longer, not a recipe for growth. Invest in bonds, dividend value, metals, energy, & defensive assets. The recession is before us not behind us.

  17. Keg 05

    October lows was a good indication of a bottom!

  18. Imran Motala

    I think October lows were the bottom for the market. Missed a great opportunity

  19. chilly21

    The US government barely even have enough revenue to pay back on it's interests. The debt will keep growing bigger and bigger with interests, unless they start printing money, which will sky rocket inflation. It's a never ending cycle, and eventually, US will default on its debts.

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