What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

by | Feb 2, 2023 | SEP IRA | 22 comments

What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

A detailed look at the historic series, including brand-new interviews with members of the cast and crew, and considers the reasons Deep Space Nine went from a family outcast to a Star Trek mainstay….(read more)




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  1. Missum Enim Satanas 666

    Wasn't a fan of deep space 9. I couldn't get into any of the other shows after next gen. Couldn't get behind a female captain or a black captain etc. Not a racist thing and if the story started out with a woman or a black man then that would be diff. Just doesn't work for me and is why they fail. Look at the STUPID decisions movie studios make by coming out with a movie fans have been begging for like ghost busters. We finally find out there will be another movie except now its girls? Wild wild west came out with the big eared will smith and it failed miserably. Hollywood keeps doing stupid stuff like this. Hopefully all the people that were responsible for these dumb ass decisions were fired and ran outta town. Haha

  2. Trampus Sims

    I can admit when I am wrong and boy was a wrong about DS9. Those opening statements about it being a dull affair on a space station while other ships in other shows were out exploring the vast universe of Star Trek was my exact response. I have watched every incarnation of Star Trek, from TOS to Lower Decks, the movies and all reboots…but never gave this show a shot. Until now.

    I finally gave this show a chance. And I will admit it had a lot of things going against it right out of the gate. To me, the first 3 Seasons were mediocre at best. I've always hated Ferengi episodes on TNG. I started on TNG and always tuned out on Ferengi episodes. Having a main cast member being a silly character almost made me check out early. But… there was something there in the characters as a whole.

    The changing from episodic to serialized episodes was the right move and a bold move for Star Trek. Bringing in Worf and adding the Defiant really changed the tone of the series. The fact that the "enlightened humans" of the future had to live and work with all manners of other cultures outside of the Federation brought with it a sense of drama. Conflict not from a spatial anomaly encountered in the depths of space, but from the crew themselves.

    I can't believe I'm about to type this out, but Quark is probably my favorite character from this show. They all stood out in their own ways and their development over the seasons was phenomenal. But I'm beside myself that the writers of this show made me deeply care for a Ferengi! Rom, Nog, Moogie and even Zek. How the hell did they do this?

    All I can say was…I was wrong. Never have I been more wrong about a show. If you read this far and have been avoiding this show on the same pretenses I was, do yourself a HUGE favor and give it a shot. This truly was the best of Star Trek…

  3. airbear

    Am I wrong or are the clips from the show in incredibly high quality? Like so much better than what you get on streaming. I read several articles saying DS9 will never be released in HD or blueray but the clips sure look like HD at least. Did they use the original 35mm prints for this documentary? Anyone know anything about this?

  4. Red.

    Deep Space Nine is the best Star Trek show. I realized that the day the pilot aired.

  5. Fixit 1971

    I love watching and rewatching DS9… I think the serialization made the show. I find it difficult to watch TNG now as it seems to jump around and have no long term storylines.

  6. Seth Maki

    I wish the cast and crew could know that they became my favorites when I first saw Emissary on Jan 3, 1993 and they remain my favorites to this day. It might be of little solace, but it is what it is. I was a fan from day one and it's still my favorite show of all time.

  7. Edgame T


  8. Mike Lightowler

    If in the off chance any of the actors, writers, producers, anyone involved with DS9 happen to see these comments I hope they show that you ALL are very much appreciated and loved. DS9 is one of the best shows in star trek and honestly one of the best shows to ever grace a TV screen. Glory to your house, and peace be with all of you.

  9. Ceniloar

    Let's appreciate Keiko a bit more <3. I loved Jadzia as a kid and found her so badass and inspiring but as I grew older and started to think more about feminism and my expectations as a woman Keiko just felt so relevant to me. The writers just did such a fantastic job representing her balancing her roles as a wife and a mother with her desire to continue to have a career and work outside the home. She wasn't in that many episodes but so many of her storylines are so fantastic and just extremely relevant to women. She will always be one of my favorite characters and I love that she was more than just a partner in the background to O'Brien.

  10. Joe Cronin Show

    1 hour 11 min CNN LIES and ds9 is mad ….. cnn is fake news as always

  11. Daniel herrmann

    DS9 is, was, and still is a great show. I had fun learning who the great characters were and become. The original and next gen ain’t the end all be all. U assholes probably don’t like enterprise or voyager!! Be happy to get syfy, we get the short end all the time!!!

  12. T Rev

    DS9 was far better than Voyager . . . Oops

  13. Nancy O'Malley

    Today would have been Aron's 54th birthday

    Happy Birthday in Heaven, Aron!

  14. Nancy O'Malley

    Fun fact: The cross street from my street is called "'Rom'scho St."

  15. james Biggerstaff

    Happy 30th anniversary deep space nine next to voyager ds9 is my favorite Star Trek series

  16. DewtehDew

    Well, time to re-watch DS9 for the 5th time or so

  17. K-Lu Kawaii

    I love how basically EVERYONE wanted to get Bashir x Garak in the show. I think that would have been and extremely interesting subplot.

  18. Troy Lowe

    I hope all the talented people involved in DS9 know that their work is loved and that they created the BEST Trek show.

  19. Robert D'Eramo

    How can we get this reboot series green lit?

  20. ciscoponch67

    I loved DS9!!!! I have such beloved memories of my life when the episodes first aired. Now when I rewatch it brings me right back there.
    I want to say thank you to everyone involved with DS9 and all of Star Trek you all inspired me and were a very valuable part of my life!!!

  21. Joseph Jeffrey Clyde

    I was a fan and I loved DS9! Wow, it was impressive! Thank them, thank you!

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