What Happens To My Social Security When My Spouse Dies

by | Mar 11, 2023 | Spousal IRA | 15 comments

What Happens To My Social Security When My Spouse Dies

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When a spouse passes away, it can be a difficult and emotional time for the surviving spouse. Among the many concerns that may arise is the question of what happens to their Social Security benefits. Here’s what you need to know:

Survivor Benefits

If your spouse was receiving Social Security benefits at the time of their death, you may be eligible to receive survivor benefits. To qualify, you must be at least 60 years old (50 if disabled) and have been married to your spouse for at least nine months. If you are caring for a child (under the age of 16 or disabled) who is also a dependent of your deceased spouse, you may be eligible for survivor benefits at any age.

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The amount of survivor benefits you can receive is based on your spouse’s earnings history. You can receive up to 100% of your spouse’s benefit if you wait until your full retirement age (between 66 and 67, depending on your birth year) to apply. If you apply for survivor benefits before your full retirement age, your benefit will be reduced based on the number of months before your full retirement age that you apply.

If you are already receiving your own Social Security benefits, you can switch to survivor benefits if they would be higher. This can be a good strategy for maximizing your benefits over time.

Divorced Spouse Benefits

If you were divorced from your spouse but were married to them for at least ten years, you may still be eligible for survivor benefits. The same requirements for age and dependency apply. However, if you remarry before the age of 60 (or 50 if disabled), you will no longer be eligible for survivor benefits.

Impact on Your Own Benefits

If you are already receiving Social Security benefits based on your own work history, your survivor benefits will not affect those benefits. However, if you switch to survivor benefits, your own benefits will stop and you will receive the higher survivor benefit instead.

If you are still working and earning income, your survivor benefits may be subject to an earnings limit. In 2020, if you are under your full retirement age and earn more than $18,240 per year, your survivor benefits will be reduced by $1 for every $2 earned above that amount. Once you reach your full retirement age, there is no earnings limit.

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Losing a spouse can be a challenging time, but understanding your Social Security options can help provide some financial stability. If you have questions about survivor benefits or any other Social Security program, be sure to contact the Social Security Administration or a financial advisor for guidance.

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  1. L Seh

    Please tell people what you charge to assess their situations, recent widows

  2. mdahlbergUtube

    Scenario: Spouse died one year ago aged 59. Surviving spouse retired (age 59) and is converting large sums (over 100k/yr) from IRA to ROTH in addition to yearly salary coming 100% from IRA. Should survivor benefit be taken now or after ROTH conversions?

  3. Annie Jane

    Can you draw on TDA at 59 1/2 and still get survivors benefit at 60?

  4. John Holland

    Hey Josh great topic, my question is what if the wife dies can the man get the survivor benefits?

  5. Barbara B

    Can you draw SSI and SS Spousal benefits at the same time? My sister will be 60 in Oct. 2021 and draws SSI benefits not SSDI. She was married over 10 years total and divorced many years ago. Has not remarried. Would she be able to keep her SSI benefits and also draw the spousal benefit? Just wondering. Thanks for any info.

  6. richdome1

    Hi, just married at 64 wife is disabled collecting ss disability. I collect a pension. Can I qualify for ss spousal benefits. Thanks

  7. Gloria Pope

    Can you do one on SocSec for teacher’s whose spouses die. Windfall Provision.

  8. Kat S

    I am glad you stress that people should know how social security works. I was looking into the social security rules, when I found that because of my birth date, I could claim my social security spousal benefit without taking my own when I turned 65. This isn't available anymore because the rules have changed. So I am still working and receiving spousal social security, and I am waiting until 70 to claim my own. I wouldn't have known this if I hadn't been reading the social security rules as nobody except Josh advises on these type of things, and I hadn't found Josh's channel at the time.

  9. David Mason

    Very good info Josh. Another common scenario is that a surviving spouse was caring for deceased spouses child(ren), therefore eligible for a survivor benefits for themselves til child turns 16 AND the child's own benefit until 18/19. They would be subject to the earnings test for that entire period, likely resulting in much part time work, thus lowering their own earnings/PIA. So in this scenario, it can make sense to claim own reduced benefit from 62 until FRA, then switch to higher survivor benefit.

  10. Gray Beard’s Garage

    Unfortunately I’m in this situation now. My wife died at 46 at the end of 2020. I’m 47 and can’t draw anything until I’m 60. Our daughter does get the survivor benefit until she graduates high school I believe. So the way I understand it if I remarry before 60 I can’t draw anything from her social security?

  11. MathGives YouPower

    I liked the singing Josh. That's a classic.

  12. Skott62

    Great question and answer video Josh! Thank you for all you do.

  13. thegolfguy68

    What if your spouse was part of aTeachers pension fund (plus 20 Qtrs paying into SS in other jobs) and her spouse dies (me, who has approx 180 Qtrs) no I’m not dead. Just asking what if.

  14. Maria Stamatakis

    Great video Josh. I do have a question though that I can’t seem to find the answer to though. Say a couple is taking social security ( let’s say the husband is and his wife never worked) when the wife becomes 62 she can get spousal social security at a reduced rate which I am very aware of , but what happens let’s say god forbid the husband died before she reached her full retirement age which would be at 67 and she wanted to collect the full amount of survival benefits what does she do?? Does she just stop taking spousal social security which she will because now the spouse is no longer living. Will it automatically cause her to take survivor benefits at a REDUCED rate because she took spousal benefits and let’s say 62?? I guess my question is what should she do if she wants to collect survivor benefits at the full amount her husband was .

  15. H B

    Josh, Thank you but, what happens if she had a spousal pension? How does that play with SS?

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