What You Need to Know About the End of the Recession

by | Jul 20, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 44 comments

What You Need to Know About the End of the Recession

The Economy Just Flipped | What You Must Know
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*None of this is meant to be construed as investment advice, it’s for entertainment purposes only. Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I’m part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future….(read more)

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The END of the Recession: What You Must Know

After a long and arduous struggle, it seems that the end of the recession is finally within reach. The global economy has been plagued by the effects of a recession for the past few years, causing financial hardship and uncertainty for individuals, businesses, and governments alike. However, recent indicators suggest that the tides may be turning, and brighter days may be on the horizon.

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But what exactly does the end of the recession mean, and what do we need to know about it? Let’s delve into the details and shed light on this topic.

Firstly, it’s important to understand what a recession is in order to gauge its end. In simple terms, a recession is a significant decline in economic activity stretched over a prolonged period. It typically involves a reduction in the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), a rise in unemployment rates, and a decrease in consumer spending. The effects of a recession can be wide-ranging and long-lasting, with businesses shutting down, people losing their jobs, and overall economic instability.

Now, as we observe the signs of recovery and the end of the recession, it’s crucial to remember that this is a gradual process rather than an overnight transformation. Economic recovery takes time, and it involves several elements working together. These elements include improving employment rates, increased business activity, and restored consumer confidence.

One crucial aspect to consider is the role of government intervention. Governments around the world have implemented various measures to stimulate economic growth during the recession. These measures include reducing interest rates, providing financial support to struggling businesses, and implementing fiscal policies to increase consumer spending. As the recovery progresses, a well-executed exit strategy will be vital to ensure a smooth transition from government support to normal economic functioning.

The end of the recession also signifies an improved job market. During times of economic downturn, businesses tend to reduce their workforce to cut costs. However, as the economy recovers, companies regain their stability, and job opportunities start to emerge. This not only benefits individuals by providing them with livelihood options, but it also bolsters consumer spending, which further stimulates economic growth.

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Moreover, the end of the recession often brings forth investment opportunities. As market conditions improve, investors regain confidence, leading to a renewed interest in investing. This can lead to a surge in entrepreneurship, innovative ideas, and the creation of new businesses. A thriving business environment is crucial for sustained economic growth, job creation, and technological advancements.

However, it’s essential to approach the end of the recession with cautious optimism. While signs of recovery are encouraging, there may still be challenges and unforeseen obstacles along the way. It’s crucial to monitor global economic indicators, such as GDP growth rates, inflation, and unemployment figures, to assess the true trajectory of the recovery.

In conclusion, the end of the recession is an important milestone, signifying the rejuvenation of the global economy after a period of economic downturn. It brings hope for improved job markets, increased investment opportunities, and overall economic stability. Nonetheless, vigilance is necessary to navigate through any future challenges that may emerge, and the resilience of individuals, businesses, and governments will be essential in maintaining the gains achieved.

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  1. LpsQueenCom

    the conclusion on fake inflation data is not relevant, food prices doubled from last year, what is this video trying to prove? Inflation is 50-100% hello?

  2. Path

    I’m going to start saying tech stonks just to see if anyone notices

  3. Jay Richest

    Didn't notice the "recession".

  4. DaReelAntonio.

    I’m hoping for a recession or depression to buy at bargain

  5. Loui Skye

    Curious- after voyagers ch 11, do you feel safe having that much money on Robinhood?
    I’m terrified of all platforms now! What’s your take?

  6. StaxatS

    unless theyre reducing the amount of USD in circulation, inflation is not going down. its just going up slower

  7. Patrick H.

    No one has figured it out. Everyone "thinks" they have it figured out.
    Just like how most of the hedge funds underperform in long term compared to the market.
    What banks are pricing in are believes, not reality.

  8. DLR Gaming

    FED rate hikes aren't felt for 12 months to 18 months, so it only goes down for the entire next year.

  9. Phil D

    So we are supposed to believe any number the government throws at us? They can’t possibly be lying, prolonging the truth until after elections…

  10. Mame Afrane

    Lol. Very funny. … but you know what? I don’t think there will recession at all. But man , it’s a lot of lot money in the economy. Everyone got money. It’s really weird. Now inflation is disappearing soon

  11. Peter Coleman

    Recession hasnt started yet.

  12. Justin Yi

    Where do you do all your research??

  13. Fawaz

    Fun thought experiment…what will cause the next recession? It’s coming but what will cause it?

