Why This Time is Different: Introducing a Novel Type of Global Recession | Business Beyond

by | Apr 15, 2023 | Recession News | 31 comments

Why This Time is Different: Introducing a Novel Type of Global Recession | Business Beyond

The global economy is at an inflection point. The IMF projects that a third of the world economy will be in recession next year.
War in Europe, a slowdown in China and soaring inflation have contributed to widespread pessimism around a growing, multifaceted economic crisis.
In this episode, we will untangle the threads of the looming global recession. By comparing the current state of the global economy to the 2008 financial crisis, we will be exploring what makes this downturn different.

00:00 Intro
01:19 What’s a recession
03:13 Recap of the 2008 crisis
04:47 Supply crisis
06:23 Inflation
08:49 Hiking interest rates
10:58 Strong labour market
13:15 China’s Zero Covid policy
17:43 Countries bucking the trend
20:06 Conclusion


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The world is seeing a new kind of global recession that is unlike any other. This time around, the reasons for the economic downturn are unique and are caused by factors that have never before been seen in history. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a situation where the world is struggling to cope with the crisis as it spreads across the globe. Many experts believe that this recession will be different from others, primarily because of how it has been triggered.

Unlike the previous recessions that were caused by banking and financial failures, this recession is caused by sudden worldwide lockdowns that have dramatically affected businesses and economies globally. Governments worldwide have been forced to take unprecedented measures to contain the pandemic that has resulted in the loss of millions of jobs and the closure of many businesses.

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The COVID-19 pandemic is no longer only a global health crisis but has transformed into a global economic crisis too. Many countries are experiencing severe economic turmoil as both demand and supply for most goods and services have declined. This pandemic led to a loss of income and jobs that have created lasting repercussions for individuals and families as well as government deficits worldwide.

In the past, global economic crises have largely been driven by issues that were confined to specific regions. This time, however, the impact of COVID-19 is on an entirely different scale. Some countries have been severely hit, while others have so far managed to remain relatively stable. However, even the countries that have managed to control the situation have not been immune to the global economic impact.

Experts are predicting that the road to recovery will be a long and challenging one. Many businesses will have to adapt to new ways of operating, and there will be challenges as governments across the world attempt to manage deficits and implement stimulus packages. However, it is important to remember that the world has overcome previous economic crises, and this one is no different.

The pandemic is still ongoing, and at the current stage, it is quite challenging to predict when it will ease off. The key to achieving a recovery that is sustainable and inclusive is global cooperation. Countries worldwide should collaborate with each other to create a more resilient and equitable global economy, without which the road to recovery will only be more prolonged.

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In conclusion, this new type of global recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is different from previous recessions in many ways. Its scale, complexity, and unique causes all play a significant role. The road to recovery will be challenging, but the world has the experience and knowledge to overcome the difficulties. With global cooperation and sustained efforts, this new kind of global recession can eventually be resolved.

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  1. Savon Pha

    After world war3,new history is proclaim.With the pope whow is of elder age.A reigning leader of religion,summon apond the holocaust.

  2. Savon Pha

    Inflation is cause bye the exchange of our modern world.The effect of financial credits,a change of paper note and coins,for the future.

  3. Savon Pha

    Grobel is requesting more independent jobs at home,working systems format condense.The impact of AI,forces symbolize for IQ to provent overlapse characters.

  4. Betonoszlop

    Bankers will always be the winners

  5. Godson

    This shows how insignificant we are without God.

  6. Bobby mainz

    These are very valuable rules for anybody who wants to get rich. Unfortunately, most people who will watch this video will not really be able to apply the principles. We may not want to admit, but as Warren Buffett once said, investing is like any other profession– it requires a certain level of expertise. No surprise that some people are losing a lot of money in the bear market, while others are making hundreds of thousands in profit. I just don't know how they do it. I have about $89k now to put in the market.

  7. Ean Erickson

    "Central Banks have had enough of inflation?" Maybe stop lending the war machine more money?

  8. Marco Polo

    this year will be a year of severe economic pain all over the nation.. what steps can we take to generate more income during quantitative adjustment?I can't afford my hard-earned $180,000 savings to turn to dust

  9. Anette Tensley

    My mom and I make huge profit on our investment with Mrs Erin mary clancy her set skills are amazing

  10. Andrew Heron

    IMF and World Bank are predicting a recession…. better start investing.

