What Is the Worth of Your FERS Retirement Plan?

by | May 22, 2023 | Retirement Pension | 8 comments

Retirement Benefits Institute has trained thousands of federal employees as they make plans for federal retirement. For more information about your federal retirement benefits, go to our website at to get support.

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The Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) is a retirement program for federal employees. It is designed to provide retirement security to individuals who work for the government. Your FERS pension is a valuable part of your retirement plan, and it is important to understand its value.

The value of your FERS pension is determined by several factors. The most important of these is your length of service and your highest three years of average pay. This is used to calculate your FERS annuity. Your FERS annuity is the monthly retirement income you will receive from the federal government.

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The formula used to calculate your FERS annuity is complex, but it generally depends on three factors: your years of service, your high-three average salary, and a benefit factor. The benefit factor is a percentage based on your years of service. For example, if you have 20 years of service, your benefit factor is 20%.

To get a rough estimate of your FERS pension, you can use the following formula:

FERS Pension = (Years of Service) x (High-Three Average Salary) x (Benefit Factor)

For example, if you have 30 years of service, a high-three average salary of $100,000, and a benefit factor of 1.0%, your FERS pension would be $30,000 per year ($100,000 x 30 x 1.0%).

It is important to note that this formula only provides a rough estimate of your FERS pension. The actual calculation can be more complicated, and there are other factors that can affect your pension, such as survivor benefits, early retirement, and cost-of-living adjustments.

Your FERS pension also has value beyond just its monthly income. The federal government provides other benefits to retirees, such as access to health insurance and life insurance. These benefits can provide additional security and stability to retirees.

In addition, your FERS pension is guaranteed by the federal government. This means that you are protected from market fluctuations and other risks that can affect other forms of retirement income, such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts.

Overall, the value of your FERS pension is significant. It provides a stable monthly income and other benefits that can help ensure a secure retirement. It is important to understand how your pension is calculated and how it fits into your overall retirement plan. By doing so, you can make informed decisions about your retirement and ensure that you are prepared for the future.

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  1. R Lee

    You add these totals to your Social Security benefits and your government funded TSP retirement savings plans and you can see how the tax payer is being taken advantaged of. No citizen should be in a special class and this system of wealth transfer needs to stop.

  2. Nathan Twaddle

    The math works while living; however, upon death the pension is worth 0 (if no survivor benefits) whereas any principal remaining in an actual retirement account is money for legacy giving.
    I’m not discounting the value of the pension…it is quite valuable…but it’s not quite an apples to apples comparison.

  3. Salah Global

    Thank you very much for the great information. Question: Do I need to list my ex-spouse on my FERS retirement application if we were married for less than 10 years (25 years ago)? Thank you!

  4. Donald Conley

    Great explanation. Keep on mind d 20 years ago most large companies offered pensions. They got rich and cheap on us.

  5. River Rat

    it's 1.1

  6. Ted Bates

    Great information. Thanks!

  7. Resilient Life

    Is there an example showing the TSP and the Social Security included? It's hard to vision just using the FERS pension

  8. Angelo T

    I thought at 30 years of service the multiple was 1.1%…..

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