What Investments Are Suitable When Inflation Persists?

by | Apr 22, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 28 comments

What Investments Are Suitable When Inflation Persists?

The real rate of inflation is likely higher than what the government of the Fed. Regardless of the official number, we have to do our best to keep up with it, and hopefully beat it if possible.

As Warren Buffett said, Rule #1 is do not lose money. This is the rule that almost all retail investors break. We need to learn about Risk Parity. Risk Parity is what Ray Dalio talks about, to weather the storm we need assets that provide cash flow regardless of the economic conditions.

What I’ll discuss are just some options that investors are looking at right now.

More money has moved into Money Market Funds which are essentially cash. The idea is that not making any profit is better than losing money. It also provides easy access to capital when you’re ready to deploy. This generally shouldn’t be a large percentage of the total capital invested at any given time as we know we’re losing to inflation.

iBonds are interesting because they can offer a high rate of interest, and at the time of this video they’re giving 6.89% on a government guaranteed investment. The only fine print here is that there’s a maximum of $10,000.

Short dated Treasuries have been looking much more attractive recently. In the case of 6 month US treasuries, at the time of recording are at nearly 5.1% interest. Reinvesting the interest every 6 months, and assuming inflation remains high, could be beneficial.

Gold and precious metals do not provide cash flow but are valuable in times of inflation over very long periods of time. They should not be ignored entirely.

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Real estate can be a way to produce cash flow, even as inflation takes hold and the asset value declines. Always remember to factor in all 4 ways real estate makes money including Depreciation. This is a phantom loss on a property than effectively puts money in your pocket. If the asset was purchased properly, and is cash flowing, it can provide income that outpaces inflation. Make sure to buy in landlord-friendly areas only.

But if it was me, I would invest primarily in different businesses, especially eCommerce. There’s no better way to have all the benefits of an income producing asset, tax advantages, scalability, and geographical diversification.


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The Money GPS is the most active, most informative channel in the financial world. Day after day, breaking down the data and making it easy to understand. This channel is not here to help build a portfolio, give stock picks, or financial advice. It’s simply data that is generally not found through conventional means.
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@HangMassive was playing in the background not sure if it will be picked up….(read more)

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As an investor, inflation can pose a serious threat to the purchasing power of your money. Inflation occurs when the prices of goods and services rise over time, reducing the value of your money. If inflation is expected to remain high or rise further, it’s important to identify investment opportunities that can protect your portfolio and potentially offer returns that outpace inflation.

Here are some investment options you can consider if you believe inflation will stay high:

1. Commodities
Commodities like gold, silver, and oil are often viewed as a hedge against inflation. Their prices tend to rise when inflation is high, as they’re considered tangible assets that are in limited supply. Investing in commodities can be done through mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), or by purchasing them directly.

2. Real estate
Real estate has historically provided a reliable hedge against inflation. Investing in real estate can be done through purchasing physical property or through real estate investment trusts (REITs).

3. Stocks of companies with pricing power
Certain companies have the ability to raise prices on their products or services so that they remain profitable despite rising inflation. These companies are often referred to as having “pricing power.” Look for companies in industries such as healthcare, utilities, or consumer staples, which tend to maintain consistent demand regardless of market conditions.

4. Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS)
TIPS are bonds issued by the U.S. government that are designed to protect against inflation. The bond’s principal is adjusted for inflation over time, so the investor’s return on investment is guaranteed to keep pace with inflation. While TIPS offer lower returns than traditional bonds, they do provide a higher degree of inflation protection.

See also  Best Bond Index ETFs (Passive Investing during High Inflation in Canada 🍁)

5. Foreign currencies
Investing in foreign currencies can offer diversification benefits and potentially hedge against inflation. Look for currencies of countries with stable economies and low inflation rates.

It’s important to note that while investing in these options can offer protection against inflation, no investment is completely immune to market volatility. It’s essential to do thorough research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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    Great video GPS! greetings from the eternal 282 club now the 287

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    I come here for the truth.

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    78th, 23 February 2023

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    For the I Bonds, that's 10K maximum per YEAR.

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    Great stream, as always. I appreciate the level-headed approach you take to the news and the markets. Most people believe that investing in crypto and stock is all about holding till it rises, with the last crash in the market and recession. We should know that long term price predictions are very difficult to achieve. It's better to trade short term and make profit. Tobias Meylan got me cover as I am comfortably making up to 10 BTC monthly.

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    I came here for the truth!

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    Great content as usual $GPS, Thx! TapLike &Comment 4AlsAll

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