What If Anakin Skywalker Failed to Win the Podrace

by | Nov 20, 2023 | Simple IRA | 35 comments

What If Anakin Skywalker Failed to Win the Podrace

Anakin Skywalker was able to win the Boonta Eve Classic as a boy, what if Sebulba beat him? What would happen to Anakin? Would Qui Gon and the Padmé be able to get off of Tatooine? If not, would Darth Maul be able to find them? If so who would come out on top?

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What If Anakin Skywalker Lost the Podrace?

The Podrace scene in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace is one of the most iconic and thrilling moments in the entire saga. It’s the moment when a young Anakin Skywalker, a slave on the desert planet of Tatooine, proves his incredible piloting skills and wins his freedom from the clutches of the evil Watto. However, have you ever stopped to wonder what would have happened if Anakin had lost the Podrace?

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First of all, let’s consider the immediate consequences of such a loss. Without winning the race, Anakin would have remained a slave to Watto, continuing to live in poverty and servitude. He would not have had the opportunity to leave Tatooine and become a Jedi, which means that the entire course of Star Wars history would have been altered.

Without Anakin to train as a Jedi, the prophecy of the Chosen One bringing balance to the Force might never have been fulfilled. Anakin’s fall to the dark side, his transformation into Darth Vader, and the subsequent rise of the Galactic Empire may never have come to pass. The events of the original trilogy could have played out very differently without Anakin’s pivotal role.

In addition, without Anakin’s involvement in the Clone Wars, the Jedi Order may have been able to avoid its devastating downfall. Anakin’s betrayal and allegiance to Emperor Palpatine were instrumental in the Emperor’s rise to power and the destruction of the Jedi. Without Anakin’s fall, the Jedi Order may have continued to thrive and the Empire may never have taken control of the galaxy.

Furthermore, without Anakin’s role in shaping the fate of Luke and Leia Skywalker, the Rebel Alliance may have been completely different or may not have even formed at all. Anakin’s connection to both sides of the Force was essential in bringing balance and ultimately led to the downfall of the Sith.

The impact of Anakin losing the Podrace would have reverberated throughout the entire Star Wars universe, drastically altering the course of events. Without Anakin’s influence, the galaxy may have been a vastly different place, with the Emperor’s grip on power remaining unchallenged and the Jedi Order fading into obscurity.

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So, while Anakin’s victory in the Podrace was a pivotal moment in Star Wars history, it’s certainly fascinating to speculate on the potential consequences of an alternate outcome. It goes to show that even the smallest events can have far-reaching effects on the fate of the galaxy.

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    Wouldn’t Shmi and Anakin have blown up the moment they left the atmosphere? They have bombs in them so that they can’t escape, Anakin states as much in The Phantom Menace.

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    What IF The Republic Existed In The Outer Rim

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  9. Trent Bowie

    I know you get alot suggestions, I always wonder what if Anakin after becoming a Jedi knight he wanted to resurrect the Jedi sentinel class of the order and possibly lead it.

  10. SilverXy7

    This was very different, I enjoyed this one.

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  12. Nightspawn Son-of-luna

    You know, having just started watching this, I can guarantee it will still probably not end the way the 'anakin losing the podrace' thing usually goes…

    Because you want to keep the video monotized so It probably won't end with Padme being Jabba's new slave girl

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    So I do believe that either mace Windu or Windu’s apprentice is what was needed to train Anakin to balance his emotions and either have someone who was either a father figure or one who was motherly. For count Dooku with his yrs of being a Jedi he was and being the best proficient user of form 2 he would’ve killed both Sidious and maul with no issue.

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    Hallo! I have a What if idea for one of your videos! If your interested

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    What if: Anakin, luke and leia were born as triplets they would be brought to the temple and they each had 25k mitaclorians so mace would train ani in force power and raw strength yoda would train luke in agility and speed and leia would have been trained by shaak ti. At the age of. 15-16 luke leia and ani destroy other Palawan’s so then they have to spa each other. So then by the time Dooku comes around they send Luke leia yoda and ani to beat Dooku. And then it’s impossible for palps to corrupt ani so palps will go for leia but Leia turns palps over to mace, then luke, Leia, ani, mace, shaak, and plo moon will go to kill or arrest palps after a couple of years yoda passes leaving luke to become GML. And their could be a part 2 if you wanna make it

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  28. Nick Sorenson

    Guess Watto wasn't wrong in this case when he told Qui-Gon that Sebulba ALWAYS wins.

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    Star Wars What if's I would like to see next:

    1. What if Sebulba had the Force

    2. What if the Republic used normal soldiers instead of clones

    3. What if Tarkin destroyed Tatooine instead of Alderaan

    4. What if Jabba the Hutt took control of the Galactic Empire

    5. What if Darth Vader started a Imperial Civil War

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  34. Nick Romero

    Plot twist: Qui Gon actually bet on Sebulba.

  35. Moneyman

    Can you do what if Maul reached his full potential in the phantom menace or what if Maul was trained by mace windu

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