when its bear market but you cashed out in november 2021:

by | Oct 9, 2022 | Resources | 43 comments

when its bear market but you cashed out in november 2021:


when its bear market but you cashed out in november 2021:

when its bear market but you cashed out in november 2021: from wallstreetbets

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when its bear market but you cashed out in november 2021:

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when its bear market but you cashed out in november 2021:

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when its bear market but you cashed out in november 2021:




  1. actias_selene

    Imagine those who cashed out on tech before the beginning of this year and bought energy stocks.

  2. Diogenes_Epiphany

    Great post.

    Happy I got my Apple stock in March 2020, got some splits and cashed out too

    Roaring 20s are back alive again.

    At least Leo Dicaprio can play a proper Great Gatspy and Wolf of Wall Street and go down with the Titanic in 1 Hollywood career, and was the best Romeo.

  3. WSBro0

    What a happy wolf, walking around with no problems on his mind whatsoever. I think there might be some early BTC adopters who sold last year, they might be the happiest ones.

  4. KingSolomon420

    Ah, so a Fed Chair ?

  5. masstransience

    Oh so you’re FED, SEC or a Congress person.


  6. SilentBreath4962

    Doggy isnt happy, his naked paws are cold so he keeps skipping. His paws are naked because he lost it all, cant afford dog shoes. True WSB regard.

  7. recurrence

    Or you could have invested in a more diversified manner… and be up 5% instead of letting it waste away as cash… but this is a Wendy’s after all.

  8. attofreak

    when it’s bear market and you’re shorting everything in sight

    On top of that, more Putin tantrums, so EU is going to get shafted for a few more months, before (if) things get better.

  9. kibblepigeon

    Looks like that pup is still holding some GME

  10. Newerphone

    That song is pretty bad ass.

  11. RatherFatWiener

    Hey thats when I bought in

  12. Master6777

    I’m the opposite, I cashed in in nov 21

  13. AcrobaticButterfly

    Congress be like

  14. MorningRooster

    It’s called “paper hands” because they stack paper

  15. Pontirez

    What’s the song?

  16. asWorldsCollide2ptOh

    But you still walk like a freak.

    So I call that a win for me.

  17. spellbadgrammargood

    i hate these low quality memes.

  18. TheMountain11

    Haha F—- you

    I’m so sad my tech heavy funds are 1/2 of what they should be.
    And ofc I need to pull some money out to cover a shortfall this year.
    Although I recently floated the idea of borrowing the money from my mom (she won’t invest) and paying her back when the market recovers.

  19. duplicatesnowflake

    Congrats on only losing 10% value in your portfolio. You’re a real savant.

  20. Puzzleheaded-Mode715

    Do you have a video where I buy the dip and the dog gets ran over by a dump truck?

  21. Local_Potato_9101

    I’m happy for you doggo. You’re such a good boy!

  22. UltimateTraders

    Excellent! I started doing puts in October, it was amazing
    Unfortunately I did still buy some stocks, but mainly puts

  23. lomeinfiend


  24. Silent_Palpatine

    Sadly that’s when I bought in. Sigh…..

  25. pengizzle


  26. _simple_man

    Sold all my crypto and AMC back then, not at ATH but with nice profits

  27. TomatoSpecialist6879

    I cashed out all my calls around Christmas week and went 80% 2023 otm leap puts on FB, NFLX, ZM, and 20% into TSLA Feb 1100c. Needless to say, my TSLA calls got absolutely btfo and triggered my stop loss on the first market day which made me lost over 40k. Volatility is great for cowboy swing trading, but not for absolute regards like me who somehow manage to keep taking opposite side of the trade every time. I go on the sub and somehow everyone was making the same fucking play. But at least the puts I’m still holding makes me feel like this.

  28. BornShook

    Yeah because I ran out of money

  29. RedElmo65

    I’m waiting for a bear to come out and eat this thing. Or get smashed by a snow plow!

  30. Link648099

    That was me! Cashed out everything except my GME stock Oct-Nov. Those fed people selling in September for “ethical” reasons was a big red flag for me.

  31. MrCarey

    Haha, so basically just rich people and members of congress.

  32. ONLYallcaps

    Like me!

  33. X2WE

    i did and then bought everything back in Jan 22. regrets all around

  34. redpandaeater

    I just keep putting money in so my cost basis improves. Admittedly though I’m just doing index funds for the most part and it’s still pretty depressing watching the market correct after how stupidly high things got over the pandemic.

  35. Ffdmatt

    Yeah yeah ill see you when you forget to get back in in time, get hit with FOMO and blow your nut on a stupid play.

    One of us. One of us…

  36. tookmyname

    Easy to get out when shit is looking grim. Hard to know when to get back in. Many people never get back in and miss more gains than they avoided losses.

  37. Nixon_livin

    Song name op?

  38. thislifeiffullofcare

    what a good doggie

  39. Eskapismus

    I’m that dog. Got fired end of October. Got a nice severance payment and sold all my shares end of November as this is the proper thing to do when you have a family to feed.

  40. slinkysmooth

    That’s me…

  41. rhetorical_twix

    > when its bear market but you ~~cashed out in november~~ switched to energy stocks in Fall 2021:

  42. ViggoMiles

    I partially cashed out at the time :/ but not for saving reasons

  43. Ascertain_GME

    Upvote for the music alone. That shit is a *banger.*

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