What RICH PEOPLE Know About 401k’s That YOU DON’T 🚨

by | Mar 26, 2023 | SEP IRA | 23 comments

What RICH PEOPLE Know About 401k’s That YOU DON’T 🚨


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When it comes to saving for retirement, 401k plans are a popular option for many Americans. However, there are certain things that rich people know about 401k’s that the average person may not be aware of. Here are some key insights that can help boost your retirement savings:

1. Start early
One of the biggest advantages that rich people have when it comes to 401k plans is that they started saving early. It’s a common misconception that retirement is something that only older people need to worry about. In fact, the earlier you start saving, the more time your money has to grow. By starting early, you can take advantage of compounding interest and potentially end up with a much larger nest egg.

2. Maximize your contributions
Another thing that rich people know is the importance of maximizing your contributions. Most 401k plans allow you to contribute up to $19,500 in 2021, with an additional catch-up contribution of $6,500 for those over 50. If possible, aim to contribute as much as you can. The more you save, the more you’ll have in retirement.

3. Take advantage of employer contributions
Many employers offer a matching contribution to their employees’ 401k plans. This means that for every dollar you contribute, your employer will contribute a certain amount as well (usually a percentage of your salary). If your employer offers a match, make sure you’re contributing enough to take full advantage of it. Otherwise, you’re leaving money on the table.

See also  Saving for Retirement as a Self-Employed Individual

4. Diversify your investments
Rich people also know that it’s important to diversify your investments. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Instead, spread your money across different types of investments, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. This can help to minimize risk and potentially increase returns.

5. Keep fees low
Finally, rich people understand the importance of keeping fees low. Many 401k plans come with administrative fees and investment fees. These fees can eat into your returns and reduce the amount of money you have in retirement. Make sure you understand the fees associated with your plan and try to choose investments with lower fees whenever possible.

In conclusion, there are several things that rich people know about 401k plans that can help to increase their retirement savings. By starting early, maximizing contributions, taking advantage of employer contributions, diversifying investments, and keeping fees low, you can work towards a comfortable retirement.

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  1. Brisbane Kilarny

    No way. When you get 4% of your salary as a benefit plus all the dividends and growth from the stock in thirty years, your taxes will be determined by what tax bracket you are in at the time. I have a Roth IRA and I do not have to pay taxes on the money i withdraw from my account.

  2. Sri Ra

    NO NO NO! Life Insurance is not the way…

  3. CreamyShroom

    Taxes only need to go up on the top earners though. You know like 1945-1980 when the middle class expanded more than ever in history.

  4. David Bush

    What about ROTH?

  5. No Name

    Corporate retirement plans are only good for the corporation.

  6. namyac88

    partaking in a system run by evil people that only works when everyone buys in is stupid.

  7. QubeplayGaming

    He had me in first half but I'd definitely not put that into life insurance

  8. bosefuse

    Cash Value/Whole Life insurance is a rip off. ONLY buy term and not term that converts to whole life.

  9. Bill N

    Why does taxes have to go up? Our government is larger and larger with less and less benefit. Stupid democrat socialist agenda is ruining everyone future.

  10. Transformation Project

    And with inflation most of us can forget about putting money into anything. Which is ok because the way things are going in the world it's likely we wont have to save for retirement anyway lol! Might be better off buying a few extra cans of soup every week. If you can even do that.

  11. Nate Smith

    Life insurance salesman hopes you’ve never heard of a Roth 401k/IRA in order to sell you crap.

  12. Mic Well

    401K where a future deposit box for government to come tax it with their higher "created" tax structure… in short…bait

  13. A Dadillac

    Trash Value Life Insurance is NOT a retirement vehicle! All Life Insurance License holders KNOW this because it is FEDERAL LAW that Insurance is NOT an Investment! LIAR!!! Roth IRA, Mutual Funds, diversified portfolio, THAT is a proper investment/retirement vehicle.

  14. C M

    Life insurance? Uh no….Roth IRA

  15. WJ G

    Who is this guy. I like his advice

  16. Jon Kingsbury

    Taxation is theft and federal income tax is unconstitutional. Any law that goes against the constitution is null and void. Also if this is a nation of law and order where is the law stating you have to pay a federal income tax? ( there is no law and there was a cash reward for anyone who could produce it).
    We the people have the power and the last say with every illegal action this government takes. Most don’t know it. Don’t cringe the next time your selected for jury duty. Truly is a shame when you let your enemy teach your children
    Prove me wrong

  17. J

    It’s called Roth dummy

  18. Urbicide

    We all know why taxes are going up.
    Lets Go Brandon!

  19. Dan B

    Roll to roth

  20. Guarddog

    Damn neck chains

  21. prodigy1605

    Lost me when you said life insurance

  22. Jazzy Josh

    LOL Whole life was not the direction I expected this to go. How stupid.

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