What Should You Do With 457 Funds After Leaving an Employer?

by | Aug 20, 2022 | 457 Plan | 7 comments

What Should You Do With 457 Funds After Leaving an Employer?

What Should You Do With 457 Funds After Leaving an Employer?
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  1. 44fastgun

    457b makes up 40% of my contributions, Roth 45%, and 401k 15%. Right now I'm torn between continuing to hammer away at the 457 or pulling back to help fund wife's solo Roth. I guess I should count backwards from 59 1/2 to when I want to retire and fund no more than that many years in the 457.

  2. Steve Xspeed

    I am maxing out my 457b Roth and IRA Roth and I won’t touch it till 59 1/2…20 years to get there.

    My bridge account is just a regular taxable account

  3. Fletcher miles

    What is a good way to make much money from investing?

  4. Allan juan

    Despite the economic downturn, I'm so happy☺️. I have earned $60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment with Mrs Martin norine

  5. lvclt

    Decided to do part 457B and part brokerage account to limit the amount of taxes I will have to pay in early retirement. Also, I will likely get more gains/returns in my brokerage account.

  6. Scott Salyer

    I just left my job and want to know what to do with my 401k?

  7. Dave W

    Amazing! We just started saving in my wife’s 457 for bridging purposes in 20 years. (At 25% savings rate we don’t max out 2 Roth IRA an HSA my 401k and her 401A and 403B…. Insane to think of what income it would take to fill up every one of those plus a 457!)

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