We’re not a part of the large club!

by | May 25, 2023 | Traditional IRA | 35 comments

We’re not a part of the large club!

The Federal Reserve Bank New about the banking crisis before it got here.  This damning evidence proves it.
To invest in precious metals call Stacey @ (318) 564-5823 she is a broker for Miles Franklin

Link to fed reserve warning 👉

There’s a crisis everywhere you look this is the product of man going his own way.

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Looking to buy gold and silver or roll over your IRA/401K into precious metals, call Stacey @ (318) 564-5823 she is a broker for Miles Franklin
👇 there 8 weeks out… if you want one order it now .
The freeze dryer link

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Here are some tips and tricks that men Stacey have learned along the way. Updates on silver and gold prices. And much more.
Here’s a link to Patriots Supply I have Been very impressed with their products

If you would like to share anything you see or know about with the community.
Email: ninjanationreport@gmail.com

Disclaimer: I’m not a financial advisor! I’m a welder with life & investment experience. I hope to bring value to your life! Do your own research!…(read more)




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“It’s a big club and we ain’t in it!” is a famous quote by the American comedian George Carlin. In essence, Carlin’s quote highlights the reality of inequality in our societies. It is a reminder that despite the promises of democracy and equal opportunity, power and wealth are concentrated in the hands of a small group of people.

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Carlin’s quote highlights the deep-seated inequalities that have persisted in human societies throughout history. These inequalities manifest themselves in various forms such as economic inequality, social inequality, and political inequality. The rich and powerful enjoy privileges that are denied to the poor and marginalized.

The concentration of power and wealth in a small group of people can be seen in various aspects of our lives. For instance, in economics, the wealthiest 1% of the world’s population owns more than half of its wealth. This concentration of wealth has given the rich tremendous power to shape economic policies and influence political decisions that benefit their interests, often at the expense of the poor.

In politics, the concentration of power is equally evident. Political elites control the levers of power, making policy decisions that have far-reaching consequences for society. These decisions benefit the elites and their allies while leaving the poor and marginalized behind. In many countries, the political system is rigged to ensure that those with power stay in power, further entrenching the inequalities.

Social inequality is also a significant factor in the concentration of power and wealth. Those born into wealthy families have access to better healthcare, education, and other social services. This access gives them a head start in life, while those born into poverty struggle to access even the most basic necessities. This inequality perpetuates itself, creating a cycle of poverty that is difficult to break.

In conclusion, Carlin’s quote “It’s a big club, and we ain’t in it!” highlights the deep-seated inequalities that persist in our societies. The rich and powerful have accumulated massive wealth and power, giving them the ability to shape the world according to their interests. The poor and marginalized are left on the fringes, struggling to access the most basic necessities of life. It is, therefore, the responsibility of all of us to strive for a more equitable society, where everyone has the same opportunities to succeed, regardless of their social status.

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  1. Financial Prepper

    Stacey said give her a call if you’re wanting to move into precious metals. Her number is 318-564-5823.

  2. Mark


  3. tỉnh mộngTL

    very beautiful video best wishes good sharing my friend

  4. Richard

    I'm waiting to see if biden signs an executive order to allow our illegals to vote

  5. Richard

    Electric is our most vulnerable energy source tornado hurricane earthquake thunderstorm they're brilliant I tell you

  6. Homestead Preacher

    Thank you very much. Maybe I'll make a video about this too. I'll be sure to share your video as well.

  7. louis raya

    This cowboy is hot!

  8. Grounded Beef

    Hey Chris no one will listen to me still they think I’m nuts but whatever. You know we live in New York and it is so upsetting to see all this going on. Banning gas stove trying to ban wood burning it’s all New York City the rest of the state is all red! No blue. There is a bunch of wind mills about an hour west toward Buffalo ny all that power goes to New York City. Which is 8 hours east of us. So that electricity travel 8-9 hours away. So upsetting and no one cares enough to stand up and stop it. New York is beautiful but there is to many maroons leading! Have a great day brother!

  9. Jay Zeffer

    Yes! The Bible and the constitution have the answers we need. You can tell our leaders don't read either of them… It's sad to see the ones in charge that are supposed to be making this country and this world great are actually, purposely and selfishly, making it so much worse. My only hope is the ever-closing in of the rapture/tribulation and then we'll have an amazing 1,000 years with Jesus, the man himself, in charge and I guarantee you everything will be 1,000x better everywhere than it is these days. Can't wait! Maranatha, family.

