Where investors should look to invest amid inflation

by | Jul 30, 2022 | Invest During Inflation | 28 comments

Where investors should look to invest amid inflation

Kevin O’Leary, O’Shares chairman, joins ‘Halftime Report’ to discuss where to invest amid rising inflation….(read more)

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  1. Michael Morgan

    I'm done sitting tight for the award advance since i acquire$23,000 every 12 days of my investment

  2. Old Doug


    1. We are all just the slaves and money cows owned by corporations.

    2. Corporations exist only because we let them.

    Both statements are true. A real paradox.

    How do we take control of our country back from the corporations?

    The GQP is owned by dark money. The GQP and dark money are stranglling all that is good in america. The usa is toast. Want to save our country? The real culprit is the dark money enabled by citizens united. What is dark money? See senator sheldon whitehouse on dark money, "the scheme." How about hammering congress to increase the IRS budget 100 fold, with instructions to go after corporations and the billionaires and beat the money out of them that is ALREADY DUE under the current tax laws but which the IRS is unable to pursue on its ever shrinking budget. Then close tax loopholes that make the rich richer. Legislate Citizens United out of existence. Legislate the "shareholders interests uber alles" out of corporate law. How about hammering monopolies and restraints on trade? Etc etc etc. Legislate the corruption out of the legislatures — good luck with that. End the (anti-constitutional) filibuster [the anti-majority-rule rule]. Has the democratic party got the will and the balls to do that? Or are they feeding at the same trough? And for all our sake quit hammering the hourly wage earners. Get a couple of trillion out of the OLIGARCHS instead of hammering $100 out of millions of us. Dark money has owned the GQP, the regulatory agencies, congress (with a few notable exceptions on either side), the white house (with only two exceptions, both on the democrat side), since 1961, and, since 1970, the courts. Ike was the last Republican to promote common good. Here we are going into the midterm elections and it is time to ask whether the Democrats are feeding at the same dark money trough as the GQP. They have done nothing to distinguish themselves on this point in the past year.

  3. James Li

    Whats with these crypto bots in the comments

  4. Fuzz Zeballs

    bitcoin is cheap…….

  5. B. Hudson

    What do I like for you as an investor? My companies ETF. That helps me tremendously, so go buy that….you’re welcome

  6. Joseph Joestar

    The last guy I'd listen to lmao

  7. Victoria Edmond

    ✳ The fact is.BTC is the future of crypto and the questions traders ask themselves now if this is right time to invest? before jumping into conclusion i think you should take a look at things first. for the past few days the price of BTC has been fluctuating which means the market is currently unstable and you cant tell if it is going bearish or bullish. while others still continue to trade without the fear of making lose, others are being patient. it all depends on the pattern with which you trade and also the source of your signals. i would say trading has been going smoothly for me, i started with 2.5 BTC and i have accumulated over 12 BTC in just three weeks,,with the trading strategy given to me by expert trader Mr Steve signal…..

  8. Alvin Raymond

    Trying to make sense of cryptocurrencies can be a bit overwhelming for investors. < It's a nascent but promising asset class built on technology that has the potential to disrupt a wide range of industries. For investors, what's probably most attractive is the possibility of life-changing returns. Don't worry, you're not late to the crypto party. We're likely still in the very early innings, leaving you with lots of time to put money to work and learn about this burgeoning market. If you're new to crypto then my advise is that you trade with the guidance of an expert. I have learned from alot of Youtubrs especially my mentor David Mayor, who taught me how to make trade and increase my portfolio to 19 btc lately.

  9. Jeffrey D.

    Hint: not over valued mega cap tech. Look for value in stocks that have been hit hard and continue to get hit hard in the markets. Another hint look at growth stocks with great potential and decent balance sheets.

  10. David

    Yes indeed … buy an overpriced and underperforming Oshare ETF. At least O'Leary can beat inflation that way.

  11. Donel Patterson

    IQST… IQSTEL.. EV Motorcycle / EV Battery manuf / Fintech/ Telecom IoT / Blockchain. Nasdaq uplist mid-2022 plan

  12. Donel Patterson

    ALPP… Alpine 4 Holdings.. 13 companies in 1. EV Battery/ Parts manuf/ Electronics manuf / Drone manuf.

  13. Donel Patterson

    Up 40 % Week… GULTU… Gulf Coast Ultra Deep Royalty Trust. Natural Gas Dividend.

  14. Donel Patterson

    FFIE… Faraday Future… Luxury Artificial Intelligence FF 91 1,050 hp EV. July 2022 Production.

  15. Mohammad Alam

    Jeez he looks like a salesman

  16. ID10T

    Punkinhead is and always will be a #1, top grade Putz, with a capital P…always selling his own snake oil. I'd almost rather buy some Bear Stearns from Cramer…

  17. John Ward

    Kevin is a hack puppet tool nobody trusts him.

  18. Stev Hawk

    The Market has been pretty bad until today it decided to surge. Everybody was Practically Crying then. It kept dipping. That's what you get when you feel you can navigate the process on your own. Big thank to Samantha Jack. I'm not bothered with how bad the Market is because my assests are insured due to her advice and I still receive my profits

  19. david blick

    Never vote for a democrat though.

  20. General Yan

    ETFs really?!? Whatever you do…don't mention the "G" word! OLeary's a puppet

  21. Rich Gebbia

    Inflation is not killing the market… the feds tightening is

  22. Nick King

    Buy some Bitcoin while it is cheap and you don't have to stand on a melting ice cube

  23. F3ND1MUS


  24. Gilbert Martinez

    Just think where we would be if lone Dem DINO Manchin and ALL the GOPhers had not KILLED the green energy and social infrastructure bill …I say we are "soaring" right now and not "sucking" for air. Well now we know why the Cons own all SIX (yea count em) economic crashes …29-87-2000-2001-08 and 2020 …yea yea but but but …oh no no no …THAT many "Coincidences" is nothing but pure negligence …be it economic, national security or health related!! The GOP is COMPLETELY Inept and INCOMPETENT!!!

  25. Lennart

    Nestle is trading at roughly 30 times earnings. Great company, however either price has to go down or growth up. Nestle will not grow with 5% +.

  26. Lear King of Albion

    Great idea. Whatever O’Leary says. What he means is “invest in empty looking Boston. Where we obviously make up the prices and have springtime on Commonwealth Avenue in the depths of winter. 20 years Investing in nobody home made me pretend rich! And a smaht shahk.” Or something. Pointless to argue with Mr. Wonderful unless the narrative is allowed to reflect reality and not a CRaM-generated pretend economy. Spring? From Charles Street? Really. How retro. Maybe Nashua Street. Empty too.

  27. Martin Pupelnickel

    Travelling Nurses dont care because hospitals are paying them 86 dollars an hour – if your thinking about a career in ohio travelling nurses make 86 dollars an hour

  28. Adi C

    The most boring perspective for the day.

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