What Should I Do With the $10,000 Inheritance I Am Receiving?

by | Jul 31, 2023 | Inherited IRA | 9 comments

I’m Getting a $10,000 Inheritance. (What Should I Do With It?)
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I’m Getting a $10,000 Inheritance. (What Should I Do With It?)

Inheriting a significant sum of money can be both exciting and overwhelming. Whether it comes unexpectedly or is something you have long anticipated, a $10,000 inheritance is a considerable amount that can have a significant impact on your finances. Rather than impulsively spending it, it is essential to carefully consider how to best utilize this windfall. Here are some prudent ways to make the most of your newfound wealth.

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1. Create an Emergency Fund:
Building an emergency fund should be a top priority for anyone, regardless of their financial situation. Life is unpredictable, and having a safety net to fall back on is invaluable. Consider setting aside a portion of your inheritance, preferably three to six months’ worth of living expenses, into a separate savings account designated solely for emergencies. This will help you weather unforeseen circumstances without resorting to debt or financial stress.

2. Pay Off High-Interest Debt:
If you have any lingering high-interest debt, such as credit card balances or personal loans, consider using a portion of the inheritance to clear them. High-interest debt can be a significant drain on your finances, and eliminating it will free up additional money for future investments or savings. Prioritize debts with the highest interest rates to save the most money in the long run.

3. Invest in Yourself:
Investing in yourself can yield long-term benefits and provide a foundation for personal growth. Use a portion of your inheritance to further your education, attend training workshops, or develop new skills. Consider taking up a course or certification that aligns with your career goals. Investing in yourself can enhance your employability, open new doors, and potentially increase your earning potential.

4. Start or Boost Your Retirement Savings:
It is never too early or too late to start saving for retirement. If you haven’t already, open a retirement account, such as an IRA or 401(k), and contribute a portion of your inheritance towards it. If you already have a retirement account, consider bumping up your contributions to maximize your long-term wealth accumulation. Starting early and harnessing the power of compounding interest can make a substantial difference in your retirement savings.

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5. Save for Specific Goals:
If you have specific financial goals in mind, such as purchasing a home, starting a business, or planning a dream vacation, allocate a portion of your inheritance towards these endeavors. Create a separate savings account and automate contributions to steadily build up funds for your desired goal. This approach helps you stay focused and motivated while making your dreams a financial reality.

6. Diversify Your Investments:
If you have already taken care of any pressing financial obligations, consider investing some of your inheritance to bolster your wealth over time. Consult with a financial advisor to assess your risk tolerance and create a well-diversified investment portfolio that aligns with your goals. Explore low-cost index funds, stocks, bonds, or real estate, depending on your comfort level and long-term objectives.

7. Give Back:
Lastly, consider using some of your inheritance to support causes or organizations that are close to your heart. Donating to charitable organizations can make a significant impact on the lives of others and offer personal fulfillment. Research reputable charities or volunteer your time to ensure your contribution is put to good use.

While receiving a $10,000 inheritance can feel like a financial windfall, it is crucial to approach it wisely. By strategically allocating your inheritance towards emergency funds, debt repayment, education, retirement savings, goals, investments, and charitable giving, you can ensure that this unexpected wealth has a lasting positive impact on your financial future. Remember, careful planning and mindful decision-making will lead to financial security and long-term prosperity.

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  1. Paul Brinkman

    "Make it purposeful…honor them."

    Well said. Thank you!

  2. Francis Conti

    Literally getting 10,000 from my Grandfather who passed in October. Work in an I.T sales job and make about 40 to 50 a year so this was really helpful.

  3. The Dougie

    Dividend stocks or funds

  4. Prisca Brown

    wonderful video, I was very confused, and spent my time online searching for the best way to invest my inheritance to ensure I stay afloat I will not mind getting proper guidance on investment.

  5. Te Kooti Tom Anderson

    Take the memories and use the inheritance purposefully.

  6. gojl5567

    My grandmother left me a $1000 bond that was maturing in 8 or 10 years. The interest payments were nice and I forgot about it maturing. Flashforward until then. There was a $399 piece of jewelry that I really wanted, but was a bit of a splurge at that moment. The bond matured at that moment. Whenever my grandmother gave me money growing up she told me to spend it not save it. I know, right? LOL – I shouldn't have to worry about savings because I should find a man to support me in my desired lifestyle. Anyway, I knew if she had still been alive she would have been manuvering to buy me the piece. I bought it and said it was a gift from her. Not sure what I did with the rest – probably put some on my car loan and just cycled the rest into savings/monthly budget.

  7. John Michael

    such good advice!

  8. Brian Welch

    Put it all on red! LOL!

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