  11. zgameplay

    Get women out of important roles let the competitive sex be lets rise again viva male gender

  12. The Law

    Terror and fear!!! YoU're all going to die!!!

  13. Shelly lofgren

    Inflation is far more harmful to individuals than a collapsing stock or property market because it directly affects people's cost of living, which they immediately feel. It is not surprising that the current market sentiment is extremely pessimistic. In today's economy, assistance is critical if we are to survive.

  14. Pakcik Online

    In general, the state of the world economy is one of cautious optimism.

  15. Arianna Mason Wright

    To my understanding this just proves how much we need an edge as investors because playing the market like everyone else just isn’t good enough. I've been quite unsure about investing in this current market and at the same time I feel it's the best time to get started on the market, what are your thoughts?

  16. Donald Trump Uncensored

    Your naive belief that this will be a "downturn" without job loss is problematic. Do not fear… job loss will be here… in large quantities… within a few months…

  17. Muhammad Adeel

    Listen well and we have the policies

  18. Jefzelif

    A recession as bad it can be, provides good buying opportunities in the markets if you’re careful and it can also create volatility giving great short time buy and sell opportunities too. This is not financial advise but get buying, cash isn’t king at all in this time!

  19. Antony Francis

    There's so much money floating around, why not pay labor and keep them appy. They'll return the favor by paying higher prices for the products labor produces. No wonder the bottom half of the country owns 2% of the country's wealth. The rest is enjoyed by the oligarchs.

  20. Trade Kings

    Investing in alternative income streams that are independent of the government should be the top priority for everyone right now. especially given the global economic crisis we are currently experiencing. Stocks, gold, silver, and virtual currencies are still attractive investments at the moment.

  21. Sandip Navherkar

    This documentry once again proved colonial mindset that they never cover the growth story of india as bright spots along with Indonesia to keep investors attention away from raising economy of this decade

  22. Morgan Wallen

    We are faced with fresh issues every day. It now serves as the norm. We initially mistook it for a crisis, but now we recognize it as a new normal to which we must adjust. What actions may we take to increase income during the quantitative adjustment since 2023 will be a year of tremendous economic suffering for the whole country? I can't allow my $800k in savings to disappear after all my hard work.

  23. Alexandre Richard

    They printed money but instead of bailing out homeowners, they bailed out the banks and stock buybacks. When the supply chain started getting buggy after 'rona, they all tried to beat their competitors into buying whatever stuff they had left to buy, and that's when all that money that could have remained at the upper echelons of finance suddenly hit manufacturing and the avalanche was on its way. As wealth becomes more concentrated to the top, the rich will end up being the ones that get hit the hardest because they are the only ones buying and holding the assets. As for unemployement, the pandemic killed a lot of the elderly and convinced others it was time to retire, that left a hole that the government is going to try and fill up by forcing a bunch of people out of retirement, hence the attack on social security during the debt limit increase fiasco.

  24. Firdaus Hanapiah

    Recession is somewhat good as the economy and environment can take a breather

  25. Joan Carolyn

    If you wanna be successful, you most take responsibility for your emotions, not place the blame on others. In addition to make you feel more guilty about your faults, pointing the finger at others will only serve to increase your sense of personal accountability. There's always a risk in every investment, yet people still invest and succeed. You must look outward if you wanna be successful in life.

  26. Tech Cafe

    maybe a global recession will lead to de-globalization, hopefully

  27. dimpu sai

    War in Ukrainian e
    Zero could policy
    Russia largest provided of gas
    Ukraine one of the largest exp of food ,,,food price#
    Usa 40 year high in inflation
    Increasing the interest rates
    Labour market is quite good and issues of recession

    China crisi @ real estate bubble ,Pande,ic ,semi conducti issues ,gdp 3 percent in 2022 ( fismncial stimulus )

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    A lot of folks have been going on about a January rally and said stocks that would be experiencing significant growth these new year season, any idea which stocks this may be? I just sold my home in the Boca Grande area and I’m looking to remunerate a lump sum into the stock market before stocks rebound, is this a good time to buy or no?

  29. Norman Dolinic

    Why do we still follow the federal reserve orders, they 60-70 year experiment doesn’t work ,END THE FED TODAY. Tell sure congressman. No more roller coaster rides.

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