What Comes After the Election for Pakistan?

by | Feb 25, 2024 | Bank Failures | 2 comments

What Comes After the Election for Pakistan?

For many months, Pakistan has been embroiled in multiple major crises. These include severe economic stress, a resurgence in terrorism, growing border tensions, and serious political instability. The country is going through one of its most difficult periods in years, raising the stakes for its February 8 election—one that many observers have criticized for lacking a level playing field—and creating immense challenges for Pakistan’s next government.

This online event will bring together a panel of current and former Wilson Center fellows to discuss the election outcome and what it might mean for Pakistan’s politics, society, economy, security, and foreign affairs, including relations with the United States….(read more)


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The recent general elections in Pakistan have marked a significant turning point in the country’s political landscape. With Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party emerging as the single largest party in the National Assembly, the future of Pakistan now lies in the hands of the new government.

So, what’s next for Pakistan post-election? The first and foremost challenge for the newly elected government will be to address the country’s economic woes. Pakistan is currently facing a severe balance of payments crisis, with a dwindling foreign exchange reserve and a high current account deficit. The government will need to take immediate measures to stabilize the economy and attract foreign investment in order to avoid a full-blown economic crisis.

Furthermore, the new government will also need to focus on improving governance and tackling corruption. Pakistan has long been plagued by systemic corruption, which has hindered the country’s progress and development. It is essential for the new government to take concrete steps to root out corruption and ensure transparency in governance.

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In addition, the new government will also need to address the security challenges facing the country. Pakistan continues to face threats from militant groups, both domestic and foreign. The government will need to work towards improving the security situation in the country and combating terrorism effectively.

Moreover, the new government will need to focus on improving social services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Pakistan lags behind in these areas, and there is a dire need for investment and reform to improve the quality of life for the country’s citizens.

Overall, the future of Pakistan post-election looks challenging but full of opportunities. The new government has a chance to bring about real change and reform in the country. It will be crucial for the government to work towards economic stabilization, improved governance, security, and social services in order to pave the way for a brighter future for Pakistan. Only time will tell whether the new government will rise to the occasion and deliver on the promises made during the election campaign.

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  1. @ummuham0raja605

    PDM don’t seem to have an economic plan. Parties in PDM ruled country for long without any reforms. I doubt they will do the difficult reforms as they themselves along with military are beneficiaries of the economic policies for last 75 years. As an example traders don’t pay taxes as they fund parties.

    None of the panelist discussed how election mandate was stolen by the powers in control. If people came out to vote for a party and it’s not given mandate then how can you expect stability? All we know is that Pakistani people lost connection and trust with democracy and system. Here unfortunately most Indian commenting out are right.

  2. @pak_with_imrankhan5248

    Pakistani history books abuse Mir Jaffer for his betrayal which allowed the East India Company in India, but picked Mir Jaffer's Great Grandson Iskandar Mirza as their first president who repeated the history by laying the foundation of Pakistani army control. Decisions made by Pakistani Corrupt army Generals ( Mir Jaffer's Great Grandsons), have raised serious doubts about their ability to lead our armed forces effectively. It is evident that the morale of the troops has been negatively affected, and public trust in the army's leadership is at stake

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