  10. Ullanor Von Krieger

    The club, in my opinion, is the "500 Club". That is the club for the 500 million "sustainable" population that the West and the WEF have proposed. It is easy to "convince" politicians, etc., that if they do not "do what we say" then "you don't get in the club".
    Why are they doing this? Easy, it is called the Grand Solar Minimum. They know what is going to happen at the end of Solar Cycle 25. That is the reason they are trying to "clear out" as many people as they can – that live closer to the Equator – because that is the place where you can have more "sustainable" growing conditions for agriculture.

  11. AFSOC1

    Tell it brother!!!
    Soldier on!!

  12. feelnrite

    We have a pay day coming in many ways. It will be bad.

  13. no name

    Attacks on channel.
    Mean. You are OVER the Target!
    Good work.
    All the best!

  14. Witcherworks

    It’s amazing that people see the stuff going on as “incompetence”. That Jesus Juice got people making excuses for everybody lol. America was a lie from the get go people, wake up! People ignore problems when they are living comfortable. Who would have thought that slaughtering people and stealing land was “Christian”. Wonder why the religion ain’t holding up when they are stealing from you right?

  15. Curt Man

    Chris I have much respect for a lot of Latin men here illegally too and I get why they come here But that is no excuse for them not coming here the right way

  16. Becky Beck

    I was at my local coin shop last week. The owner has been there 30+ years, he said he's never seen it like this. He didn't have any junk silver for over a week, and only got a little when he did. Low in gold stock and harder and harder to get.

  17. Samuel Scragg

    Chris, your statement about the Bible and constitution are absolutely correct. This is the whole reason we are in the situation we are currently in. We have abandoned God and his laws. We have abandoned our own laws! We have allowed a very large criminal organization better known as the United States government to destroy its own citizens and their way of life. The very fact that foreigners are invading our country is because their countries were destroyed by criminal organizations known as governments. As citizens we are complacent and trusting our governments to manage our countries which in fact they do, they manipulate it into their wealth producing system. Our country is rotting from the very core to the outer edges. I believe the whole planet has turned into a cesspool of nothing but corruption all these governments are criminal empires wanting to take each other’s assets and land. It’s pure greed to the simplest form.

  18. ron king

    It’s a very bad theology to think that God is in control, it leads to false doctrines like God wants you sick, God is in charge but he left man in control ! A relationship that allows you to hear the Lord is where our blessings and prosperity comes from. Thanks for what you do.

  19. Dutchess of Catshire

    I liked your, "God will handle it, doodlie dooo.." Very funny. This was a great message however and very well delivered. Thank you.

  20. Homesteadhopeful

    God is in control! But I tell people we gotta keep oil in our lamps. I enjoy everything you guys put on here.

  21. Nick Parkinson

    keep up the good work the truth will come out in the end

  22. Christine

    You are speaking the truth!

  23. Will Jewell

    We've located a solid gold asteroid, flying Amazon phallic symbol too the moon!

  24. stephen mccoy

    I’m a member of the country club. I drive an old ford pickup truck. I do my drinking from a Dixie cup. Lol

  25. drx1 xym

    THEY are collapsing the medium and small and poorly run banks into the few "strong" MEGA-banks … on purpose.

    The reason or end game, is that it makes it way easier to control everything and everyone one.
    The Federal Reserve (main central bank in the US/North America / World) by charter and law – cannot work directly with people – yet they can work with banks – they have to work with banks – so a few banks is easier to manage than hundreds or thousands.

    Not sure how this affects credit unions… though depending on exposure, it may not matter – either way.
    Economic Ninja and Heresy Finance – Joe Brown are on point!
    So is George Gammon!
    Distributed finance and currencies are the answer!

    End The Fed!

  26. Jodi McK

    Men will be fighting smongst themselves

  27. White Buffalo

    Things are heating up. It is still beyond my comprehension why our own people want to take our beautiful country down. Its so sad. It grieves my heart..

  28. Ominous Rooster

    Good information. Keep us informed.

  29. Banned4LIfe

    I bet when Stacy files her claim, using the Facebook User Privacy Settlement form, they will shadow ban you even more, add you to a shared social ban database. It's the same reason I don't reply to spam, asking them to please take me off their list. I don't want them to know they got a live one. Idk, but that's what I think.

  30. Vickie Hat

    Always think you

  31. Mack

    Chris is telling like is, I have bullion dealer that have done business for 5yrs or so, some of his other clients higher on food chain, just way to put it. Not in that club either. Those clients are higher earner in crypto market. They are holding now, and pulling more in assets in gold and silver and silver collectibles. where the big bucks will be. Has Tim would say be on the side of fence that makes it happen. You don't have join the club, your already in with good company.
    Thanks Chris

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