Where To Put Your Money During Inflation

by | Aug 16, 2022 | Invest During Inflation | 28 comments

Where To Put Your Money During Inflation

Inflation 2021 is happening – current inflation rates are above 5%. So that means it more important than ever to put your money to work and have it invested.

But where should you invest your money? Where can you set yourself to bet the rising inflation rates?

Disclaimer: Please note that this video is made for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken as financial advice. Always make sure to do your own research.

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#inflation2021 #personalfinance #investing…(read more)

LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



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  1. Ed Fanjoy

    I want to donate $$ to Erin Talks Money on Patreon. Couldn't find your channel. Are you listed by a different name?

  2. Raghunath Paralkar

    How about the current threats & roomers in stock & housing market ? Should we shift 41K equity to bonds . I feel i am loosing money in stocks since last two years in 41k.
    The homes are so expensive n not worth .. presently i am confused. I feel for short term (one year ) to shift in bonds .

  3. Trevor Helton

    I understand that index funds rise with inflation, and usually are the cause of inflation. People are saying it is smart to put money into index funds because of this fact. That is fine, my question is, when a crash occurs, doesn't that mean the stocks will as well? Everyone is riding the wave on inflation, but when a crash occurs all the money that you put in during inflation will be lost at a rate that is greater than saving in that time frame. Right?

  4. SL Munney

    Great video.

  5. Junior Crandall

    VTSAX or VTI which one is better preforming all things considered. (management fees, redemption costs, 12-b-1 Etc.

  6. Bri I

    Great presentation! I would add Bitcoin and Ethereum to the long-term investing bucket. One can invest in the Grayscale trusts, GBTC and ETHE.

  7. Chetan Jilhewar

    Can you explain HSA HDHP, also investing HSA account plus 2022 limits for HSA, etc. when you look for new topics. Thanks. This video is good.

  8. Art Stewart

    Watch where the richest Americans are putting a portion of their money. Farmland, ranches, and timberland. Excellent long term investments in a non -inflationary environment, and even better during inflationary times.

  9. Katherine Brooke

    Awww!!! Loved the bloopers! And obviously the content as well. Super useful considerations…

  10. Rob

    Great bloopers! I keep 6 months costs in a mortgage offset account saving me 3% ( Aust). The rest keeps getting pumped into the sharemarket in index funds.

  11. Manuel Campbell

    Best performing assets during inflationary times are precious metals and commodities.

    Three of my biggest stock positions at the moment are :
    – Couche-Tard / Circle K (convenience stores, oil)
    – Suncor / Petro-Canada (oil)
    – Barrick Gold (gold)

  12. trave764

    How much to keep in a rainy day fund? thanks, and love the outtakes.

  13. Katsuya89

    During these high inflationary times i like to be very conservative. So I stick to a traditional 60/40 portfolio consisting of 60% Dogecoin and 40% Shiba Inu. ^_^

  14. Kyle Kelly

    Btc is best performing asset hands down!

  15. RA

    Hedge to inflation? People need to consider putting about 5% of their Net Worth into crypto. I started putting $ into crypto in 2017 and my peer group could not stop laughing. Whelp….4 years later, Im up 107% and growing.

  16. Gavin Hooker

    Hi Erin… Thank you so much for your content.. it has helped me & a lot of my friends a TON! Could you possibly do a video about brokerage accounts? It would be interesting to find out what type of investments you make in brokerage accounts and what you would recommend. In terms of tax efficiency, long hold versus short hold brokerage investments & of course your philosophy for investing in brokerage accounts. ETFs vs index funds, etc. Your wisdom is much appreciated and your passion is UNMATCHED!

  17. Alex S

    Love the videos Erin!
    Always good content, and informative.

  18. Allen Valley

    Not as much upside as stocks, but I recently brought some I-bonds. It's a little bit less risk than stocks and I just want the diversification. Might add REITS to my portfolio too.

  19. Benjamin T

    If I'm already maxing out my Roth IRA every year with VTI/VOO, what do you think about just hoarding cash and waiting for the next stock market dip? I know I know….you can't time the market….or can you??

  20. piper87c

    I was a young man during Carter Presidency. Inflation was terrible. 14% for a car loan, if I recall. It literally sucked the life out of a person.

  21. Mark Sullivan

    Sticking with investing in mutual funds in my 401-k . That’s it slow and steady

  22. slimjseattle

    Erin, please help me. Our condominium association has a significant amount of cash in reserves and the reserve balance is growing every month as we put aside reserves for projects we'll do in 15 years. State law requires our reserves to be invested in FDIC insured accounts. So every year we save more money, only to see the value decrease by inflation and earnings are now at .4% in a CDARS account. So every year we save money but get poorer. It's awful but I don't have any ideas how to make it better. Do you?

  23. Kelly Odell

    I am currently paying extra on my mortgage because I'm guaranteed 2.75% returns and won't have to pay taxes on it either. Always looking for good opportunities to buy so will be back into stocks in 2022 I'm sure.

  24. tony tony

    20 years ago after a divorce,(her decision) I was broke,….and still had to come up with alimony and child support. It was my goal to get 100k into cash so I would never have to worry about money again.20 years later,…after investing everything else I recently retired at 60 with almost 1 million.I still have that 100k in cash earning next to 0,….which is fine with me.It always reminds me of how far I have come. Btw,….the Erin ''bloopers'' were great.

  25. Chris Hollis

    Best investment " VOO" Vanguard S&P 500. It's hard to beat year after year.

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