  14. JS

    The three percent CPI number is misleading. It's year over year and there was an inflation Spike last July. Therefore a drop in CPI this month does not mean inflation is slowing down

  15. rickowensdemon

    tfw he still thinks this crash was natural and wasnt man made

  16. Canella Customs

    So cool to see your portfolio cross 800k. I've been watching your channel since that same portfolio was around 200k or less

  17. david454

    Whats up with all this we we? I dont owe anything the government does.

  18. Gerald

    Am I the only one to recognize that is Cosmo canyon from final fantasy VII playing in the background?

  19. Hackers

    lol… the recession hasn't even started yet

  20. RedrumSherlock

    Not sure why but finally I don't have to see all the bitcoin bots spamming in the comments . Phew!

  21. Lucio Castrejon

    ❤❤love your videos, thank you for all the information

  22. Vitalii

    Dont take financial advice from YouTubers that basically just watch progapanda from TV

  23. Sanjar Yakubov

    8000$ Dividends a month or a year?

  24. David MacKenzie

    BS inflation has risen this summer look at your grocery sales slip

  25. Nicolas Adrien

    If you wanna be successful, you most take responsibility for your emotions, not place the blame on others. In addition to make you feel more guilty about your faults, pointing the finger at others will only serve to increase your sense of personal accountability. There's always a risk in every investment, yet people still invest and succeed. You must look outward if you wanna be successful in life.

  26. Kenny Phillips

    The recession had just started

  27. Trying

    Your young…. Poor kid doesn’t know how a recession hurts

  28. Giel-Jan M. Van Der Tol

    Every financial goal requires patience, dedication and consistent spirit knowing that investment is currently the most lucrative business in the world, BTC is positively changing people's lives. I stopped panicking about my BTC the very moment I started working with Mr K last year, his confidence and skills is on a maximum level..

  29. Dreamleaf

    My wife lost her tech job last year and she dumped a bunch into tech stocks because she knew they were doing bad. Less than a year later she is up 40% lol

  30. Doc Ram

    Last three times there has been a inverted yield curve (like we did in April of 2022) back to the 1980s, it has taken an average of 20 months before a recession takes place. That time line would put us at the end of 2023-beginning of 2024. And each time before the market dumpster fire, the market reached new all time highs. What we are seeing now is the run up to new ATH before the cliff drop. Happy investing

  31. Jeremy Newman

    Real inflation is a measure of the money supply, not prices. Higher prices are a symptom of monetary inflation. “Price inflation” is just a term (tool) used to keep the masses economically ignorant.

  32. Jacob Frazier

    During this "recession" my portfolio went up 6-7%, and my algo went up almost 70%. perhaps he meant a spike in interest rates or geopolitical tension, but my investments show no sign of a recession. Be very wary of macro predictions, because Mr. Jikh has always been pessimistic, which is appealing because naturally, he's always right. 3/4 of the business cycle is on the negative side. At the end of the recovery, recesssion, and trough. Since he is right 3/4 of the time, he is considered to be a genius. I have no doubt that he is not a great investor, and knows what he's doing. However, I believe he has fallen for the seductiveness of pessimism.

  33. e m

    Dude everyone at that meeting, except Kazuo Ueda for the Bank of Japan, said a CBDC was the fix to the current inflation and economic issues. Fednow starts up 7/18/23. The whole monetary system is about to change. Also the banking crash has not finished which would be a great excuse to bring in a CBDC. Don't forget the BRICS nations are about to make an announcement.

    TLDR; Dollar is done.

  34. Tony OD Morera

    Sad how history is about to repeat itself….100 years later

  35. HillPhantom

    END of yet we are about to face another rate hike….inflation is NOT in check………JDADDY is pissed we all have jobs……… .smh. This isn't done yet gang.

  36. zxx5

    btc fixes the fed mess

  37. Jentor niño s. Ballen

    Masaya kana kumita ka Ng guti ha na sumira sa Buhay ko ha pinag laruan ninyo Buhay ko sa kakahiyan kahayopan ninyo

  38. Bass Monk

    Where is that UFO tech for endless energy………soon?

  39. Irregular Project

    Yet predicted growth for the US in Q3 is expected to go below 1% which would mean it's shrinking. So I don't really see the recession ending this year.

  40. Svence Johanson

    I just read the tital – are we talking 2025?

  41. Fox Sparrow

    just wait til China invades Taiwan…

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