While the US Dollar Won’t Be Dethroned by China, It Will Cease to Be the World’s Reserve Currency.

by | May 12, 2023 | Self Directed IRA | 19 comments

For decades, the United States dollar has been the dominant global currency, used for international trade, investments, and as a store of value by countries and individuals around the world. However, in recent years, the status of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency has faced increasing challenges and uncertainties. In this video, we explore the possible scenarios and consequences of the United States losing its world reserve currency status, and what it means for the global economy and geopolitics.

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. These videos are for educational purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am merely sharing my opinion with no guarantee of gains or losses on investments….(read more)




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The US dollar has been the world’s reserve currency for decades, providing a sense of stability in global markets. However, recent global events and economic developments suggest that its time as the world’s reserve currency may be coming to an end. While many experts predict that China will soon take its place, there are other possible contenders to consider.

The US dollar has served as the leading reserve currency since the end of World War II. Countries across the world hold US dollars as a means of safeguarding against economic uncertainty. This has provided the US economy significant advantages and ensured its position as a leading superpower. However, recent events have shaken the world’s confidence in the US dollar.

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The current Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in significant economic devastation, particularly in the United States. The Federal Reserve has engaged in unprecedented levels of monetary expansion, and the US government has increased its borrowing to record levels. As a result, many countries are beginning to lose faith in the US dollar, with increasing concerns about its long-term stability.

China has often been touted as the most likely contender for world reserve currency status, given their rapidly growing economy. However, the Chinese yuan is not without its challenges. The country’s political system, restrictive capital controls, and lack of transparency in economic data make it difficult for the yuan to become the world’s leading reserve currency.

Furthermore, China’s economic system relies heavily on exports, which means that rapid economic growth is reliant on global demand. The current global economic downturn, coupled with trade tensions with the United States, may limit China’s ability to become the world’s reserve currency.

Other potential contenders for reserve currency status include the euro and the yen. Both currencies have a strong history and have played a central role in the world economy for decades. The euro is the second most held reserve currency, and the European Union has been making efforts to strengthen the eurozone’s economic and political unity. Meanwhile, the yen has had a longstanding position in global trade, thanks to Japan’s export-driven economy.

In conclusion, while the US dollar’s position as the world’s reserve currency is under threat, it is unlikely that China will take its place. Though China has a growing economy, it still faces significant challenges to become a global currency. Other contenders, such as the euro and the yen, also have strong foundations in the global economy. Regardless of which currency eventually replaces the US dollar as the leading global reserve currency, it is likely that the shift will have significant implications for the global economy for years to come.

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  1. Dawes Lamothe

    Can you join your academy from UK

  2. Chris Lake

    A Fed coin isn't about being tracked. It's about maintaining control over all over currencies and transactions. They want to do away with cash and crypto as well. The Government (might as well call the Fed part of Gov) having control over our digital currency means they dictate what you can and can't buy. They would dictate who you can send money to and how frequently. Individual banks would struggle keeping that up, and if all systems failed, cash would still be there.

    THEN, if you choose to disobey and get caught using an alternative crypto, you will spend years in prison due to global warming or some other virtue signaling bs. Imagine Fed Wire isn't capable of giving you a time limit to spend cash.

  3. D. D.


  4. D. D.

    Champ.. what's your sentiment on 1inch now??

  5. D. D.

    I was following you on Instagram but a 1000 common sense fake pages were dming me. I ended up just deleting my Instagram totally

  6. BJ

    Keep up the good work!

  7. Gerald Jelks

    Petro dollar is done

  8. zxasuk30

    he said what "we" are doing in the US but who is "we?" the US is a company where the employees(citizens) don't have a say so and executives( politicians) wealthy run it.

  9. EST94

    I learned awhile ago these big youtubers view content as a hustle . They will put out anything that gets clicks that week . The following week they put out something contradictory for more clicks . People gotta think for themselves

  10. Diverse Tribe

    You seem to have a lot of libertarian ideas Eli. Have you considered alternative ideologies? Do you think alternative ideologies affect investment strategies?


    USA dollar is already 13 to 1 SA dollar. Lift Cuba too is a rap.

  12. Mashiach Adonai

    Great Show Eli!
    Enemy of the State ~ 1998

  13. JourneyToTheVoid

    Eli are you still implementing certain crypto yielding strategies. Arbitrage, Liquidation and Looping. Do you have courses available for specifically those? I’d like to implement those for myself and my team.

  14. Wayne Backus

    Only fans is crazy lmao

  15. boboskiiz

    NuclearWinter coming

  16. Fight The Bully!

    The difference between the track and trace methods of finance now and whats to come is I can live without my smartphone,zelle, cash app, I can rent a house with cash and live completely untraceable. With digital ID, CBDC's, and this new digital era coming that living untraceable will no longer be an option. They want everyone subjected to this. I read something where they will remove everyone from living off grid and growing there own food. That is the difference they want to remove your free will to exercise options away from them. Also, this bi chip they plan on producing definitely is the mark of the beast because you will have a gps marker implanted in you. You can get rid of your smartphone but it's a wrap after you get chipped.

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